The light is dim, the wind is sobbing, the sky is full of cracks, it is slowly repairing, the ground cracks a crack, the stone is scattered everywhere, a mess, and countless people are watching the scene in horror, this is the battle caused by two Imperial Prince.

The goalkeeper, who guards the Red Gate, is surprised. This battle is also the most terrible battle they have seen in the last millennium. The two Imperial Princes did not disappoint them.

In the sky, Zhao Yi holds the Torturing Sword with some blood on his chest. Zang Mingyue is much worse in the big pit on the ground. His body is almost red with blood and his breath is weak.

Zhao Wei’s eyes burst into a killing intent. Such a person does not kill, and then he suffers from infinity. After he let Empire come, Zhao Wei does not know how to die.


Zhao Wei’s body disappeared in the same place, and the next second appeared in front of Zang Mingyue. A sword brought out a sharp sword light and bowed to Zang Mingyue.

Zang Mingyue hurriedly took a wave, with a strong knife, and the sword light that Zhao Wei waved, and the sword intersected and made a snoring sound.

Zhao Wei’s face stunned, the body ignited a black flame, and pressed Zang Mingyue with a sword. The knife in Zang Mingyue’s hand was pressed down a little. He looked at Zhao Wei with a fierce look and suddenly screamed.


A strong breath broke out from Zang Mingyue’s body, and Zhao Zhao was shaken out. I saw the blood of Zang Mingyue’s body. It seemed to be burning. Like the purple blood flame, the climax of the strong Emperor breath, such as The tide generally sweeps all directions.

Zhao Wei coldly snorted, also burned emperor blood, the black blood of the mist ignited, a strong Emperor breath spread.


Zhao Yi and his sword waved, with a lot of blood color sword light, to Zang Mingyue, and Zang Mingyue with a knife to resist, but still flew out.

Zang Mingyue looked ugly at the time of falling to the ground. Now he knows that with the strength of his Imperial Prince, he is not the opponent of Zhao Yi’s fake. Although he does not want to admit this shame, he does not understand Zhao’s opponent.

Zang Mingyue a pair of eyes coldly staring at Zhao Wei, loudly said, “Today, this hatred, Zang Mingyue, remember, he must ask you to kneel on the ground and beg me not to die.”

When Zhao Wei heard this, he understood what he was doing, and Zang Mingyue reached out, and countless chains took the fierce strength to Zang Mingyue.

Zang Mingyue’s body gradually blurred, and sneered against Zhao Wei, swaying a huge knife, smashing the numerous chains that had been shot, and then disappeared in place.

“Is that Imperial Prince escaped?”

Zang Mingyue, who looked at the disappearance, understood that the result of this battle was Zhao Wei’s victory. The arrogant Imperial Prince fled, and many people took a sigh of relief and expressed that they did not like the Imperial Prince.

The goalkeeper next to the red door, there is nothing unexpected, because from the Emperor breath from Zhao Yu, Zhao Wei is obviously more than a few times stronger than Zang Mingyue.

At this time, everyone looked up at the fear of watching Zhao Wei, this Imperial Prince is really terrible, the front defeated another Imperial Prince, this battle is also very convincing and recognized, no one has opinions.

Zhao Yu frowned and looked at the disappearing Zang Mingyue. He chose to quit Void Vestige. Now Zhao Wei can’t kill him naturally, and the in the future may be troublesome.

And Zang Mingyue withdrew, Zhao Wei got a reminder, “You fight with another Imperial Prince in front of the goalkeeper, in line with the duel condition, another Imperial Prince exits Void Vestige, for the defeated party, you get all his points.”

Looking at this one, Zhao Wei opened the leaderboard and saw it.

The 1 name, the name is unknown, and the points are 1million.

The 2 name, the name is unknown, and the points are 78 million.

The 3 name, the name is unknown, and the points are 55 million.

The 4 name, Bai Shengjun, earned the integral 510,000.

The 5 name, Yue Ye, gets the points 3hundred thousand.


Zhao Wei was a little surprised, plus Zang Mingyue’s points, Zhao Fu’s ranking directly ranked first, and now reach a million points, 220,000 points higher than the previous first, I did not expect this harvest, but also an accident The joy.

Originally, the number one ordinary young man also showed a surprised expression. He did not expect that the person who was before, just surpassed him in an instant, and more than 200,000 more than him, which made him serious.

The second-ranked white-haired boy, with a look of anger, everything is as his guess, the man is very dangerous, and now he still takes the first place, then his plan is several times more difficult, maybe he can’t get that thing. .

Bai Shengjun, the fourth place, looked at the rankings and said nothing. He just sighed and was curious. Who is this person and why is it so amazing?

“Master! You are really powerful,”

At the end of the battle, Nine-tailed Fox Ahri rushed into Zhao’s arms, a pair of eyes looking at Zhao Wei with a gaze.

Zhao Wei smiled and looked at the nine tails behind her. Zhao Wei couldn’t help but think of Little Nine. There are a lot of people around him and Jiuwei.

For example, the hills of Qingqiu Mountain, they have nine blood vessels, Young Patriarch Su Dafei, and then Tamamo-no-Mae, which is itself a Nine-tailed Fox, then Little Nine, now with an Ahri.

Did not think much, Zhao Wei took people to the door of the mahogany, then the goalkeeper shoved the door away, but cautioned, “Imperial Prince! You can enter the Red Gate without trial, but your subordinate needs to be tested. Refining can enter.”

Zhao Yi heard a word, thought about it, and let everyone stay here. First, there are too many people here, which is very inconvenient. Second, 4th level enters the 3rd Order section, and the danger is expanded several times. For the sake of safety, they can only stay.

Some women heard that they had to be separated from Zhao Wei and stayed at 5th level, showing that they were very unwilling, but Zhao Wei’s attitude was firm and they did not dare to insist.

Zhao Yuhua flew into the red door for a stream of light. The 5th level also recovered from the previous appearance. When Zhao Wei was there, everyone could not help but be careful. The voice was not dare to be bigger. deterrence.

There is no scruples now, the trial of the trial, going to 4th level through trial preparation.

After entering the Red Gate, Zhao Wei came to a hillside, where the light was very dim, the visible range was relatively low, and the silence was here, as if there were hidden murders around him, and he could not help but be afraid of fear.

The 4, 3, and 2 layers, also known as the Dark Three Domains, are the most dangerous 3-level of the Void Vestige, where the Void Beast has reached Saint Realm, and if a group is surrounded, the World Realm strong will run away.

Because Ling Feixue has not been to 4-level, Zhao Wei knows less information, and then everything depends on himself.

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