
a loud sound broke out, two big hands hit together, a huge impact broke out, a hot air wave spread, the water vapor disappeared around, and countless plants were yellow.


Seeing that Bai Shengjun could not be attacked, Zhao Shuda shouts, the six gray points of the right eye swiftly turned, and countless ghosts poured out, and only one fiercely fiercely rushed to Bai Shengjun, like a tide.

Bai Shengjun eyes double-condensed, hands off the holding of the five colors sword, hands began to print, hands give a green light.


Bai Shengjun pressed one hand on the ground, a strong green light wave spread out, a green vine broke out, with a rapid strength, shot at the ghosts, just an instant, countless ghosts were tied by vines.

Zhao Wei is sneered, a light drink, “Supernatural Soldier !”

I saw those ghosts that were tied up, turned into a group of ghosts, formed a different weapon, a sword and axe, etc., but when they were out of the control of the vines, with a sharp momentum, they shot at Bai Shengjun.

Bai Shengjun was surprised, the five colors energy cover instantly expanded.


A loud sound was issued, and tens of thousands of ghost soldiers hit the energy palette at the moment, and the five colors energy cover was broken, and countless ghost soldiers shot into it, and they saw the body of Bai Shengjun worn out.

The body of Bai Shengjun can be turned into a stream of light, and the shot into the ground disappears in place. A ghost soldier was hit on the ground, and a dull voice was heard. The ground directly collapsed into a large pit of more than ten meters.


The next second Bai Shengjun’s body appeared behind Zhao Wei, the sword in his hand spurred the five colors sword glow, and forced to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Xin’s heart was tight, his hair was erected, and his backhand was a sword, blocking Bai Shengjun’s blow.

“Ah! ”

Bai Shengjun screamed, the body ignited a five colors mist, and a strong wind blew, Bai Shengjun flew out Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei, who flew out, stopped his body, a pair of ice-cold staring at Bai Shengjun, flattened Dead Race Sword, emperor blood was completely burned, and a huge Emperor pressure made everything fall into silence.

Numerous aura of death emerged, and a figure wearing a palace skirt appeared. Then the figure, with an aura of death, rushed to Bai Shengjun, like a huge wave, unstoppable.

Bai Shengjun’s hands in the colors of the sword, shooting countless light, the five colors of the body, also set off three meters high, Bai Shengjun force a glimpse, a five colors sword glow, with a smashed strength fly out.


The huge five colors sword glow collided with the aura of death wave, and numerous sword glows and aura of death collapsed. In the end, the aura of death was even bigger, crushing the five colors, and Bai Shengjun from the air. shoot down.

Bai Shengjun, who fell to the ground, said with a hint of anger, “I admit that you are very strong. If it was before, I may not be your opponent, but now I am not the former Bai Shengjun.”


Bai Shengjun finished, a five colors Pendant radiated a strong radiance, floating from his clothes, a strength beyond the imagination, instantly poured out like a spring, the ground and the void can not withstand collapse.

The ray of the five colors is plunging from the sky, and the world is immersed in fear.

Jin Long reminded, “The man used the strength that Supreme Being prepared for him. You must be careful with Zhao Wei.”

Zhao Yan heard the words and nodded seriously.

“Five Elements World !”

Loudly shouted, a five colors energy hood, with the strength of the story spread, the speed is extremely fast, just a moment of things, and a peaceful-shaking roar, the ground is also completely fragmented, the square kilometer everything is turned into nothingness.

A wide hundred kilometer, a large pit hundreds of meters deep appears on the ground, and in the big pit, there is a 10,000 meter wide five colors energy hood, which is like a world, there are ground, blue sky, stream, flowers and plants Mountains.

This 10,000-meter five colors energy hood constantly devours the surrounding strength, and the surrounding space is constantly collapsed. Heaven and Earth are eclipsed, chaotic, and thunderous, like the end of the world.

Bai Shengjun A bottle of eyes flashed a killing intent, and looked at Zhao Wei, “Today is your death, what are your last words to say?”

Zhao Wei coldly snorted, asks, “Is it? Then wait for you to have the opportunity to kill me!”


A rumbling sound sounded, and a ghost gas dozen meters high ignited from Zhao’s body, and a cold storm hit the surrounding.

Bai Shengjun didn’t say anything, cold face and a hand extended to Zhao Wei, pushing hard, the 10,000-meter wide five colors energy hood, carrying a piece of strength like a world, hit Zhao Zhao go with.

The speed is extremely fast, the space is constantly collapsing, and the pressure is enough to crush some small stones into powder. I am afraid that the gods cannot stop.

Looking at the 10,000-meter wide five colors energy hood, I quickly rushed to Zhao Wei, and Zhao Wei was about to be smashed into meat.


At this time, Zhao Wei tore the clothes on his chest. A gray bead floated out from Zhao’s chest, and six chains were shot at a rapid speed.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Six rumbling sounds, the whole film of Heaven and Earth is a tremor, and then the moment is like a static, a dreadful ghost sweeps the world, making the world a ghost, six high-kilometer figure, with Destroy the heaven and exterminate the strength of the earth, appearing in the sky.

That was the “Six Paths Demon Statue!” during the heyday.

The 10,000-meter-wide five colors energy hood, with the destruction of a world, fiercely slammed into Zhao Wei, at this time six high-meter Six Paths Demon Statue, raised the huge arm, with destroy everything The strength, a shot against the energy of the five colors.


A heaven-shaking bang broke out, the 10,000-meter wide five colors energy hood was shot off the ground, the shock wave spread, the ground was layered open, the boulder smashed, countless trees uprooted, a tens of thousands of meters The big pit appeared.

Bai Shengjun had a shock in his face. He didn’t think that Zhao Wei had this means. He originally thought that using the five colors can striking down Zhao Wei. Now it seems that Zhao Wei is still underestimated.

At this point, the Six Paths Demon Statue has surrounded the 10,000-meter wide five colors energy hood, raised one arm, with the strength of destroy, banging on the energy palette of the five colors.

From a distance, it has been shrouded in dark clouds and shimmering with terrifying light, where the devastating fluctuations of a stock spread.

Shishu Ge, Ming Jian, You Quan, everyone, has come to 4th level and rushed to the place where terrifying breath is coming. As the distance gets closer, everyone can’t help but stop because they find that breath is exactly what Zhao Fu’s breath.

“What’s the matter? That Imperial Prince is actually fighting a peerless Heaven’s Chosen, which is more terrifying than the previous battle.”

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