Chapter 448


Hearing Hitlio’s words, Da La and Da La’s ministers nodded and agreed.

On the land of Dala and Tianla, there are a large number of Dala and Dala’s troops stationed. The ministers of Dala and Dala naturally know how to deal with Karen and Tianla’s army.

Afterwards, Hitlio ordered that all the armies retreat to the periphery of the borders of Da La and Da La, and no longer enter the territory of Da La and Da La. In this way, the war between Karen and Da La, The fighting between the soldiers of Da La and Karen will not spread to Da La’s border.

Subsequently, under the order of Hitlerio, the soldiers of the Karen Kingdom also retreated to the border of Da La.

Afterwards, Karen and Dala’s soldiers rested on the border of Dala, waiting for the army of Karen and Dala Kingdom to come.

We “have now entered the border between Karen and Da La, and the war between Karen and Da La is about to begin!”

“Well, the war between Da La and Karen, this war, Karen Kingdom will suffer heavy losses,”!”

“Hmph, the war between Da La and Karen, even if it is the war between Karen and the king of Da La, we are not afraid, because the war between Da La and Karen will not affect the national luck of Da La. , The war between Da La and Karen, there is no loss to Da La!”

“Yes, we don’t need to participate in this war!”

“Hey, the battle between Karen and Da La, let them continue! There is still a lot of things to do in our country!”

“Yeah, this war, the war between Karen and Da La, is a war between two kingdoms, our emperor of Da La, but I hope the war between Karen and Da La will end as soon as possible, and then The land is returned to us, and this war will not have much impact on us!”

Dala’s soldiers were resting on the border, and Dala’s soldiers were also talking about it.

Although the war between Karen and Da La was an ordinary war, in the eyes of the soldiers of Karen and Da La, this war was a war related to national honor and national destiny.

The armies of Karen Kingdom and Dala Kingdom are all ready. Karen Kingdom, on the wall of Karen King City, is full of Karen Kingdom soldiers.

At the gate of Karen King City, an army composed of the Great Gambling Kingdom and Karen Kingdom’s army is waiting for the arrival of the Karen Kingdom’s army.

In the Dala Palace, in the Katyn Palace, in a luxurious palace, a young prince sat on the throne.

At this time, Karen’s face was ashen, and he looked at the generals who were kneeling on the ground with an angry look in his eyes.

“, “How, how is the current situation? Dala and the king of Dala, are you willing to send a large number of troops to support Dasheng!”

Karen, who was sitting on the throne, looked coldly at the generals in front of him and asked.

“Your Highness, Dala and the king of Dala have agreed to send a large number of troops to support the kingdom of Dala. The land dispute between Dala and Dala has broken out. (Zhao Hao) Dala and the king of Dala, All want to get enough credit in this war, and then be promoted to the royal family of Da La!”

“Hmph, the two kingdoms of Dala and Dala Kingdom are really a bunch of cowards. The war between our Karen and Dala has already broken out, and this war is inevitable, neither Dala nor Dala Kingdom can escape. , They are all cowards in the Dala Kingdom, and the land dispute between Dala and Dala is just a gesture of strategic cooperation!”

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