Two months later, Zhao Wei called the most outstanding four Exotic Race leaders in Daqin. One was Rogge, the former Old Logue. Now it is not old. With Great Qin’s help, originally weak. Goblin Village Chief, now has the strength of 5th Order, and also has a variety of prints.

His identity is undoubtedly the most noble person in Goblin, and one of the longest Exotic Race generals who followed Zhao Wei, who is good at magic attacks.

The second is Duoke, the leader of Kobold, who conquered Kobold when he attacked the village, and was one of the longest Exotic Race generals to follow.

Identity is the most noble in Kobold, and its strength is also very strong. The spears, the cultivation base has 5th Order, and there are different reprints. It should not be underestimated.

One is Daisy, the leader of the elf, the most noble among the elves, and one of the longest Exotic Race generals who followed Zhao.

Originally, she looks beautiful and beautiful, and then merges with Church blood. The beauty is a bit more beautiful than before, and it has a trace of holiness. The strength is also very strong. It is also good at spell attack and masters Daqin reprint.

The last one was Sade, the leader of Orc. After the Orc forces were destroyed, the generals selected from the numerous Orc have been very good, fighting very fiercely, and have made a lot of credit for Daqin.

Now the same strength 5th Order, prefer to use the big knife, identity is the most noble person in Orc, also master Daqin reprint.

Calling them four, Zhao Wei naturally has its purpose. They have already integrated into Great General’s Destiny. Now Daqin has launched a huge war many times. The Great General of the striking down has not counted much. Many people in Daqin have actually integrated into Great General’s Destiny. .

Now Zhao Wei wants them to integrate the General Armament. During this period, Daqin has collected four hundred Soldier Souls, which can make Daqin have four more General Armaments.

The importance of the General Armament, no need to say more, Zhao Wei gave Soldier Soul to them, let them immediately begin to merge.

The four people also obeyed each other. They stood on one side and looked a little excited. Because Zhao Wei gave such four important things to them, they saw Zhao Yi’s attention to them.

Forty integrated Divine Soldier Souls, emitting a large number of white awns, floated from the hands of four people into the sky, centered on four, forming four rounds.

Then, the Divine Soldier Soul in the sky gave off a powerful momentum, and the white awns that were emitted became bigger and bigger, eventually forming forty huge ball of light.


A rumbling sound rang, forty balls of light gave a stronger momentum than before, forming a gust of wind that slammed around. In the ball of light, the originally solid solitier body began to melt like ice, and finally changed. For a burst of purple, ten ball of light are echoing each other.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four huge rumbling sounds sounded, and the weather was surging. Heaven and Earth changed color. I saw four huge Purple Stars, exuding noble stars, with a vast momentum, breaking through the limits of the day and coming to the sky. Above.

At this moment, other continent people, feeling the fluctuations, could not help but frown. After the destruction of the real world, the life source of the numerous people has already awakened, so the induction of the Life Source star is also very strong.

Looking at the four stars that appeared in the distance, everyone looked blank and sighed slightly, because that direction was Daqin, because they were already eccentric.

The Great General in their hands actually awakened General Star, but lacked the General Armament, so the use of General Star is almost impossible.

Looking to the Middle Earth continent, Rogge and Daisy each raised the staff in their hands, and Sade and Duoke also raised their spears and broadswords.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The four men broke out their strength, a terrible momentum, as the real shock wave spread, a powerful storm blew, the ground began to crack cracks, the boulder rolled, and the trees swayed wildly.

Zhao Wei is next to him, and he also defended the Emperor’s Domain, resisting the wind.

I saw that the four people began to smell different colors, and then gathered into a mist, and the momentum on them was getting stronger and stronger.


It was a loud sound, and the four people burst into a strong light. These rays formed four beams of light, with a terrible momentum, and shot straight into the sky, hitting the four huge Purple Stars.

Then, the four Purple Stars gradually began to change color.

A star that gradually turns black and emits black stars with a scent of conquest. This star Zhao is familiar, because this one is the Broken Army Star, which belongs to the General Star that Sade awakened.

One gradually becomes silvery white, like the moon, emitting a soft starlight, and the breath is soft, with a kind of yin.

This is Moon Star, a Life Source star that is awakened by Daisy. The sun is like the moon, and the Five Elements is a sinister water. The Lord is like a family home, wealth, mother, wife, daughter or female. In the owner’s bed, hotel. Heavenly Emperor Wang Yi among the fourteen stars of the purple micro-class star.

Moon Star is also seen as a moth in the folk. The people’s worship of the moon is the earliest recorded in the historical records of the “Shangshu·Yuandian”: the sun, the moon, and the stars are Tianzong, the ancestral temples, the rivers, and the seas are the celestial beings.

Taiyin is a water, not into the Nanbeidou, in the days of the moon is also fine, wealth, for the wealth, the landlord. Take the shackles, the Secretary III Jiao Jing, the main soft.

One gradually turns yellow, which is a more noble yellow, emitting yellow light, and the breath is a kind of breath, with a strong sense of upper-level oppression.

This moment is called Heavenly Minister Star, which is the star that Rogge awakens. Its meaning is the natural Prime Minister, the life of the assistant.

Heavenly Minister Star is a professional term for Ziweidou. It is one of the four main characters of Ziwei, and it is the last star in the leadership category.

This day is called “Seal Star”. This “print” character vividly shows the polite and thoughtful personality of the heavens. The appearance of the positive star has not been seen, and is often mistaken for a negative personality.

Zhao Wei couldn’t help but be a little surprised. He didn’t think that Rogge would wake up the Heavenly Minister Star. In fact, if you use General Armament for Li Si or Shang Yang, they should all be Heavenly Minister Star, and they should be the life of the prime minister.

But now the General Armament is in short supply, and Zhao Wei naturally wants to use the General Armament for the battlefield. Li Si Shang Yang, as the Civil Minister, will naturally not.

The last one gradually became a fire, emitting a fire, its light is very dazzling, with a hot breath.

This star is called Sun Star. It is the Life Source General Star that Duoke awakens. The Sun Star is the main star of the sky. It is expensive, and it is God of Light. It is the star of “Brightness,” “Boai,” and “Power”. .

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