The news that Daqin captured Fish Scale World quickly spread, and this war stopped because the worlds wanted to drag Daqin and prevent Daqin from taking over the Fish Scale World. Daqin finally did it.

Now all parties are very ugly, they can only retreat, there is no need under the battle, and there is no need to make meaningless sacrifices.

The world of other parties watching the war, the heart is also somewhat shocked, Daqin actually resisted such tremendous pressure, but also captured a world, that Daqin is one of the hundreds of worlds, the first one has two world forces.

At this time, no one has any opinions, and Daqin is regarded as the most threatening force, and at the same time, the great Qin’s vigilance is greatly improved.

When Zhao Wei heard this news, he was very happy. When he watched the parties withdraw their troops, Daqin also began to withdraw his troops and returned to Daqin.

Back to Daqin, Zhao Wei was sitting on a dragon chair, and there were countless Fish Scale person underneath. The person headed by him was naturally fish.

Zhao Wei said with a smile, “Get up!”

Yu Xuan and numerous Fish Scale person breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Zhao Wei will not punish them, otherwise they will not let them get up so easily, shouting loudly, “Thank you Lord Ron!”

Zhao Wei fell on Yu Xuan, and several Fish Scale person legatee. They had some hatreds with Daqin, but as long as they are willing to surrender and are willing to work for Daqin, Zhao Wei’s content is still there.

Think about how arrogant and mad when Fish Scale World attacked Human World’s, threatening how long it took to capture Human World, but now bowing at the foot of Daqin.

Zhao Wei could not help but have a heart of pride. The world waited for itself to conquer. The world is soon and night is Great Qin’s.

“Li Si !”

Zhao Wei shouted and asked him to read the sacred decree. He gave the Fish Scale person a reward and official position. Now conquer the Fish Scale World. The most important thing is to appease the Popular Support to avoid riots.

One of the Fish Scale person surprises and accepts the rewards. I didn’t expect Daqin to treat them so much, not only did not punish them, but also gave so many benefits, the hidden dangers in their hearts have completely disappeared.

“Your Majesty! This is the Destiny Armament of Fish Scale Clan, please accept!” Yu Xuan also put down his heart, bowed his head, holding a fisheye in his hands, respectful started talking.

At that moment, the fisheye was blue, it was as big as a fist, the eyes were like gems, it was very beautiful, and it also gave off a faint blue light with a strong water attribute.

At this time, Fish Scale World was attacked by Daqin, and Fish Scale Clan was also classified as Great Qin Clan. Of course, the unique Destiny Armament could not be reserved, and it could only be handed over to Daqin.

Zhao Wei smiled and reached out. Now because of the large number of Nation Armament, Zhao Wei is not too concerned, but Destiny Armament is very rare, and Destiny Armament can give all the Daqin race blood bleSS ing, this is Nation Armament Far from giving.

And Fish Scale Clan has only one Destiny Armament, unlike Human World, which has four more, which gives more blood.

Receiving this fisheye, Zhao Wei also made a reward for the successful people in this battle, ending this time.

The next step is the internal meeting. Only the people with the power can participate. Li Si also began to sue Daqin for this harvest.

A total of 50,000 city pools, as well as 35billion Population, which received 12 billion 1st Order soldiers, and also captured six countries, countless other funds, and the remaining six hundred thousand sea beast were also driven into Four Soul Monsters World .

Zhao Wei showed a satisfied smile. Together with these gains, the Daqin total population reached 150billion Population and the city reached 240,000.

The main thing is to get the 50,000 city pool, which can make Daqin more than 50,000 fierce beast, plus the sea beast that turned into a monster, Daqin now has the ability to withstand several world invasions, and don’t have to worry about anything.

Then, sea beast more than 60,000 Fish Scale Clan woman, most of them are very noble, and also have a strong Phoenix Qi, which in turn can provide a large number of Phoenix Qi for the Emperor Phoenix Statue, continue to upgrade the level of Emperor Phoenix Statue.

Finally, the plan of Fish Scale World in the future, where is Water World, Zhao Wei intends to be in the future as the development base of the water army, a lot of development of his own water army, in the future, hit the Water Race, it will not be like before. passive.

After dealing with these things, Zhao Wei began to refine Destiny Armament.


A huge rumbling sound rang through the square, and between Heaven and Earth, the situation changed dramatically. A huge blue fish appeared on the sky, with huge pressure, and countless Fish Scale person’s blood was shaken.

The blue fish is very beautiful, with delicate scales and a pair of sapphire eyes, which swim very gracefully in the sky.

Numerous black Daqin destiny poured into the blue fish like a mist, which made the big blue fish change a lot.

The blue big fish gradually turned black, but the blue booth eyes did not change. Compared with the previous breath, it was a bit more majestic and domineering.

The deep blue light scattered from the sky, covering the two worlds, the countless human races in it, the blood is flowing, and an invisible strength is injected into it.

Numerous Fish Scale people only feel that a strong slashing strength is pouring into their own blood. At this time, they are really a big Qin people. It is also a historic moment. Of course, other Daqin people have also achieved a lot of improvement.


From a rumbling sound, the golden Phoenix Qi poured into the Emperor Phoenix Statue, and the Emperor Phoenix Statue turned into a huge golden phoenix, flying in the sky, sprinkling countless golden spots.

The fluctuations of the Emperor Phoenix Statue are now very large and have surpassed the strength of the general Destiny Armament, because now there are two worlds of Phoenix Qi bleSS ing, the fluctuations are very terrible.

At the same time, there are countless spots of light, countless women gain countless benefits at a time, look younger than before, Constitution has become better, and strength is automatically improved.

The dragon and phoenix in Zhao Wei’s body also quickly absorbed the strength of the Emperor Phoenix Statue, which surprised Zhao’s discovery that the strength of Emperor Dies Young Curse weakened. It seems that a large number of Phoenix Qi can also weaken Emperor Dies Young Curse. Strength.

In the end, Zhao Wei discovered Great Qin’s destiny, which has also been enhanced a lot. However, because Fish Scale World still has one hundred areas, Daqin does not count as having two worlds of destiny.

But under such a huge Destiny of a country bleSS ing, Zhao Wei’s three Emperor Stars got a little more vitality. Without the previous aura of death, they are gradually recovering, but they also need a long time. time.

This also affects the strength of Emperor Dies Young Curse to a certain extent. After such multiple reductions, the strength of Emperor Dies Young Curse is weakened. The weaker its strength, the longer Zhao Wei can live. Now Zhao has already had Confidence, get rid of this Emperor Dies Young Curse.

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