Xiao Yuanchu lightly snorted, “I just asked you this way, I must think that women are weak, men should be strong, men should protect women, and women should be protected? This is typical macho.”

“Now we are male and female equal, how can we choose, women can choose to be stronger than men, men can choose to be weaker than women, but also as normal, men can protect women, and women can choose to be weak.”

“You can’t look at the problem with a man who must have a strong point of view. Everything can be chosen by yourself. How can you say that you live in the best time, it is our wise glory, and Daqin is so good today, you should Be grateful to us.”

Zhao Wei laughed a few times, and some did not know what to say. There is really a gap between his own majesty and their imagination.

“Do you feel like doing this?”

At this time, Zhao Wei asked some seriously to ask Xiao Yuanchu, because he also wanted to know the ordinary people, the view on this matter.

Xiao Yuanchu smiled and said, “Of course, I must support. I want to praise our forbearance. Now I am open-minded. Everyone has their own choices. They can work hard for their own lives. Together, they will be the future of Great Qin’s. And work hard.”

Zhao Wei was relieved a little, but the matter still has to go back, collecting more people’s feelings and handling them.

“In August of this year, Daqin will hold a civil examination again. This time, I may have a chance to see our long-lived dragons and GoddeSS Li Muqing Senior Li in our heart.” Suddenly Xiao Yuanchu said with a confident smile. .

Wen Yan, Zhao Qi chuckled, turned to look at Li Muqing next to him, saying, “Why is GoddeSS in your heart? Li Muqing?”

Xiao Yuanchu said with a trace of admiration, “Of course it is because of her talent, and the beautiful face. Now we have left the red people around us, and there is a special literature in the middle of the event, and there are Senior Li who come in, Can be one of our big Qinqi women.”

Li Muqing’s face was reddish and a little embarrassed, facing Zhao Fu’s gaze.

At this time, the woman in the red dress on the stage thought she had won, and she would not argue with her. She wanted to leave with the young man.

But at this time a strong young man went to the ring and shouted directly. “Wait, I have to challenge.”

Zhao Wei looked surprised and asked, “Isn’t a man starting a martial arts competition? Can a man join?”

Xiao Yuanchu has been helpless, sighing. “I really don’t know that you are the little place. You don’t want to make a fuss about anything. Can men and men not do it? Since ancient times, men and men have only been ethical. Everyone is ashamed to mention.”

Our Majesty, as the greatest emperor of Human World, is naturally not constrained by these things. It is already common in the real world of the original.

Moreover, various local thoughts and cultures began to gather in Daqin, and there was a fierce collision and metamorphosis. If it could not be treated well, Daqin would not be flat, and various contradictions would occur frequently, and there might be civil strife.

However, even if there is a civil unrest, with our Great Qin’s strength, it can be settled quickly, but civil strife is not always a good thing.

This is to thank us a lot for the Great Qin Dynasty. It is our wise, visionary vision, broad-mindedness, and inclusiveness that will make Daqin so prosperous and strong.

You think about who has the heart of our knees now, and we are not losing money, it is the emperor of the ancient world, and will be unified with Human World’s men. If this matter is handled by Great Han, we may accompany those Confucian deaths and deal with Great Shang. Almost all are in shackles.

In the face of Xiao Yuanchu’s praise, Zhao Wei’s face was thin and smiled.

At this time, the strong young man in the ring, fierce punches to the red woman, brought a strong wind, while the red woman hid to the side, and kicked out the leg.


A dull voice rang out, and a strong young man was kicked in the middle of the abdomen, his body flew out, fell on the ground, and spit out a blood.

The red woman’s body is from the front, I want to win a blow.

At this time, next to a man wearing black clothes, embroidered with a black mysterious bird on his chest and a long knife at his waist, started talking, “He has lost, can’t attack.”

The red woman heard the man’s words and listened to it honestly, and the strong young man sighed and walked down the platform alone, as if the black youth had to be violated.

Zhao Yu looked at the young man, and Xiao Yuanchu thought that Zhao Wei, the countryman, didn’t know who it was, so he was about to explain it, but Zhao Xiao interrupted him and said, “I know who this is. .”

The young man in black is called Law Enforcer. His duty is to maintain order, to enforce the law, and to take responsibility for solving crimes.

This is different from the guards who guard the city. The guards are only responsible for guarding the city, suppressing the riots, maintaining the general order of the city, and restoring nothing else, and the Law Enforcer is responsible for dealing with all kinds of things in the people.

Because the mysterious bird is embroidered on the chest, the Law Enforcer is also called Profound Bird Guard. It is also the original of Great Qin’s, and it is also discussed by Zhao Wei and the numerous ministers.

With more and more people, there are more and more things happening, so there must be a group of people who are responsible for solving various things between the people, so the Law Enforcer was born.

And Daqin is forbidden to fight for no reason, no matter the right or wrong, both sides will punish, but like this martial arts competition, or the fight, must be officially recognized before it can begin. ,

Otherwise, at the beginning of the martial arts competition, the Law Enforcer put the group in the prison and sinned.

Xiao Yuanchu had some accidents, but she didn’t care too much because there was a city.

Then, the red woman stood on the ring and asked aloud, “Who is still robbing the old lady? Stand up!”

Everyone faces up, no one stands up.

Xiao Yuanchu said to Zhao Wei, “Xietai! Do you want to go up and try it, the young man is also very delicate.”

Zhao Xin was in a cold heart and quickly shook his head.

No one is on the stage, the young man is naturally a red woman, and the young man seems to be very satisfied with the red woman, then the two left together.

Nothing to watch, everyone has spread.

Zhao Wei is also trying to leave with Ge Nie. Xiao Yuanchu called Zhao Wei and said that he still asked Zhao to go to drink and talk about the national affairs. I am afraid he is not even thinking about it. The youth in front of them is their great Qin, and The beautiful woman next to him is exactly what he thinks of Senior Li.

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