After quickly capturing the five countries, Zhao Wei entered the defensive state. In fact, the strength of Happy Weed Country alone is that it is impossible to control such a large area of ​​the five countries, so it is necessary to enter a defensive state so as not to pry into other countries.

However, it is impossible for those countries around the country to take the opportunity to return. It is impossible for Zhao Wei to wage war against them and only let them take advantage of it.

At the same time, Zhao Wei helped the Graywolf Country to reinstate. Graywolf Country is the Werewolf country. If it manages the Werewolf countries, the resistance will be relatively small, and the surrounding countries will not do anything. If it is the green occupation of Werewolf, the situation is somewhat dangerous.

Happy Weed Country has also annexed two Lüyin people countries, and its strength has expanded more than twice. As for the Lüyin Country, there is a Lüyin Country next to it. It can only be placed there first. After the time is stabilized, it is looking for a good opportunity to start. Kill it.

Zhao Wei has been here for more than a month, and the situation has been completely stabilized. What surprised Zhao Wei is that both countries have upgraded to 1st Grade Marquisdom.

Because it is a land area, it does not need to be cleaned like a wilderness area. Direct occupation is sufficient.

Graywolf Country has a total of 1020 areas, the City Lord has reached 3100, the Population has reached 1.4 billion, and the strength is somewhat insufficient. Because the original Werewolf Three Kingdoms War was seriously damaged, now there are only more than 30 million troops, and there are urgent recruitment of Soldiers.

Happy Weed Country A total of 1080 areas, City Lord reached 3230, Population reached 1.5 billion, the strength is the previous strength, compared to Population, there are some deficiencies, only 50 million troops, and now there are urgent recruitment ofsoldiers.

Marquisdom’s strength is naturally several times stronger than Nobledom. There are two Marquisdoms as chess pieces. Zhao Wei is in a good mood. Le Yuyu is also happy. This unimaginable goal is really successful with the help of Zhao Wei. I am grateful.

Cang Xuenu was equally grateful to Zhao Wei. She did not expect that Zhao Wei really helped her to return to China, and she gave a Marquisdom directly. She did not have much power and easily obtained it, which she did not expect.

Zhao Wei watched the situation stabilize and returned to Daqin once. Of course, there were some City Lords left outside to avoid any accidents.

This time, Zhao Wei took four Nation Armaments and three Royal Citys. Two countries were faster and moved away with Royal City.

However, it is good to get four Nation Armaments and three Royal Citys, because this is the first time Daqin has harvested so much.

These Nation Armaments are real Nation Armaments of the country. The strength is much stronger than the Nation Armament of the legacy. It is more troublesome to refine, but everything is ready, then the four pieces of Nation Armament are refine and then placed in the city hall.

Finally, the collection of the country’s nephews and ladies was sealed as a scorpion, and the Emperor Phoenix Statue was given a lot of atmosphere to end this matter.

Zhao Wei came to the front line at this time, which is the front line of the cleaning area. “I don’t know how to cultivate 100 Sword Devil?”

They are very concerned about Zhao Wei, this hundred people are also hard work of Daqin, each one has a terrible talent for repairing swords, and should be fully exerted on the strength of Sword Devil.

When Zhao Wei saw them at a time, their changes were a little big, their killing sword intent was stronger, their blood was more intense, a pair of eyes gave off a bright blood, and there was a sense of illusion. .

Now they are already in the Sword Devil state. The second person who turns Sword Devil not only destroys the body, but also destroys the soul. Otherwise, it can be repaired for a long time.

They will eventually become the kind of immortal existence, so the body already has a sense of illusion.

This kind of immortal ability, Zhao Wei also wants to have, but need to abandon his own consciousness, it can only be abandoned, Zhao Wei does not want to become that kind of monster.

Emperor Killing Sword World also got the killing strength they provided, and it has become quite a lot. The 2nd Order section Emperor Killing Sword World needs to be expanded by a thousand miles and can produce thousands of Sword Devils. Now it takes a lot of time.

After reading Sword Devil, Zhao Yi wanted to rest for a few days. At this time, it was already in February, and the seasons of various flowers were blooming. At this time, Zhao Wei accepted a message.

This news is about the Western continent. Under the threat of Daqin terrifying, the Western continent is very united and eager to resist Great Qin’s strength.

At this moment, they can only be supported by Arthur Tina alone, because the Western continent has only one country, that is, the Great Britain Empire, they can only support Arthur Tina, and only Arthur Tina has a hope to counter the terrifying Emperor of the Great Qin.

With the support of all parties, Arthur Tina’s country is developing rapidly, originally 1st Grade Marquisdom, now 4th Grade Marquisdom, with more than 4,000 areas, while the Western continent has only 7,000 areas.

Zhao Wei feels that they can’t let them continue this way, otherwise they will complete the continent unification, and Daqin will eliminate them more difficult.

Not only the western continent, but also the eastern continent. The original eight-legged Legatee ranked eighth in the Inca Empire legatee Ramis. It has now been established and became the third country of Human World. It is now 5th Grade Nobledom.

The eastern continent is actually not a continent, because the island is numerous and the area reaches six thousand.

Now Middle Earth continent, the northern continent and the southern continent, have been occupied by Daqin. Their two continents are separated by Daqin. It is almost impossible to unite together. At most, they attacked Daqin from the upper and lower sides.

However, with the current strength of Daqin, Zhao Wei is not afraid at all. Instead, he still wants to wait for them to come, and the loss of destroying them will be smaller.

At this time, all areas of Daqin only cleaned up 80% of the area, and some places in the Great Wall were not built well, but the Western continent has gathered 50,000 City Lords, and there are still 4 billion troops, and there is no Eastern continent.

The East also has 20,000 City Lords, and there are more than one billion troops. Once Zhao Wei begins to attack the Western continent, the Eastern continent will also be shot.

Now Great Qin’s Population reaches 42billion and its strength reaches 4billion. 1st Order soldiers reach 29 billion, 2nd Order soldiers 100 million, 3rd Order soldiers have more than 6 million, 4th Order also has twice thousand, there is no 1st Order cultivation. Base of sodiers.

The controlled area reaches 27570, here is the entire area, plus the southern continent and Netherwater continent, then plus the northern continent seven thousand areas, and the South Demon Continent 12,000 area, a total of 46570 areas.

Marquis Royal City 1, Royal City 3, Noble City 3, Metropolitan 9, Heavy City 45000, this does not count South Demon Continent 20,000 City, Small City 7521, Small Town 14860, Village 8589489.

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