However, they do not have the Myriad Dragons Platform. In fact, they are also curious about the purpose of the Myriad Dragons Platform. Why is it built? There must be a lot of hidden secrets, otherwise the Myriad Dragons Merchant Group will not be so valued, but the Myriad Dragons Merchant Group is strictly confidential and cannot be known by anyone.

After learning about this, the upper level of Icefield Kingdom hurriedly recalled Bing Qixue and personally asked about this matter. He paid great attention to this matter and later praised Bing Qixue and could make friends with it.

The opposite happened in Eight Dragons Primal Sect. When they learned that they had insulted an Empire’s Imperial Prince by the death of Young Sect Master, they were scared that they immediately called Longyang back to the side of the training and prohibited him from leaving the sect for a year.

He is too irritating in this matter. Kingdom is humble in the face of an Empire, and their Eight Dragons Primal Sect does not have the strength of a Kingdom.

Now that the Eight Dragons Primal Sect is a little scared, the Imperial Prince will come to the Eight Dragons Primal Sect and make the Eight Dragons Primal Sect uncomfortable.

Countless people have been shocked by this incident and have become a hot event. However, in recent years, it has been somewhat unfair, and a major event has followed, affecting the nerves of some people.

Zhao Wei didn’t know all the news. After returning to Daqin, he smiled happily and began to tap on the harvest on Myriad Dragons Platform.

So many treasures, piled up in a hill, Zhao Yi alone can not count, can only be called some other people, together to count.

Those people were also surprised. They didn’t know where they were going to dig a treasure and they got so many treasures.

Among them, Void Token and Zhao Wei were the first to be put together. After two years, they can enter Void Vestige. Maybe there is still some gain, and the original Void Token is the purpose of Zhao Zideng’s Myriad Dragons Platform.

A few hours later, the value of all the treasures was summed up and summed up. The value of the treasures reached 8 billion gold coins. It was a bit too surprising to be surprised by Zhao Wei. This number of gold coins is not for the whole Daqin. less.

Among them, Zhao Wei also found several better things.

The first is the manufacturing drawing, the manufacturing drawing of Dragon Piercing Ballista, the Dragon Piercing Ballista is equipped with the high rune arrow, the terrible strength can kill the City Lord, Daqin only has a hundred, after several battles, it has damaged more than a dozen. .

These are things that Daqin couldn’t make, or they opened the treasure box. They used to be on Chaotic World Stele, but unfortunately they couldn’t be exchanged.

Now with it, Daqin can make the Dragon Piercing Ballista by himself, and with it, Daqin can have a more powerful attack.

The second type is a kind of powder condensed beads, which are the size of the longan and emit a strange scent called Hua Lingzhu, which can help the flower grow, which can be used by World Flower.

World Flower Zhao Yu has been cultivating, but it has not been flowering. Zhao Wei really can’t take it. This flower pearl effect is several times better than Thousand Flowers Fluid. I hope it will have an effect on World Flower and let it bloom soon. .

The third is a white dragon-shaped jade, palm sized, with a faint dragon, which looks like a dragon.

This piece is the dragon soul jade. The rumor is the jade that has condensed after the dragon died. It has a powerful dragon power and can be used everywhere. Zhao Wei intends to use it on the wyvern den, which should have a weak effect.

Because Dragon Soul Jade itself is powerful and consistent with the nest attribute, it will definitely increase the strength of the dragon, and it can increase the number of refreshes.

Now Dalong Daqin has been applied to the battlefield. The effect is also extremely outstanding. It has a great strength in the air. It has a big enough advantage in the air. Many things are convenient. They are undoubtedly the representative giant war beast of Daqin. Continue to develop it vigorously. necessary.

Another one is a horn, two meters long, relatively large, like a beast horn, with a war.

This is a wild warfare corner, which can be regarded as a kind of warfare weapon. When fighting, it can boost a lot of morale and let the Soldiers fight against life and death.

The last piece is a white crystal stone of rice size. Although it is small, it emits weak white light. It does not seem to be a treasure. It is just an ordinary item, but it is the most precious one of the numerous treasures. .

Zhao Wei thought of the crystal stone of this grain size, which turned out to be a fragment of the godhead, with a strong sense of spirit. Although its strength is already weak, it has a warm feeling and should be the godhead of the Holy Light System.

Because Zhao Wei has the God Slayer profession, he is extremely sensitive to the spirit of the gods. He even found that there is still a little consciousness among the fragments.

Jin Long suddenly started talking, “Zhao Wei can be cultivated as a god. Let it be restored with the incense Faith Power. It can become the great god of the Great Qin’s. You should know the benefits of the gods. For example, the Water God you cultivated will give you various blessings. .”

“The Water God Legion, which was established in this way, will also grow stronger as she grows stronger and will definitely become a top legion.”

“Cultivate Great Qin’s exclusive gods?”

Zhao Wei’s face showed a smile, and he thought about it. He was very interested in this, so he agreed.

First, hand over the manufacturing drawings of Dragon Piercing Ballista to Baishan, let them study hard, and then build the Dragon Piercing Ballista, Daqin will do their best to support.

Then, Zhao Wei first used Hua Lingzhu to make World Flower grow more than 100 meters. The flower bed became bigger and the color was greener. After leaving World Flower, it took another step.

However, this World Flower is really difficult to cultivate, Zhao Wei has spent countless efforts, even built a Life Spring around it, dedicated to providing life strength, but still not enough.

Then, using the dragon soul jade, into the wyvern den, gave the dragon some physical reinforcement, and can refresh two dragons every day, it is not bad.

Finally, the gods fragments, according to the method given by Jinlong, Zhao Yu first built a temple, and then prepared a two-meter bright crystal stone, which has a lot of holy light strength, such a huge piece is also rare.

Carefully incorporate the fragments of the gods into it, and the large piece of bright crystal stone becomes uncommon in time, emitting a slight white light with a sacred and pure atmosphere.

Now crystal stone is two meters high and the shape is irregular. Now I don’t know what the god of cultivation is like, because I need to re-converge my appearance.

Next, wait for the strength of Faith’s incense. Now that Daqin’s Population has reached tens of billions, the incense and Faith that are offered are gathered together. It can be said that it is massive. As long as Daqin cultivates it, this godhead should also develop very quickly.

After dealing with everything, Zhao Wei showed a smile and smiled. He came to the big hall and watched the white snow flying in the sky. He felt Leng Feng blowing in the face, and unconsciously, it was the New Year in a few days, and then Daqin would usher in the sixth year. .

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