As the debris continues to fall, the magic of Demon Profound World is fiercely poured into Human World, while Human World’s Aura is forced to retreat. Suddenly a huge influx of magical creatures, the beasts and plants in the border area are instantly demonized. .

In the end everything calms down, the two worlds are completely bordered, without any hindrance, just one step away from Demon Profound World.

When everyone was astonished by what happened, Zhao Wei also received a voice prompt, the number was more than the average person, and he knew exactly what happened. He couldn’t help but laugh, and did not expect such a thing to happen. Undoubtedly, it solved a big problem for Daqin.

The following are the tips that everyone has not received.

“Hint! Ye Dynasty controlled by Daqin, cleaning up one-third of South Demon Continent, gaining control of these areas, and a large number of Demon Profound World destiny flooding into Human World.”

“Hint! Because there is a Heaven Domain enchantment, destiny can’t flood in.”

“Hint! More and more destiny blocked by the Heaven Domain enchantment, causing a major change in the Heaven Domain enchantment.”

“Hint! Because Human World Dachen destiny has dominated and actively rushed into the Heaven Domain enchantment, causing a major change in the Heaven Domain enchantment.”

“Hint! The two destiny make the Heaven Domain enchantment happen, and the passages of the two worlds will soon open.”

“Hint! A lot of Demon Profound World is pouring into Human World, Daqin destiny has been greatly improved, and Demon Profound World destiny is getting weaker.”

This is the reason for the incident. At first, Zhao Wei was troubled by how to open the Heaven Domain enchantment. I did not expect it to be solved so easily. It seems that Zhao Wei did nothing, just Ye Dynasty cleaning the area.

Because South Demon Continent has been completely controlled by Daqin, because of the Heaven Domain enchantment, the relationship between Population and City Lord cannot be quickly moved, and it is impossible to migrate. If there is any urgent matter, Daqin really can’t be fast. Catch up.

Now that there is no Heaven Domain enchantment block, Zhao Wei can already turn South Demon Continent into his own territory, and don’t have to worry about the threat of other continents in the Magic South world.

Population and City Lord can be freely deployed. It is naturally very convenient. It is not as complicated as before. Zhao can put all the Depth of South Demon Continent and all the City Lord under Daqin.

Especially the more than 20,000 City Lords, and the huge Ye Dynasty forces, Zhao Wei can now be transferred, and this time when Daqin is launching the war, with their help, it is undoubtedly a huge boost. .

Now Daqin strength and City Lord and the other three continents, the difference is not very big, which makes Zhao Wei could not help but have a little more confidence.

“Your Majesty! Now there is such a major change, we still need to renegotiate this matter.” Wei Wei understood what Zhao Fu’s smile, and also showed a smile, said the hand.

Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded. Now that South Demon Continent has joined, all the plans made before can be completely revoked.

The crowd began to negotiate.

The northerncontinent was shrouded in a haze, and everyone’s face was very dignified, even ugly, and saddened, because there were two instances in which Fish Scale World invaded the southern continent, and now it is their turn to the north.

And the other party is still a Mozu, stronger than the Fish Scale person, whoever faces the current situation, the face will not be good.

I think that Fish Scale World swept the southern continent, and one pair would destroy Human World’s. If it wasn’t for the last time, Daqin would force the Fish Scale World to go back. Maybe Human World would have gone out.

Originally the people of the southern continent are also fleeing everywhere. Now the southern continent is occupied by Daqin, and the originally southern people are only able to live in other continents, and they are also subject to other continents.

Now facing the stronger Mozu, the end of the northern continent may be the same as the southern continent, and Human World has experienced two world wars, and its strength has suffered a lot of losses. Now facing the Third World War, human still Is there hope?

This is the most worrying thing about the northern continent, because things are too big and too serious.

However, there is only one thing that is fortunate, that is, the defensive wall built a long time ago, when the Emperor of the Great Qin went to the opposite side, telling everyone that the opposite is the Mozu. Under his proposal, the numerous force is to build a defensive wall. .

Because the southern continent was placed in front of the ferocious invaders, the northern continent was also worried that the Mozu would invade, so the defensive wall was built particularly strong, and there were things to prepare for a lot of devils.

Now Zhao Wei is estimated to have regretted his death. He did not expect that things will happen now. Because of the fear of the invasion of the Mozu, the North forces built the defensive wall, and prepared a lot of things to destroy the devil, and also provided some resources to support.

The South Demon Continent has been controlled by Daqin. This defensive wall and demon objects can be used against South Demon Continent. It can be said that Zhao Wei himself pitted himself once.

If you didn’t say that Demon Profound World was opposite and didn’t tell them about Demon Profound World, now the northern continent is completely unprepared, and Ye Dynasty can take the opportunity to launch an invasion, which will definitely sweep the northern continent.

It’s no use now, but after giving Zhao a chance, Zhao Wei will still do that, because Zhao Wei didn’t know that he could control South Demon Continent, and the Mozu was the first to be Culture World, and the whole strength was Human World. Strong.

Although the strength of Daqin was strong, but there was no construction in one country, there were few troops and regions. If Demon Profound World invaded, human was not prepared to be destroyed. At that time, Daqin could not escape the fate of extinction, so Zhao I will still do that.

Gorfi, one of the eight biggates, rushed to the defensive wall defense with the northern numerous force in the first place, beware of Demon Profound Clan at any time.

“Hey! Human World is now in the civil war. Now there is another kind of thing. Although I haven’t seen the strength of the Mozu, I can understand the horror of the Mozu by the way of the magical invasion. Human World In a crisis, what about human destiny?”

Gorfi stood on the defensive wall, looking at the demonized land in front, sighing and his face full of worry.

Northern continue others, looking at the scene, the face is also very difficult to see, with their strength facing a Demon World, they have no confidence, many people are scared, have been planning to flee to other continents.

“what should I do now?”

Gorfi is the Guardian of the northern continent, and the strength is also the strongest person. Everyone looks at him and sees what answer he can give.

In the face of everyone’s eyes, Gorfi sighed a little and said, “Now I can only write letters for other continents, especially in Daqin. It is especially important to give up the civil war and unanimously!”

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