Take the military branch for example! Now Outer Territory is basically based on 1st Order soldiers, supplemented by 2nd Order, 3rd Order soldiers are few, and 4th Order is basically Martial General.

Although Ancient Stem Domain is just a small Desolate Domain in Heaven Awaken World, it is definitely far stronger than your novice world. This is beyond doubt.

The countries of Inner Territory are basically based on 2nd Order, supplemented by 3rd Order, 4th Order is also a lot of force, 5th Order cultivation base can be a small general, 1st Order soldiers and 2nd Order soldiers strength are seven or eight times different. The two sides fight and the results need not be said.

There is still a longer-lasting force, and the more powerful it is, the more means it will be. It can be said that the Inner Territory is far stronger than the Outer Territory world because the strength levels of the two sides are different.

Zhao Wei is also somewhat scared. For the real strength of Inner Territory, even in the same country, if it is really playing, Daqin is hard to win, and Ancient Stem Domain is just a small Desolate Domain, and Heaven as the heart of Heaven Awaken World. Domain, how strong is that strength?

Thinking of this, Zhao Wei could not help but swallow saliva, and put away the kind of care and pride before, Daqin strength is still relatively weak.

After some detailed talks, Zhao Wei also knows the matter of Ancient Stem Domain. He intends to use it in the future Emperor Killing Sword in the future. It is too much trouble. It will cause too much trouble. It will drag down Daqin. Zhao Wei does not want to do this. The people who led the Inner Territory attacked Daqin.

At the same time, Zhao Wei also knows some of the strongest forces of the Ancient Stem Domain. For the Bear Mountain Kingdom, there is a deeper understanding, because the former war with Zhao Wei was the Third Prince of Bear Mountain Kingdom. He and Zhao Wei are Some grudges.

There are still corpses of the Daqin 1st Order. There are still more than two billion corpses, but there are a lot of high-level corpses, such as the body of the 2nd-4th Order. The big Qin is urgently needed. If you go to Ancient Stem Inner Territory, maybe Can get a lot of high-level corpses.

These corpses can be refined to Blood God Pill, a medicinal pill made from corpses, which contains a large amount of cultivation base, which can be used to enhance a large number of cultivation bases, but can only be used once, and Blood God Pill is also divided into different Grade, because the bodies are refining with different cultivation bases.

It can promote the soliers of no cultivation cultivation base to 4-stage, which can promote the soliers of 5-stage cultivation base to 8-stage, and the sodiers of 8-stage cultivation base to 1st Order.

The effect of each Blood God Pill is like this, it can improve a large number of cultivation base in a short time, which shortens a lot of time. Daqin is so powerful now, one of the major reasons is the effect of Blood God Pill, which can be said to be a big Qin’s Cheating weapon.

With it, Zhao Wei can shorten the gap with the strength of Inner Territory. In the future, there is no need to fear the people of Inner Territory, so the high-end Blood God Pill must not be less.

At the same time, because of the qualification ball, the qualification of Daqinsoldiers is higher than normal. The speed and understanding of their cultivation is naturally faster than the average person. This can shorten the certain awareness with Inner Territory and make up for the shortcomings of insufficient foundation.

After a moment of contemplation, Zhao Wei decided to go to Inner Territory to get a lot of high-level corpses. Daqin must shorten the gap with others as soon as possible.

However, this may need to span hundreds of worlds. Although there is teleportation formation, the road is very far away. It may take a lot of time. Maybe there is any danger. Zhao Wei immediately began to prepare for the various things of Inner Territory. .

More than a month later, there was a little snow in the sky, and the cold wind blew, as if it could cut the skin, the leaves had fallen, and no birds hummed, and Xiaoxi had a thin layer of ice, surrounded by a cold scene.

At this time, it was winter, and it was the fifth winter that Zhao Wei passed. Zhao Wei came to a restaurant with a dusty servant, and asked for two good rooms.

For more than a month, Zhao Wei and Ge Nie are on the road, because countries do not provide teleportation formation, let others travel to and from other countries, teleportation formation has to rely on Zhao Wei to build their own, in order to go to Ancient Stem Domain’s Inner Territory.

However, the next time it comes, it will be simpler. These teleportation formations are also built in some hidden places to ensure their own safety.

After a little grooming, Zhao Wei and Ge Nie came to the first floor and prepared to eat something.

Now this place is already considered Inner Territory. As the medicine stone said, the basicsoldiers are 2nd Order, and some people’s cultivation base also has 1st Order, which is far stronger than Outer Territory.

Zhao Wei came here mainly to find the merchant group cooperation, as long as the rich merchant group basically do anything, because the ability of the merchant group is the most suitable for collecting things, without the trouble Zhao Zhao personally collect, and may not collect, It is also not easy to reveal identity.

Ancient Stem Domain has several powerful merchant groups. It has a long history and a deep foundation. Its strength is stronger than that of the general Dukedom. Zhao Wei and their cooperation should not have the accident of the division, they can be stable for a long time. Providing the body for Zhao Wei, all the premise is to have money.

This city is a Noble City-level city, belonging to a force called Myriad Dragons Merchant Group. The forces of Myriad Dragons Merchant Group are mostly in the Inner Territory West. It is the closest merchant group from Daqin, or cooperate with it. It takes more than a month to travel to other places.

“Gai Ni sat down to eat it!”

Zhao Wei called a table of delicious food, and planned to make a good meal to make up for the hard work of a month. Looking at the honestly standing behind him, there was no shelf, and he said to him with a smile.

In fact, Zhao Fu’s strength, more than Gagne does not know how much, does not need his protection, take him out to deal with some things that he is not convenient to shoot, there is a limited ability, but also need him to do something.

Gagne nodded and sat down, and both of them began to move chopsticks.

At this time, a man dressed in white, to be a beautiful silver sword, handsome, with two guards coming in from outside the door.

The guards are a man and a woman. The man is cold and has a sharp swordsman. At first glance, he is a kendo master. The woman’s breath is also extremely strong. He is dressed in a black suit, graceful and beautiful.

“waiter! Prepare a good table on the table.” The white youth smiled and sat next to the table next to Zhao Wei and shouted.

Then a shop waiter came over to say hello.

After the waiter, people were ready to serve, and the young white men sat next to wait. When the cold man felt something, he couldn’t help but look at Gai Nie’s eyes and his pupils shrank.

The young man in white was a little curious. He followed his gaze and looked at the two body cloaks at the side table. However, it was not Gaine, but Zhao Yu was attracted to the past.

Zhao Wei felt his gaze, raised the head and looked at the white youth next to him. His eyes were slightly opposite, and the gentle smile on the white youth face was stiff.

Although Zhao Fu’s eyes are not malicious, but the eyes of a pair of terrible eyes, even if there is no malicious, will be scary, as if stared by a terrible evil.

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