Standing on the Myriad Dragons Platform, Zhao Wei looked at the majestic Myriad Dragons Platform calmly and slowly exhaled and took the first step forward.

When Zhao Fu’s feet fell on the first stone steps, a huge and fierce momentum greeted Zhao Zhaoyong. The feeling was like the flood of rivers, and it was unable to resist.

Zhao Yu’s eyes are condensed, and when he bursts out his own momentum, it is like a mountain. The hard river divides the river into two halves. Zhao Fu’s figure stands in the same place, as if it were a statue.

Then, Zhao Wei’s second foot, also set foot on the 1st Order stone steps.

The people around us suddenly came to the interest. This 1st Order stone step is not so easy to get on. It is the terrible momentum of the 1st Order. It has stumped countless people. Most people are rushed out of the ground and fell to the ground.

And here is the strength of the City Lord Seal, you can only use the personal strength to board the Myriad Dragons Platform.

Now everyone is just interested, because Zhao Wei is only on the 1st Order stone steps, and the Myriad Dragons Platform stone steps are up to two hundred and forty steps, but also divided into eight difficulties, every 30th order is difficult, can Said that it is really abnormal.

The next thing, as everyone expected, was that Zhao Wei was slower to set foot on the 1st Order, but then the speed was getting faster.

2nd Order!

3rd Order!

4th Order!

5th Order!


Zhao Fu’s is extremely fast, spurred, and has been on the Twenty 9th Order, reaching the 30th order. This 1st Order is the first difficulty.

At this moment, everyone is curious, and I don’t know if Zhao can pass, because their strength is definitely not good, Bing Qixue looks seriously, Longyang and the seven beautiful people next to him are also a disdainful smile.

Zhao Wei stayed here, and also understood that the 30th order is not simple, with a stronger sense of oppression, almost several times before.

At this time, Zhao Wei did not care, looked calm and took a step.

at once!

Zhao Wei feels that there is a huge dragon column pressed on the body, and it is also in the eyes of others. I saw a tens of meters long, emitting silver light, seemingly illusory dragon column, suddenly appearing in the squatting pressure in Zhao Fu’s body.

The strength of this dragon column is extremely strong, and it is not affordable for the average person. Some people have been crushed to death by this dragon column, which is the first difficulty of the Myriad Dragons Platform.

Everyone looked at Zhao Wei and didn’t know how Zhao Wei passed, but it may be a bit difficult, because the strength of the dragon column is too strong, and the waist of Zhao Fu’s is slightly curved, so it is difficult to see.


Suddenly a huge momentum came out, only to see Zhao Fu’s body igniting a black flame, a gust of wind blowing away from the center, the illusory silver pillar that emits silver light, was actually flew out by the momentum, then Dissipated.

The crowd exclaimed and found that the man had not used all his strength. This time he broke out and felt the terrible breath. Everyone was also a little scared. This is definitely not the weak one.

The average person is also hard against the dragon column, stepping on the 30th stone steps, as long as you step on the 30th stone steps, the dragon column will naturally disappear.

But this person has erupted so terrible momentum, and directly sent the dragon column to the top, which is rarely done.

This person is also a strong person, everyone is more interested, Bing Qixue’s look also keeps this serious, Longyang is still a look of disdain, because with his strength, you can easily step on the 30th order, there is nothing worthwhile Said.

Thirtieth 1st Order!

The 32 level!

Thirtieth 3rd Order!

Thirtieth 4th Order!


After the terrible momentum broke out, Zhao Fu’s speed was getting faster, and he embarked on a twenty 9th Order and reached the 50th 9th Order.

The hearts of the people have also been raised, and seriously watched how Zhao Wei passed the second difficulty.

I saw that Zhao Wei stepped out, and the Myriad Dragons Platform made a majestic momentum, forming a dragon claw with hundreds of meters of loofah, carrying the power of incomparable power, and photographed to Zhao Wei, the scene is not ordinary terrifying.

Seeing that the dragon claws are going from top to bottom, they are photographed to Zhao Wei, as if they want to shoot Zhao Wei into meat.

At this moment, Zhao Wei clenched his fist and made an amazing momentum, forcefully hit the dragon claws.


A huge explosion sounded, and the dragon claw collided with Zhao Fu’s fist and was instantly blasted by Zhao Fu’s fist. Turned into a strong wind.

“powerful !”

Everyone exclaimed, and looked at the scene on Myriad Dragons Platform with a look of surprise. Only strong, there is no other language in his mind, and he can describe the scene in front of him.

Bing Qixue’s serious face also showed a hint of surprise. The black-clothed woman next to him was also a bit surprised. The expression of Longyang’s face also slightly converged, so that Zhao Fu’s strength can be like his eyes.

Stepping on the 60th-order stone steps, Zhao Wei’s speed is constant, and it is easy to continue to the stone steps ahead, without any hindrance.

Sixtieth 1st Order!

The 62 level!

Sixtieth 3rd Order!

Sixtieth 4th Order!


Then, Zhao Wei came to the 80th 9th Order, and the front is the ninth, which is the third difficulty of the Myriad Dragons Platform.

Everyone looked at Zhao Wei with a calm look, only to see him stepping out of the step at a time.

“Áo! ”

A dragon rang through the square, and I saw a myriad of gourds on the dragon pillar, forming a hundred-meter-long golden dragon on the stone steps, with a terrible momentum, fiercely rushing to Zhao.

At the moment on the Myriad Dragons Platform, anything is unusable, and the Zhao Fu’s sword is wrapped, and some other equipment is unusable, relying on its own strength.

“Áo! ”

Just listening to Zhao Yan’s body also sounded a dragon, a domineering black dragon, drilled out from Zhao’s body, and with an amazing breath, rushed to the golden dragon, the two dragons began to fight.

After a while, the Black Dragon violently tore the Golden Dragon, and then the domineering sky roared a few times and returned to Zhao Fu’s body.

“It’s so ferocious! It’s amazing!”

Everyone looked at the excitement and excitement of their faces, and some people couldn’t help but applaud.

Bing Qixue’s face turned a bit serious, and the black-clothed woman and the cold young man next to him were equally serious, looking at Zhao Wei on the Myriad Dragons Platform above.

The contempt on Longyang’s face is no longer. When he stepped on the third difficulty, he was not so relaxed. The seven women next to him also looked at Zhao Wei seriously and stopped talking.

The ninth 1st Order!

The 92 level!

The ninth 3rd Order!

Ninety XXXXX Order!


Zhao Wei crossed the 1st Order step and came to the fourth difficulty, which is the 110th 9th Order.

Step out!

I saw the melons of countless dragon columns, constantly condensing in the sky, forming a hundred-meter-high golden dragon ball, with a powerful pressure, shaking the square, everyone underneath felt the terrible of this strength.

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