This thing is undoubtedly the most suitable life-saving, can be directly teleported in case of danger, but this cloak teleport ability can only be used three times a day, which makes the value lower, but it feels good.

Packing up the spoils, Zhao Wei took the Morafi three, left the danger zone, and planned to go to 8th level.

Of course, the customs clearance token is required in advance, and the ninth customs clearance token is no longer the leader of the Striking down Void Beast, but by luck. The tokens appear randomly everywhere and need to be looked around.

Zhao Wei feels very troublesome, but listening to Ling Feixue said that when the token appears, the surrounding ten miles will shine, making it easy for everyone to find.

Later, Zhao Wei took a few people to look for it. During the period, he also met several pairs of people. Although Zhao Wei had only four people, they were too jealous of Zhao Wei’s strength and did not dare to do anything to Zhao Wei’s party. Open Zhao Wei.

Rooaaar ……

Numerous roars rang, and countless Void Beast attacked a group of people. There was a young man in the group and seven beautiful women. They were a group of people in Longyang.

Now they have a little injury on their body, constantly attacking Void Beast, his face is very ugly, and in the face of the constantly coming Void Beast, they may still die here.

Áooooo ……

Longyang screamed with strong golden light, and the two palms pushed hard. Eight giant golden dragons flew out with a terrible strength, and smashed a Void Beast into a meat mud, which also opened a bloody road.

“You are going!”

Longyang looked at the seven women who were beloved, loudly shouted, and he broke out all the strengths for their safety and didn’t want anyone to be killed or injured.

Seven women looked at Longyang’s desperate efforts to protect them, and they were moved to tears. Several people also said, “I am willing to stay and live with him.”

Longyang looked at the seven beloved women in front of her, and her heart was wrapped in a warm love, but she still succumbed to the seven women, and now they will not only die but still drag him.

The last seven women fled from here, and Longyang also used all means to attack Void Beast madly, and Void Beast was constantly coming.

Zhao Wei took a few people from Morafi and flew in the sky, looking for the ninth customs clearance token.

At this time, I also saw seven women who had some embarrassed escapes. Zhao Wei had some impressions on them. They knew that they were women in Longyang. They had mocked themselves several times before.

There is also Longyang, and there have been insults to Le Yuyu. Now in the Void Vestige, there is still no scruples. Zhao Wei flies with people and stops the seven beautiful women.

A red dress, with bright red lips, looks very good, but with a barbaric temperament, she is PrinceSS Huoyan, a beautiful woman with a enchanting temperament, named PrinceSS Qiumei,

Next to a hot, very beautiful woman, her name is PrinceSS Hannan, a tall figure, looks attractive, with a cold and arrogant woman, her name is PrinceSS Hanshuang.

A woman with a soft temperament and a white dress named Prince SS Bairou, a sexy and cheerful girl named Jiangan Princess, a beautiful and generous man in the name of Prince SS Wulin.

The seven of them were stopped by Zhao Wei, and they felt the strong breath of Zhao Wei and his party. His face was pale and he just fled the danger. He did not expect to meet such a group of powerful people.

“Where is Longyang?”

Zhao Wei’s tone lightly said that he did not put Longyang and the seven women in his eyes. It was only a small grudge, and it was now solved.

When I heard Zhao Fu’s voice, the seven women slammed into the heart, and instantly understood who the cloak was in front of him. This time, when she reached the mold, she met him.

I did not expect that he really came to Void Vestige, seven women looked desperate because they understood that it was absolutely impossible to escape in his hands, and before they and Zhao Wei had some grudges, they did not ridicule Zhao Xiao.

Now that I see real people, they are really scared, and the body can’t help but tremble.

“You are a group of stinky women, are we going to ask you something? Not to mention that I will kill you all.” Mosak pointed at them fiercely with a huge steel fork.

Morafi calmly stayed aside, and Lin Yan’er smiled at the seven women.

This made the seven women look back and look at each other with pity and sadness. The most calm PrinceSS Hanshuang calmed started talking, “Imperial Prince! I know we have had a holiday with you, we are now officially apologizing to you, still We are willing to dedicate an undiscovered ruin to you, hoping that you will not hurt us and save us.”

Other princesses a pair of eyes are full of hopes to Zhao Wei, with Zhao Fu’s strength, they will be saved, the relic is relatively important.

“Undetected remains?”

Zhao Yan’s expression was a face, facing the eyes of the seven women’s wings, sneered, and waved, and numerous chains were suddenly shot and tied up.

Seven women struggled in panic, PrinceSS Hanshuang paled and said, “Imperial Prince, why are you doing this?”

They have a hatred with Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei does not kill them even if it is good, how could they save them, and since there is hatred, Zhao Wei will not be polite, directly force the whereabouts of the relics, so simple and direct, will not be like that trouble.

“Let’s say! Where is the ruins, it’s better to hurry, maybe I can give you a good time.” Zhao Wei sneered in front of the seven beautiful women.

Seven women looked angry, or ice-cold, or hatred, or complained of Zhao Wei, they understood that Zhao Wei had let them go.

PrinceSS Hanshuang ice-cold’s started talking, “We won’t say it. You can’t get it if you kill our ruins. It’s a big relic, I’m afraid it’s missed with Imperial Prince.”

In the face of this tough attitude, Zhao Wei coldly snorted, injected Six Desires Demon Qi into their bodies, making them look red and shy, body twisting, while cursed Zhao Wei bastard, scum, scum.

Zhao Wei asked again, seeing their attitude is tough and firm, Zhao Wei is worth to inject more Six Desires Demon Qi.

Finally, the cold and proud PrinceSS Hanshuang, the face of the flushed half-squatting, the body uncontrollably served Zhao Wei, vaguely said, “Imperial Prince! Remains and my body can give you, but please let us go, and go Save us and be fair.”

Her mind continued to resist the erosion of Six Desires Demon Qi, because Zhao Wei wanted to be reliced, so they did not completely lose.

Zhao Wei coldly snorted, pulled over the hot PrinceSS Hannan, then PrinceSS Hannan served Zhao Wei, a pair of eyes staring at Zhao Wei with anger, vaguely said, “I will not give in to you!”

Pushing her away, Zhao Wei pulled over PrinceSS Qiumei, and PrinceSS Qiumei looked at Zhao Wei, and served Zhao Wei with all her strength. She said vaguely, “Your Majesty! I must serve you well, please let us go, and go. Save us and be fair.”

Zhao Yan had a cold face and pulled another PrinceSS Bairou. After all seven tried, Zhao Wei suppressed Six Desires Demon Qi in their body and said with anger, “If you can’t get good things in the remains, I will I pulled some of your skins off the skylight.”

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