Now Zhao Yiyi spoke, the numerous ministers present, no one dared to have any opinions, and they all said that they accepted all orders from Zhao Wei.

Li Muqing has a lot of player ministers, but she is relieved. Fortunately, Zhao Wei is not a family member, nor is he an original resident. Otherwise, he may not behave in this way.

Later, Zhao Yu put on simple clothes and left Li Muqing to leave the palace.

On a construction site where a canal was built, Zhao Wei looked at a man, sweating the excavation of the river, carrying the stone and the soil. Now there is a storage ring. It is more convenient to handle these.

Pick out the stones and the soil, and then install them with the storage ring. They can be transported away. The canal materials are also set aside by the storage ring. The river is being built in full swing.

Daqin ranking system, the people can help Daqin by helping the Daqin to build a certain number of points, and these points are used to improve the identity level.

Now these people, that are all for the people, want to build a canal for Daqin, in order to get points, of course, Daqin official also gave the corresponding wages.


A handsome man who challenged the pole, accidentally hit Zhao Wei, some mud fell on Zhao Fu’s body.

The man immediately apologized for his pale face. “I’m sorry! This son, I didn’t mean it, I immediately cleaned it up.”

“Hey! The clothes of this son are what your people can touch.”

A man like a foreman, walked over and said coldly, although Zhao Wei thought that he was wearing an ordinary, but in the eyes of outsiders, he was dressed in luxury and temperament. At first glance, he was a person with identity.

The honest man didn’t think of the foreman, and his face was paler. He just wanted to explain that he really didn’t mean it.

But the foreman directly interrupted the honest man. “You know that the identity of this son must be the Great Qin’s aristocrat. As a citizen, you still have no apologies. Be careful, I want you to look good.”

The thick man, when he heard the words of Zhao Wei, immediately squatted underground, and said, “I am sorry for the son, I am really sorry for the son, please forgive the small one.”

The foreman also said with a smile, “This son will bypass him once, and the dirt on his body will clean you up!”

Zhao Wei had some accidents. The foreman looked fierce and barbaric. He did not expect to help the honest man.

“Nothing, this is just a trivial matter. I didn’t care, and why are you so afraid?”

Zhao Wei is more confused, because it is only a small matter, and the other party’s appearance is too scared, as if he is worried.

The foreman didn’t know how to answer it. When he saw Zhao Wei, he was a poor man who was not deeply involved in the world. He didn’t understand the status of Great Qin’s. He was slightly relieved of Zhao’s attitude toward kindness. Fortunately, the other side was well prepared.

Li Muqing explained next to him, “If a person like this is a citizen, if he is guilty of sin, and he may be included in the file and can no longer earn points, then his life may be untouchable.”

“So they are afraid, especially afraid of you who are dressed in luxurious aristocrats, because they are simply irritated.”

The foreman smiled and said, “It’s still a beautiful lady. I could have spent a lot of effort to upgrade from the public to the Commoner. Once all the troubles are in vain, we are all labeled in Daqin, doing anything wrong. Things are more serious.”

Zhao Wei nodded in agreement, as if he was still an order of his own, because they had to be severely punished in order to make them afraid, obediently obeyed.

Mainly when they resisted fiercely, then Zhao Wei must have all kinds of means to govern them.

The foreman said again, “Why did the son and the lady come here, and you should not come here as you, lest you be laughed at.”

Zhao Yiyi asked, “Why would you say this? Why is it a joke here?”

The foreman also had a glimpse. I didn’t expect Zhao Wei to ask this question. The secret Zhao Yi was really a son. I didn’t understand it. I replied with a smile. “This is the place where the people who are kneeling are gathered. You aristocrats come here and will be suffocated. .”

Zhao Yan frowned and turned to look at Li Muqing and asked, “Why is the Great Qin’s ranks as distinct as the Super, the Superior is the Superior, and the inferior is the inferior.”

This Zhao Zhao did not think that his purpose was not the same. As long as he became a great Qin’s people, Zhao Wei would treat everyone equally. These people Zhao Zhao wanted to be a disciplinary party, and then became a Daqin citizen, as long as they really belonged to Daqin, Zhao. I will treat it with sincerity.

But now the status quo of Daqin has become like this, and it has become like the outside world. Such a big Qin, that is really not what Zhao Wei wants to see.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wei’s face was a bit ugly, saying, “Can you take me to continue? I want to know the situation here.”

The foreman looked surprised and said with a smile. “You son! You are really interesting. Why do you want to know us?”

Zhao Wei lightly said, “I want to know, I will give you some rewards afterwards.”

The foreman didn’t want to agree. “That’s good! I will take you with you.”

Then, the foreman took Zhao Wei and squatted around the construction site. Zhao Wei turned his eyes and walked on an open space next to the construction site. Several children were playing, and several were wearing coarse cloth. One of them wore ordinary cloth garments.

At this time, a woman forced the child who was wearing the ordinary cloth garments to leave. The child was crying and unwilling to leave.

A few children with thick cloth garments looked at the scene innocently and didn’t understand why they played well. The woman had to take her children away.

The woman raised her hand in an angry way and cried. “I can beat you when I cry. They are the children of the untouchables, and they are also untouchables. They can’t play with them. Maybe they will become them in the future. They are our people. Don’t like it, do you want to be someone we don’t like? Do you want to be in the future?”

This is a little boy, stop crying, because they don’t understand what the people are, but they don’t want to be the ones they don’t like, but they can only leave if they don’t.

A few children of coarse cloth garments, originally a smile, but felt the strange look around, or secretly bowed his head, and he was crying when he was wronged.

Zhao can’t help but walk over, reaching out and handing out a gold coin, laughing and saying, “Good kids can be stronger, you can take some good food.”

At the foreman next to him, seeing Zhao Wei’s shot is a gold coin. The dark road that can’t help is really a rich man. The shot is so wide. He doesn’t know Zhao Fu’s identity. It’s just a gold coin. In Zhao’s eyes, it’s just like a stone. .

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