
The bloody dragon mask was shattered by Zhao Yiyi’s sword slash. Shyvana’s body was flung out, and Zhao Yuji shot countless chains, and Shyvana hangs in the air.

Zhao Yan followed the prompts and straightened the chain and began to tear Shyvana’s body.

Aaaaaaaah ……

Shyvana screamed with constant pain, feeling that the body was being torn apart a little, and blood was coming out of the wound.


Shyvana’s body was torn apart, arms, legs, heads, and chests were separated, and countless corpses were spilled down, hoping that a beautiful, heroic head would fall on the ground, as the ball rolled.

Zhao Yan frowned and looked at the slowly disappearing body and moved on.


Suddenly a weapon of a flywheel, with a huge strength, shot from Zhao Wei, Zhao Yan’s expression in front of him, the flywheel was pulled out, and a person came out.

She has a long red hair, fair skin, very beautiful appearance, body is also very full, wearing a tight armor, the atmosphere is also very strong, she just shot Zhao Fu’s people.

The Battle MistreSS ・Sivir, a mercenary with a ruthless reputation. With her courage and never-ending ambition, she has gained amazing fame and fortune.

Sivir stretched out the void, and the flywheel that was shot by Zhao Wei automatically returned to her hand, then threw it hard. The flywheel rotated and brought out a cold light, which flew toward Zhao.

Zhao Wei stretched out a hand, and countless ghosts poured out to form a ghost hand, which would fly and come to the flywheel to catch it, and lightly shouted, “Ghost!”

Numerous ghosts suddenly burst from Sivir and rushed to her. Sivir waved his fist and striked down a dozen ghosts, but it was still thrown by ghosts.

Evil Ghost opened the mouth full of fangs and began to bite the meat of Sivir. He ate it bit by bit, Sivir screamed in pain, and eventually he lost his pain. The body seemed to be eaten. net.

Zhao Wei feels a little numb and continues to walk forward.

A figure blocked Zhao Wei at one time. She was voluptuous and wore a black tight-fitting armor with a short black hair. The bangs on the left side covered her eyes and looked beautiful. There were two swords at the waist.

The Grand Duelist Fiora, the youngest descendant of the Laurent family, is also a very powerful swordsman.

The two sides looked at each other. After ten minutes, a scream of screaming sounded, and a sharp sword arc cut the meat of Fiora a little bit. Finally, there was only a pair of blood-red skeletons, which were very cruel and bloody. .

Fiora’s body disappeared once, Zhao Xiao sighed and looked forward. I don’t know how long this road is. It seems that five women have been killed. If this is going on, then Zhao must become abnormal. .

Looking forward, if it has always been like this, then you can only give up this ruin. Zhao Wei does not want to continue to kill this way.

Although Zhao Wei is not a good person, he really does not like this constant killing. Unless there are some people who have deep hatred and hatred, these women and Zhao Wei have no hatred.

Perhaps it was the idea of ​​Zhao Fu’s, a door appeared in front of Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei curiously opened the door, appeared in a bedroom, decorated very pink and lovely.

In the middle of the big bed, lying a charming woman, she is wearing a tube top skirt, sexy body, white skin, beautiful appearance, a long black hair, a pair of ears, golden fox eyes, and nine tails .

Nine-tailed Fox A fox, a fox wandering in the jungles of southern Ionian, dreams of becoming a human.

“Hint! People who are in front of rape and kill can be cleared in advance.”

Looking at the beauty of the bed, I have already looked at the prompt. Zhao Shantou feels very painful. This kind of thing he has never done before, and some touched his bottom line. Zhao Wei did not want to do this.

But this reminder shows that the woman in front of the traitor and the murder will pass the customs clearance in advance, that is, after killing her, everything can be ended.

When Zhao Yu was hesitating, A raccoon came down from the bed and came to Zhao Wei and smiled charmingly. “It seems that you are not completely bad, but you can’t pass the perverted trial.”

“However, that distorted metamorphosis, so I like to value you, but also break the rules to give you a shortcut. As long as you put me like that, it must pass the perverted trial.”

Ahri finished, seductively laughing and holding Zhao’s neck, sexy red lips kissing Zhao Wei, “Come on! I won’t blame you, you don’t have to worry, I won’t really die, as long as you can pass That perverted trial, we can not be tortured like this, if you want, in the future, I will serve you every day.”

Zhao Wei still hesitated. Although Ashi himself said this, and he would not really die, but he really has to do that kind of thing, Zhao Wei still can’t go.

“Good luck! You hurry!” Ahri kept kissing and yelling at Zhao Wei, urging Zhao to hurry to do that, and then kill her.

However, Zhao Wei is still hesitant and unable to start.

At this moment, a sharply twisted sound sounded, “Hurry up Ah! As long as you do that, you can pass my trial, then you are my master, you can also get rid of the legacy Oh! You can kill everyone, you Will become a peerless powerhouse.”

Upon hearing this voice, Ahri stopped and said softly in Zhao’s ear. “This is the metamorphosis. It seems that it really likes you! If you are good, you can kill me quickly?”

Zhao Wei thought a little, but gently pushed away Ahri, plainly said, “This trial I want to quit, I don’t want to continue.”

Ahri heard that his face had become pale. If Zhao Wei did not pass the trial, then those of them would always be abused.

“Master! I beg you.”

Ahri’s eyes were tearful, and he said pitifully, he was called Zhao Wei as the master.

Zhao Wei is still unmoved, because he heard the abnormally distorted voice, which shows that it is not Zhao Wei, but the one that is urgent. Zhao Wei does not want to be passive, so he must take the initiative.

“Sorry! I have to leave to find other ruins.” Zhao Yu said in a plain tone and left.

“Wait! Don’t go, you come over, you passed the trial.”

See Zhao Zheng really want to go, that a twisted and sharp voice, hurriedly shouted to Zhao Wei.

When Zhao Wei heard this, he was speechless for a while. He knew that he would not have to be in trouble before, and he was curious about what he would get, what is this legacy, and what is the sound?

Ahri heard this and couldn’t help but laugh and laugh because he was excited and happy.

Zhao Wei turned to a bloody light door and stepped into it to a bloody room. There was a stone platform with a blood sword.

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