Zhao Wei smiled and couldn’t help but continue to test the ability of the fish spirit. The next step was to use the space teleport. I saw that the body of the fish spirit flashed everywhere, and the speed was very fast. It seemed that many avatars appeared.

Then, Zhao Wei called the fish spirit to stop and handed him several sugars made of rare materials. The fish spirit was very happy to accept it, and laughed and screamed a few times.

After a few days of getting along, the fish spirit is not afraid of Zhao Wei, as if Zhao Zhao as a brother.

Zhao Xiao smiled and licked his head and found that the fish spirit was quite flattering.

At this time, a Soldiers said in front of the obituary, “Your Majesty! There are some things in the Temple of the Waste.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Yi nodded, and immediately came to the Temple of the Desolation, only to see the blood here, the bloody gas that spread out, very fierce, can directly hurt people, so that there is no one close.

Zhao Yuyu from Emperor’s Domain, resisting the bloody gas and walking directly into the Temple of the Waste.

A figure that radiates strong blood and appears in front of Zhao Fu’s. This is a neutral woman, and even some people can’t distinguish between men and women, but they are very full-bodied, wearing a blood coat and spreading a strong sense of spirit.

She saw Zhao Wei coming, and looked up proudly and said, “You are the Lord of this place? Despicable flying mortal, seeing this God why don’t you bow down? Not afraid of this God’s punishment?”

Zhao can’t help but smile, but he also found the reason, such as the gods, a very proud creature, generally will surrender to others.

In the past, the gods cultivated by Daqin were not really gods, like the previous God of Light. Because only a little divinity remained, it was so simple to surrender to Daqin.

The gods in front of us are different. She is one of the ancient gods, and she has a complete deity. Although there is no terrible in the heyday, the strength is very terrifying, and naturally it will not simply yield to Great Qin’s.

When the god of ignorance sees Zhao, she does not put her in her eyes, and she is angry. “The man who squats is looking for death, and he offends this God.”


a loud sound, the wild god punched out, brought a strong boxing wind to Zhao Wei, surrounded by the surrounding, the floor can be cracked on the wall.

Zhao Wei sneered, took out the Dead Race Sword and waved, a gray sword glow flashed, splitting the terrible punch into two, turning into a gust of wind.

The face of the wilderness changed, and Zhao Fu’s strength was not so strong.

Zhao Wei coldly snorted, “A god that has not been known for many years, do you think it is still a true god? Even if you are a true god, you are not afraid of you, you can still kill you.”

The ridiculous god felt insulted, yelled, and broke out with a powerful momentum, rushing over to Zhao.

Zhao Wei stood still in the same place, the golden eyes of the left eye violently turned, and a chain of chains was shot from the void, and the wild god that was about to be attacked was tied in the air.

The wild god struggled hard and loudly shouted, “Despicable mortal you let go of this God, or this God wants you to die very badly.”

Still dare to be so embarrassed, Zhao Hao eyes flashed a hint of coldness, a few blood-colored arcs hit the wild chain along the chain, making the wild gods horrified and painful.

Zhao Wei is using the strength of God Slayer. Before that, Zhao Wei got the God Slayer career and Power of God Slayer, and then integrated into the Emperor career. In general, he also used Power of God Slayer less, and rarely with the gods. Fight.

Now used to torture this wild god, this God Slayer strength is undoubtedly the most suitable.

After a while, the gods are begging for mercy. “A wicked mortal, let go of this God, and now this God does not pursue your offense.”

Zhao Wei heard this dissatisfaction and continued to increase the number of arcs, which made the wild god scream in the air, twisting and struggling to break away from the chain, and the atmosphere became weak.

The wild god couldn’t stand the pain and shouted, “Okay! The mortal don’t torture this God. If you want Faith this God, then this God will give you unimaginable benefits.”


Zhao Wei looks strange, this wild god still wants to be Faith her, how is this poSS ible, how can he Faith God, because even if God Slayer has done several times, now it should be the gods surrender at their own feet.

Continue to increase the number of arcs.

The gods are constantly screaming, a face is sore and the body is weak, and the weak is saying, “this God is willing to surrender to you, don’t torture this God.”

Zhao Wei is still dissatisfied, remembering the spirit and arrogance of the gods before, so started talking, “You should call it the master now!”


The wild god shouted and never said such a shame.

Zhao Wei did not say anything, continued to torture the gods, and eventually she could not stand it, screamed “Master!”

Zhao Xi was pleased to let go of her and asked, “Have you said that there are any imaginable benefits?”

Zhao Wei is more concerned about this. Before the wild god said, Faith will give her unimaginable benefits. Zhao Wei is somewhat curious.

The god of despair is still on the air, and even a mortal is called the master. This is the biggest shame of her life, so she did not answer Zhao Wei.

And Zhao Wei intends to continue to use the strength of God Slayer, which scares the wild god hurriedly said, “If you help me restore my power, I can let you enter Desolate Divine World, which can make you my god.”

“this one?”

Zhao Wei was disappointed, and who wanted to be her god, Zhao Wei had no interest in this.

The ridiculous god saw Zhao Wei’s disdainful appearance, and shouted angrily. “You don’t want to look down on my gods. They have the ability to control the Blood God Demonic Monster. The horrible thing of the Blood God Demonic Monster is to your little people. It is impossible to see.”

When I heard this tone, Zhao couldn’t help but use God Slayer strength.

Jinlong suddenly started talking, “I know that kind of Blood God Demonic Monster, it is indeed a terrible monster. This kind of monster is rumored to be made only by a few wild gods.”

Zhao Wei’s action, a certain request to Jinlong, “What is the Blood God Demonic Monster, is it really strong?”

Jin Long seriously replied, “Um! That Blood God Demonic Monster is a monster made of blood, very ferocious and evil. It can suck a person’s blood a few kilometers away, and it is difficult to striking down.”

“First of all, he has no accurate form, can change various forms of life, and can even parasitize in some people, and most people can’t find it at all.”

“And because of the blood, there are great suppression of countless low-level creatures and races. If they meet the Blood God Demonic Monster, they are only killed, and the Blood God Demonic Monster is a forbidden in the realm. Many gods are also very jealous of him.”

Zhao Yi’s heart is happy, and he looks at the gods. “This time it’s really a treasure!”

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