Zhao Yan’s face with a sneer, let the Six Paths demon continue to attack, Heaven Path demon holding a spear, burst into an amazing momentum, is about to give the final colors energy cover the final blow.


A figure appeared in front of Zhao Wei, and Zhao Quan flew out with a punch. Zhao Fu’s body flew out and landed on the ground and pulled out a big pit.

The attack of the Heaven Path demon has stopped.

Zhao Wei climbed up from the ground, coughing out a mouthful of blood, eyes with a anger, looking at the white-haired boy who appeared in front of him.

The white-haired teenager is naturally the second-ranked person. Originally, he is going to the 3rd level, but he feels the terrible fluctuations scattered here, so he rushes in and looks at Zhao Wei and Bai Shengjun. He does not hesitate to help. Bai Shengjun.

Because Zhao Wei is currently ranked first, his plan has the greatest impact, so he must kill this threat.

The white-haired boy turned and glanced at Bai Shengjun, with a hint of majesty, started talking, “I am both together and striking down in front of this person!”

Bai Shengjun didn’t want to agree, because Zhao Wei is now his enemy, the white-haired boy is helping him, and the dark source crystal he has to get, so that the cultivation technique can be further developed to form Yin-Yang Five Phases World.

Syndra looked at the emergence of such a terrible strong man, shocked and a little bit of fear, the body was quietly receding, intending to escape first.

She had just surrendered to Zhao Wei, naturally she did not have much loyalty, and at that level of fighting, she was unable to help.

Jinlong looked at the white-haired boy and said to Zhao Wei, “The man is very surprised. It should be that some strong person hides the strength and enters Void Vestige. You can be careful, he is terrible.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Wei was also dignified and did not understand why the white-haired boy was involved, as if he had no grudges with him.

“Shuā! ”

The white-haired boy disappeared instantly in the same place, appeared in front of Zhao Wei, palms like claws, with five cold light, caught Zhao Zhao.


A dull voice came out, and Zhao Wei went to the side to hide. The five cold lights brought out by the claws marked five deep paw prints on the ground, two meters deep.

Zhao Wei looked at the white-haired boy with anger. Now that he is involved, he can only fight. Then Zhao Wei is trying to control the Six Paths Demon Statue and attack the white-haired teenager.

Bai Shengjun could make Zhao Yi wishful, stretch out a hand, a root with a strong breath of five colors tentacles shot, wrapped around the Six Paths Demon Statue, now this terrible six monsters, he is responsible for containment.

Zhao Wei’s face changed, and now it is impossible to mobilize the strength of the Six Paths Demon Statue. The situation is somewhat dangerous. Maybe you can consider losing it at this time.

But Zhao Weigang had an action, and the white-haired boy caught a void, and countless bloody aura emerged, condensing a bloody pike, with a ferocious strength, projected against Zhao.

Zhao Wei held Dead Race Sword and slammed it with a gray sword light, smashing the bloody rifle that was shot.

The white-haired boy was holding a long gun, and a sword step rushed forward. The pointed head stabbed Zhao’s throat, and the huge sharpness made Zhao’s hair rise.

Zhao Wei was motionless, and countless black breaths poured into his feet. A black formation of tens of meters wide appeared with a strong sigh.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

A three-finger black thorn, with a fierce strength, stabbed from the black formation. The strength seemed to pierce the steel, and Zhao Yu used the long-available king Profound Truth.

The white-haired teenager has a slight change in face, reaching out, catching a lot of bloody aura, and condensing a bloody long gun. The white-haired boy holds two long guns, and the body rotates, like a whirlwind, bringing out a bloody arc. Numerous stabbing black thorns broke.

Zhao Yiping lifted Dead Race Sword, Dead Race Sword exudes a strong sword light, a slap in the face, a huge sword light to the white-haired boy.


That huge sword light, with fierce sword power, smashed the whirlwind directly, but did not see the white-haired teenager.

Zhao Xin was shocked and felt that the danger behind him was approaching, and a backhand was a sword slash.


The sword light collided with the blood-colored pike, and made a sound of steel intertwined. The long gun that stabbed Zhao Yu was also missed by Zhao Wei.

The white-haired boy coldly snorted, a huge bloody aura emerged, forming a huge blood tiger behind him, making a huge roar, fiercely rushing to Zhao.

72 blood color energy balls floated out from Zhao’s body, forming 72 root blood pistols, and then shot at the same time. 72 roots were shot into a stream of light, running through the body of the huge blood tiger, which turned into countless blood. Blood gas dissipates.


The white-haired teenager didn’t know when it appeared on the side of Zhao’s body, and lifted his foot and kicked it against Zhao Wei. The huge strength kicked Zhao Hao out.


Zhao 甫 light coughing out a mouthful of blood, a look of anger into the Torturing Sword, the whole body of emperor blood began to burn, a terrifying Emperor breath spread, originally bloody Torturing Sword, gradually dyed black blood, with An Emperor is under pressure, like the Emperor.


A loud sound, Zhao Ting’s Torturing Sword, exudes a black sword light, penetrates everything, like a black sun shrouds the world, the whole film Heaven and Earth are immersed in the terrible Emperor, the space is like distortion .

A virtual shadow emerges around Zhao Wei. There is a headless Angel, a broken demon, only the upper body, an elf with only half body, and countless dead souls.

Numerous black-scarred corpses emerged in the body of Zhao Wei, like a vast black corpse sea. A terrifying devastating momentum spread and the Heaven and Earth suddenly changed.

The white-haired boy looked at the trick that Zhao Wei showed, and his face was a bit serious, and a huge blood gas poured out from the body.

Those bloody aura did not dissipate after they emerged, but they were wrapped around the white-haired teenager. Gradually, the blood gas gathered more and more, and the blood was getting stronger and stronger, and a huge pressure came out.


A huge rumbling sound rang, only to see the blood gas constantly changing, expanding, and finally forming a kilometer high blood color Giant, exudes a huge momentum of heaven and earth, making the world tremble.

Zhao Wei waved the sword in his hand. The huge corpse sea, with the terrifying momentum sweeping the world, rushed to the bloody Giant.

The blood-colored Giant held a long gun and screamed at the sky with a brave and invincible momentum.


The huge black corpse sea and the blood-colored Giant rushed into the charge, and a loud-shaking loud noise was heard. Numerous corpses were turned into numerous black breaths under the impact of Giant, and the strength of the blood-colored Giant was also rapidly reduced. .

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