There are also three hundred City Lords in the face of Happy Weed Country. Werewolf has also thought about how to deal with it, and their strength is stronger than Happy Weed Country, so they didn’t care about it.

At first they were a little vigilant, beware of Happy Weed Country’s plot, but now it’s clear that since Happy Weed Country is looking for death and making such a strategy, they are not polite, killing directly from Happy Weed Country’s Royal City. .

But all the way to the army, quickly stopped them, but the strength is a little different, Werewolf side of the force reached 35 million, and Happy Weed Country side is only 10 million troops, City Lord aspect Werewolf eight hundred There are many, and Happy Weed Country has only more than 500.

In fact, Werewolf’s strength is not only that. In the back road, they also left the army to prevent other two people in Happy Weed Country from attacking them from behind and giving them time to destroy Happy Weed Country.

The two armies took hold with a huge momentum, the atmosphere was very depressed, and a chilling atmosphere made the entire region dead.

“hahaha… Ye Xiong I think you have a bit of skill, it’s better to come to loyalty to Graywolf Country! I won’t treat you badly, now you Happy Weed Country has not saved.”

A Werewolf Great Han, laughing in the sky.

Ye Xiong is the name of the original Happy Weed Country Main General. Now standing on the sky, Graywolf Country is the country that attacked Happy Weed Country.

In the face of the arrogance of the other party, Ye Xiong did not answer. Zhao Wei, who turned his attention to what he saw, now sees Zhao Fu’s strength, he has no opinions, and believes that Zhao Wei has the ability to solve the crisis of Happy Weed Country.

“No need to pay attention, just wait for the attack.”

Zhao Yuping was lightly replied, and Ye Xiong also followed Zhao Fu’s instructions and ignored the Werewolf Great Han.

Opposite the Werewolf Great Han, the smile disappeared, coldly snorted, “launched the command of the offense!”

The huge, tidal soliters, with an unstoppable momentum, rushed to the Happy Weed Country army, which was extremely amazing and tens of thousands of miles.

At the forefront is the Wolf Cavalry, which is extremely fast and extremely fierce, and the Graywolf Country belongs to the 3rd Grade Nobledom, this time with five Great Legion. There are also two Great Legion enemies of the other two lines.

Happy Weed Country is only 2nd Grade Nobledom. There are only five Great Legion in total. The other two legions are also responsible for the other Werewolf army. There are only three legions here.

In the battlefield between countries and the country, the role of the legion is extremely important. One more and one less will have no small impact.

“Áo! ”

The Wolf Cavalry in front is a legion. I saw that they used military condensate, and a gray breath poured out from their bodies, directly condensing a hundred-meter-high Grey Wolf, giving a terrible roar to the sky, and then taking it. A terrible momentum shocked.

Happy Weed Country, the legion of this side, also shouted loudly, bursting with a blue scent, and then condensed a blue rhinoceros, with a strong strength, rushed over to that Grey Wolf.


Two giant war beast fiercely hit together, creating a terrible shock wave, like a raging wind, but the battle of two giant war beasts officially began.

Bang bang bang ……

Graywolf Country has four buzzing sounds on the side, four huge sensational sensations, and four army groups using Soldier Qi Congeals Shape, one condensed out of the mouse, one condensed out a big stone, one condensed out of the rabbit, one condensed out A tooth decay.

Four huge giants, with a fierce momentum, quickly rushed to Happy Weed Country.

In the war between countries, it is generally the first to use military condensate, because this has great destructive power, and even if it is eliminated, it will not cause casualties, and at most let the Soldiers weaken without serious consequences.

Happy Weed Country The remaining two regiments also broke out. One condensed a big stick, one condensed a sparrow, and with a powerful momentum, rushed to Graywolf Country.

There are two fewer Happy Weed Country in number. This can only be resisted by the City Lord, or a large number of Soldiers. The City Lord and the Soldiers are somewhat disadvantageous. One is that the Legion has restraint against the City Lord, and the other is to use a large number of Soldiers to resist the Legion. The terrible condensate will lose countless.

Zhao Wei did not hesitate to send more than 150 City Lords to deal with two giant beasts. More than 70 City Lords dealt with a regiment of a regiment. There should be no major problems.

Of course, this depends on the strength of the legion, because the legion also has different levels, but also special and ordinary points.

The original Happy Weed Country is more than 500 City Lords. Now minus one hundred and fifty, there are only three hundred and fifty left, but there are eight hundred opposite.

The Graywolf Country soldiers below saw it in front of them, and the City Lord of the Graywolf Country also broke out with a strong momentum, rushing to the City Lord of Happy Weed Country.

The war is on the verge!

On the ground, two large forces fought fiercely together. The cavalry against the cavalry, the infantry and the infantry, began to be fiercely killed, the weapons collided with countless sounds, blood spattered, and death continued to spread.

It’s very unfavorable to occupy Happy Weed Country because there are fewer people, and secondly, the Exotic Race is fierce to fight.

Graywolf Country didn’t have any surprises when they saw this, because they had expected this scene, and Happy Weed Country couldn’t stop them.


Suddenly a terrifying momentum spread out, as the sea was turbulent, and the entire battlefield felt a terrible momentum, and there was a fear in the heart.

The sudden explosion of this momentum made Graywolf Country suddenly startled and turned to look at the past, only to see the black cloak, turned into a powerful streamer, flying over, more than 20 City Lord bodies were directly In two halves.

Áooooo ……

See also countless rings were thrown out by that person, a huge dragon appeared, and a huge dragonfly was heard.

After the appearance of these dragons, they flapped their wings and brought a gust of wind, then rushed down to the Graywolf Country, spurting a hot flame, and a bitter cold, burning or squirting one of the Soldiers.

Originally, the army of Happy Weed Country was attacked in an orderly manner. It was a bit confusing at this moment because five hundred dragons of nearly 100 meters suddenly appeared, and they did not respond in time.

However, this is, after all, Land of Legacy, Graywolf Country, a lot of 4th Order solitiers, took the big bow and shot at the dragon. These arrows flew out with powerful force and shot into a big dragon body. Among them.

The dragon emits a painful dragon, with its huge body, an arrow does not cause damage to the dragon, but hundreds of arrows are dangerous for the dragon.

This shows the difference between the strength of the Land of Legacy inside and outside, because to know the Great Qin’s dragon, in the Land of Legacy that is almost sweeping, the generalsoldiers can not deal with it, can only use the City Lord to fight.

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