Once Daqin used the Disaster Pearl to deal with the enemy, and now the enemy also used the Disaster Pearl to deal with Daqin. This one of the Disaster Pearl caused a lot of casualties to Daqin.

As a commander, the eyes are cold, “All the troops are ordered to dispatch!”

Bang bang bang ……

Fifty-six regiments rushed to the Great Wall in different directions, and burst into a terrible momentum, a breath of breath emerged, forming a behemoth.

Demon King Legion condenses a demon, with evil spirits, Sword Mountain Legion condenses a sword, with countless sharp sword qi, Water God Legion condenses the appearance of Water God, with countless water mist.

Ice Cold Legion condenses the ice girl, with countless chills, Fiery Flame Legion condenses the look of the fire girl, with countless hot flames, Spider Legion condenses into a huge spider, with a ferocious momentum…

Fifty-six giants condensed out, with a terrible strength, rushing to the Great Wall was unstoppable.

Bang bang bang ……

The commander of the Great Britain Empire also ordered all the legions to be dispatched, a total of thirty-three legions, with a terrible momentum.


A white fox made a scream, with a huge force of ice and snow, surrounded by snowflakes.

“Áo! ”

A dragon screamed, a blue western dragon appeared, with a huge dragon, shocking the Quartet, so that countless people felt fear.


Numerous golden light came out, and a golden scepter appeared, with a noble and incomparable king’s breath, and the people surrendered.


The thirty-three Legion of Great Britain also condensed thirty-three terrible behemoths, rushing to the Great Qin’s Legion with terrifying momentum.


The air seemed to burst, and the most fierce collisions between the two giants occurred. The terrible fluctuations of the extinction spread, the ground collapsed and collapsed in an instant, countless trees were uprooted, and countless people were flung out.

Bang bang bang ……

The fierce battles of both sides are desperately fierce, and the terrifying scene is like a sky, everything is going to be destroyed, and everything is facing catastrophe.

However, the advantages of Daqin’s side are very large, one is the number of numerous, the other is that Great Qin’s can be special corps, while the western continent’s special corps is only 12, the others are not special corps, and the third is the Great Qin Army. The army has a large number of people.

The Great Britain Empire’s army was almost smashed by the Great Qin’s army, but the Great Britain Empire also fought a crazy battle.

The situation is not good for the Western continent. As the chief commander, the order is ordered to be launched. The doors are different. Some are made of wood, some are made of stone, and some are covered with blood.

These gates are more than ten meters high and seven or eight meters wide, all with terrible strengths. Each door has a hundred pairs, for a total of one thousand.

The commander ordered the opening of these gates. The inside of the doors was dark, and a terrible breath came out, which made people feel a little scared.

Rooaaar ……

There were countless cymbals in the door, only to see some of the doors, countless Goblin armed weapons rushed out, some of them rushed out of countless Orc, some of them rushed out of countless Ogre, and some of them rushed out countless elves.

These creatures rushed out and killed directly to Daqin. A fierce and bloody appearance, the number reached tens of millions, and the momentum was amazing.

White did not hesitate to order the use of Crystal of Destruction.


I saw countless crystal stones falling into those Goblin elves, a loud explosion, surrounded by glaring white awns, a terrifying explosion, instantly devour everything, the ground is constantly shaking.

The tens of millions of Exotic Races that were rushed out were almost killed by 70%. The ground was full of piles of corpses, and the scene was bloody.

Áooooo ……

A loud dragon rang through the sky, countless giant dragons, with a strong momentum appeared in the sky, a pair of dragons with a violent gaze, looking at the Western continent’s people on the wall.

Rooaaar ……

At this time, a hundred-meter-high, humanoid monster with heavy armor, made a scream, with a bloody killing and cruelty.

Countless dragons swayed their wings, swooped down with a gust of wind, and their stomachs bulged, gathering countless flames and chills. They were about to spurt countless flames and cold currents, attacking the Western army on the wall.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

Suddenly, a loud sound broke through the air, and hundreds of huge arrows were shot. The terrible fluctuations were chilling.

Pū pū pū ……

Some dragons have a long time, the body is shot by the arrow, the arrow is more than ten meters long, with terrible power, easily break the dragon’s defense, the arrow into the four or five meters.

Áooooo ……

Numerous painful dragons rang, some flying dragons suffered a slight injury, some flying dragons were shot in the body, the injury was heavy, some flying dragons were shot in the head and died on the spot, the huge body fell from the sky.

In a hidden place, 150 Dragon Piercing Ballista was launched. Daqin opened more than 100 Dragon Piercing Ballista from the regional treasure box, and the Westerncontinent also got the Dragon Piercing Ballista to deal with the Great Qin’s Dragon.

Numerous dragons were also cautious and cautious, and did not dare to attack in the reckless, and the Corpse Soul Chief, more than 3,000 meters high, armed with heavy weapons, rushed to the Great Wall to launch a fierce attack.

These Corpse Soul Chiefs have heavy armor and Dragon Piercing Ballista is not hurting them.

The battle in the sky is also very fierce. It is not weaker than the battle on the ground. The City Lords are desperately strangling. The spread of terrifying waves is so cold and cold. It is very scary.

At the same time, the number of people is dying, and the body of the City Lord is constantly falling from the air.

The most terrifying is the battlefield of Zhao Wei. Now Zhao Wei can fight with hundreds of legatee alone. The battle is extremely terrifying. Only those who have Nation Armament can compete with Zhao Wei. Nothing can only be Attack in the distance.

“Sword of the King’s Path !”

Arthur Tina raised his sword high, and the Royal Seal in his body trembled. A huge King’s Power poured into the sword, a golden sword light rushed into the sky, and then dyed half of the sky into gold.


Arthur Tina is a sword slash, and Heaven and Earth are all trembled. The golden sword light is full of the king’s momentum, as if to open everything and go to Zhao.


Zhao Fu’s Emperor’s Domain immediately unfolds and protects the whole body. The golden light sword light slams on Zhao Wei’s Emperor’s Domain, making a loud sound. The golden sword light is like a chopping on a hard and hard thing, turning into a golden sword. Qi storm.

Kāchā !

With a crisp sound, Emperor’s Domain cracked countless cracks and the body took a few steps back.

At this time, someone was yelled, “Hey, chance, you burn your Dragon of Destiny! Otherwise there will be no chance.”

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