“Okay! Look at there are any relics. If we don’t get the customs clearance token as soon as possible, go to 9th level!” Zhao Yan gently tapped Lin Yan’er’s head.

Lin Yan’er stood up and snorted sexyly, glaring at Zhao.

Later, Zhao Yan continued to explore several relics with Lin Yan’er, and still found nothing. The remains have already been discovered.

“Your Majesty! Look at that ranking.” Lin Yan’er said suddenly and shocked.

Zhao Wei looked strangely at the page, and his heart was a little shocked. I saw it on the page.

The 1 name, the name is unknown, and the point is 140,000.

The 2 name, the name is unknown, and the score is 1hundred thousand.

The 3 name, Zang Mingyue, gets the points 9 million.

The 4 name, Bai Shengjun, earned points 8 million.


The first place actually got 140,000 points, which is a bit scary, because Zhao Fu’s body’s points are only a few hundred, who is the first place, how can there be such a terrible strength.

There is also the second place is also powerful, there are 1hundred thousand points, the first and second names are hidden, it is not clear who it is.

Third place Zang Mingyue, this person has not heard of it, the strength should be very strong.

Zhao Wei, the fourth person, knew that he was taken by Supreme Being, the most extraordinary Heaven’s Chosen of the ancient Stem Domain. As the person of Ancient Stem Domain, Zhao Wei knows him well, but his strength is Ranked fourth, how strong is the top three?

This made countless people shocked and looked at the leaderboard. The Void Vestige opened, which was unexpected.

Originally confident Dao Cultivation Sect collectively silenced, they thought that there was Bai Shengjun, this time Void Vestige ranked, their Dao Cultivation Sect is definitely the first, now it is only ranked fourth, there are three people above him.

Bai Shengjun’s face is also serious, understand that this time Void Vestige not simple, things are somewhat beyond his expectations.

Zang Mingyue looked at the leaderboard and his face was full of anger. With the strength of his Imperial Prince, he could override everyone in the Outer Territory, but now he was stepped on by the two, which is why he looks down on the character of the Outer Territory. Say, it is humiliation.

Next to the emperor, Zang Mingyue, softly persuaded, “Imperial Prince! Don’t be angry, you will definitely surpass them.”

It is said that Zang Mingyue’s anger is only a little reduced. I just want to let them lead a little, then smile and hold some emperors in their arms and walk in their hands.

The white-haired boy who is already at the 9th level has a dignified face and looks at the first place. He feels the full pressure and only hopes that there will be no accidents this time.


a ray of light The door fell with a huge momentum, a young man with an ordinary appearance, smiled into it and entered the 8th level.

This ranking not only shocked the Great Kingdom sect, but also countless people brought in the Void Vestige, the strength of the top four is simply not a grade.

They only have a few hundred thousand points, they are already hundred thousand points, the fifth person, a little normal, only 30,000 a little more points, also obviously and the top four, not a grade.

The fifth-ranked person is also the most outstanding person in the field. He is even ranked in the top five, and it is very different from the previous rankings. This makes their entire domain look bad and feels a heavy blow.

“Your Majesty! What should I do now?”

Lin Yan’er looked at Zhao Wei, and the top four performances were too outstanding. Zhao Wei in front of her did not show her strength. She also believed that Zhao Wei would not lose to them.

Zhao Wei was caught in thinking. In fact, Zhao Hao did not care about the points. He was more concerned about what kind of substantial rewards he could get. Those points would be effective in the last layer. If you can’t reach the last level, it will be useless.

The last layer of Zhao Wei is definitely going to go, so Zhao Wei also made a decision not to waste time on the tenth floor and go directly to the 9th level. Anyway, there is nothing to be found here.

“Go! Go to the customs clearance token and go to 9th level.” Zhao Wei walked with Lin Yan’er diameter and was going to get the customs clearance token to 9th level.

The tenth level of the customs clearance token, which needs to be striking down to a leader-level Void Beast, can be obtained, because Zhao Wei had heard Ling Feixue in detail before, so I understand it.

Less than a moment, a huge abyss is in front of Zhao Wei, this abyss does not know how long, but there are tens of thousands of miles wide, the sun does not reach the bottom, the depths of the abyss do not know how deep, anyway, a dark, with a The chill of the stocks.

Zhao Wei looked strange and went to the danger zone in the mouth of Ling Feixue. This abyss is the abyss spoken by Ling Feixue.

Lin Yan’er felt the chill of the bottom of the abyss, and there was a hint of fear in his heart. He said, “Your Majesty! Let’s leave! Listening to Sister Feixue is dangerous.”

Zhao Wei stared at the abyss, but made an amazing decision. “Let’s go down!”

Lin Yan’er asked in surprise. “Do you really want to go down? It is really dangerous. It is said that no one has come out of it.”

Zhao Wei looked at the abyss and nodded seriously. “Because it is so dangerous here, I have to go down and see if there are amazing gains below. If you are afraid, stay here!”

Lin Yan’er shook his head with Zhao Yan’s arm. “The family’s family is also going down!”

Void Vestige is so dangerous, Lin Yan’er doesn’t want to leave Zhao Wei, and he is very convinced that Zhao Fu’s ability, maybe it can really be harvested below.

Zhao Wei picked up Lin Yan’er’s delicate body and jumped to the abyss. Zhao Fu’s cultivation base was able to fly, so it would not be afraid to fall. This is also the most direct and fastest way to the bottom of the abyss.

Two people fell quickly, and from a distance, it seemed that several stones had fallen, and they fell into the darkness.

Into the darkness, Zhao Wei took out a moment to illuminate the orbs, illuminate the surroundings, and the body continues to fall towards fallings.

This abyss really didn’t know how to hide. Zhao and his two went to falling downwards for a few hours. Actually, Zhao Wei suspected that there was no bottom in this abyss.


Zhao Wei felt a huge suction underneath, and Zhao Zhao and his two went down to the ground, causing Zhao Yu to fall faster than the previous fall.

At this moment, Zhao Wei immediately exerted his flying ability, but it was pulled down by the huge suction.

Lin Yan’er was afraid of Zhao Wei.

Clang clang clang ……

Numerous chains sounded, and the golden eyelids of Zhao Wei’s left eye swiftly turned. Numerous chains were shot from the void, pulling the bodies of Zhao’s two people, causing their bodies to stop falling downwards.

At this time, Zhao Wei finally found that there are still hundreds of meters to reach the bottom of the abyss.

However, that terrible suction is still there, Zhao Wei can only extend the chain a little bit, so that the body slowly descends and finally reaches the abyss.

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