The countless colorful clouds in the sky are constantly condensing and condensing. A beautiful colorful ray of light shines from the clouds and falls on the black clouds. The black clouds dissipate together.

Jiang Ziya’s face did not change, and she shouted loudly. “All the people listen to me and open the spirit!”

An individual on the surrounding platform heard Jiang Ziya’s words, took out a sharp blade, cut open the palm of his hand, and put blood on the platform. The platform absorbed blood, gave a slight blood, and the shadow of the Tao. Fly out of the platform and shoot into the formation in the sky.

A huge figure into the huge formation in the sky, the huge formation seems to have life, Jiang Ziya raised his hand in one press, a huge strength spread from the formation.

Rooaaar ……

There are countless crickets on Zhao’s side. I saw that there were countless huge figures in the thick black clouds. There was a huge roar in the clouds, and the strength of the black clouds suddenly expanded several times. It also seemed to be life-like. Gushing into the color movement.

Those colored clouds met this dark cloud and slowly dissipated, which made Hundred Schools of Thought face a change, and a stronger strength broke out.

The light column is more powerful, and the colored clouds are constantly surging, and the colorful glow is also stronger.

In the sky, the black clouds and the colored clouds are put together, not the black clouds disappear, or the clouds disappear.

The time lasted for a few more hours, and the black cloud suddenly became more fierce than before, and the clouds began to disappear and disappeared.

In the past, the disappearing vision appeared once, the wind raged, the Thunder burst, and it was terrible.

Xianru reminded Zhao Wei, “Your Majesty! This time we have to lose, the opposite can gather three continents of talented people, plus the original Western people, too many people are not able to Diviner.”

“Is there any way to solve it?” Zhao Wei held his hand and looked at the thick black cloud with a serious look.

Xianru lightly smiled, “little girl is coming for this matter. His Majesty launched this united war, causing the whole Human World’s destiny to be confused. Those who can change the yin and yang sky want to stop the majesty, but they are already acting against the sky.”

“Your Majesty needs to get this war to be recognized by Heaven and Earth, and then you can use destiny backlash to solve these things naturally.”

A smile appeared on Zhao’s face and asked Xiangru how to act.

Later, Zhao Wei also stood on a high platform, but at this time Zhao Wei was wearing a black robes, wearing a black golden dragonfly, with a tribute table in front and various sacrifices.

Zhao Wei took out the Great Qin Royal Seal, which slowly rose from Zhao Hao and then rose to the sky.

Áooooo ……

The nine dragons rang, the Great Qin Royal Seal exudes a strong black light, and nine black dragons are drilled out of it, with a huge dragon.

Zhao Wei looked serious and held out a hand against the sky. The opening was loudly shouted. “The Lord of Great Qin, now the unified center continent, the northern continent, the southern continent, became the first unified three-continent dynasty. This time the launch of the united war was the return of Heaven’s Fate.”

The voice dare to fall, the center continent, the south continent, the north continent, countless destiny, like the vast ocean, gathered here to Zhao Wei.


A loud-shaking loud noise, a huge black light column breaks through the sky, Zhao Wei is in the center of the light column, full of sacred and majestic, raised hands have fallen, pointing to Diviner of Hundred Schools of Thought, the voice is vast, “朕 Give you Heaven’s Fate !”

Numerous Diviner’s body was shocked, only an unimaginable strength poured into the body, and a black dragon appeared in both eyes.

Bang bang bang ……

The hundreds of beams of light also seemed to get a huge strength, bursting out a more intense light, the colorful clouds in the sky, the dazzling rays of the sky, with a huge momentum, rushing forward.

Countless black clouds dissipated in an instant, and countless people in the western continent felt only to be hit by a huge force, fell to the ground, and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Jiang Ziya was also the most injured. After spitting out a large amount of blood, she could not stand on the sky and fell from the air.

In the last battle of Human World, the first confrontation ended with the failure of the Western continent, and Daqin continued to march toward the Western Army.

On the other side, the Eastern continent also broke through the fourth Isolation Zone under Daqin, and now also moves toward Middle Earth continent.

Now only the temporary Isolation Zone that Daqin finally laid down, this temporarily laid out Isolation Zone, is naturally weak and can easily be broken.

Iceland, with a terrible and powerful momentum, is like a warship. With a strong sense of oppression, the Fish Scale person can’t stop it. When it rushes up, it will be killed. Only other ways can be thought of. .

Ice crystal powder Daqin also has a lot of preparations. On the side of Daqin Fish Scale person, immediately use a lot of ice crystal powder to make the seawater solidify with an ice seal. This ice seal has a bandwidth of tens of thousands of meters. It is impossible for those huge Icelands to directly collide. .

To delay the time, the formation is behind, and then build a temporary Isolation Zone, try to drag the time, just drag them to it will be alright.

The more Daqin side wants to drag the time, the East side is also more and more anxious because they have not felt much time.

See the ice seal that Daqin condensed. The Eastern forces used another method directly. They saw a single red-hot bead of watermelon-like size flying out, igniting countless hot flames and turning into a flame behemoth.

Rooaaar ……

These flame behemoths shaped like rhinoceros, screaming and screaming at the ice with a huge heat.

The speed of the behemoth is very fast, like a stream of fire, shooting at the ice band, the terrible temperature, so that the ice melts instantly.

The flame beast keeps rushing forward, and the melting ice is getting more and more. It brings out a trace of fire and color on the ice. Finally, although the ice band is not melted, the ice band has been broken. A huge crack.

Countless Iceland fiercely hit from the rip, only heard a loud bang, the long ice band was hit and split, then all the ice became fragments, Iceland continued to move forward, and easily broke the fifth temporary Isolation Zone.

The Fish Scale person on the side of Daqin also used the last method to pour a bucket of kerosene into the sea and then ignite it, forming a sea of ​​fire on the entire surface.

The sea of ​​fire is full of heat, and the sea water is bubbling, which makes the Fish Scale person dare to approach. If countless Icelands rush to the ground, not only will Iceland be dissolved, but the Soldiers will also have many casualties.

This forced the eastern forces to stop in Iceland and waited for a few hours. When the fire was weakened, Iceland was rushed into the sea of ​​fire.

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