The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 996: The Spider Queen’s Wrath

The special laws and mechanisms of Faerûn, in addition to making the world extremely closed, also largely limit the interference of creatures above level four on underlying creatures.

In fact, this is to protect the underlying creatures and ecological balance system of Faerûn to a certain extent.

Therefore, the gods of Faerûn rarely send "miracles" unless there are special circumstances.

Only in a special misty area directly above the main plate of Faerun and under the regular crystal wall can beings of level four and above vent their power unscrupulously.

Fighting in this area can avoid affecting the main material world below to a large extent.

For this reason, this special area is also called the "Battlefield of Gods" or the "Graveyard of Gods".

Because in the past countless thousands of years, too many gods have fallen here.

During the Saint Catastrophe that occurs almost every ten thousand years, the gods of Faerun continent first fight on the continent, and then move to this battlefield of gods to fight again.

Although the gods with medium divine power and the vast majority of relatively powerful low-level divine powers will not be swept down to the mortal world by the power of the stone of destiny, they will come as saints.

But the consequences of just a fight between gods with weak divine power on the continent are enough to cause confusion among the major camps in Faerûn and make them hostile to each other for a long time.

Because in Faerun, almost all gods have their own camp.

Those who are qualified to break away from the major camps are only a few existences or individuals with extremely special clergy.

And in the past history of Faerûn, there have been extremely rare cases where even gods with moderate divine power were knocked down from the mortal world.

Generally, the arrival of that kind of situation heralds the emergence of a saint catastrophe far greater than in the past.

Fortunately, it has been a hundred thousand years since the last saint catastrophe of this scale came.

The God of Bones and quite a few of the new gods of Faerûn who have emerged in the past tens of thousands of years grew up in that catastrophe of saints, stepping on the corpses of ancient gods.

In addition to being able to exert their full strength on the battlefield of God, the gods of Faerun can also exert their full strength in the Kingdom of God and in some very special areas.

For example, in the three-level purgatory located in the far west of Faerûn, the gods of this world can also exert their full power.

Purgatory is not something that has existed in Faerûn since ancient times. It is an acquired product.

Speaking of which, the emergence of Purgatory is also related to those evil gods who accidentally broke into the continent of Faerun.

About two hundred thousand years ago, a large group of evil gods accidentally broke into this world.

They seem to be a special group that was defeated and fled, calling themselves "demons".

After the demons arrived in Faerun, they could not escape from this world, so they gradually settled down in Faerun and gradually multiplied to this day.

It's not just demons. In fact, there are many cases where the alien races in this world gradually develop into aborigines.

It is said that the most famous dragon clan in the Faerun continent did not originally come from this world.

It's just that the dragon family came to Faerûn far earlier than the demons, so they are now more adaptable to the environmental laws of this world.

Even some of the new generation fourth-level dragon gods deny that they are from outside the territory, but firmly believe that they are locals.

Different from the deep integration of the dragon clan, the demons have insisted on their original identities from beginning to end.

And they are determined to return to the outside world and re-attack the enemies who once made them flee.

At the same time, it is also the incompatibility and sense of torn between this group of demons and the local gods of Faerun that makes the demons and the local gods of this world unable to urinate in the same pot.

Not only the lawful and neutral camps, but even the dark alliance of the evil camp, those demons will not spare them.

In fact, the division of camps in this world that Thane obtained from the minds of those adventurers was not very accurate.

Because in addition to the traditional evil, lawful and neutral alignments, this world also has demons representing the chaotic alignment.

The strength of the demon clan is not inferior to any of the three major camps.

Today, the strongest among the demons in purgatory, Leo Tolstoy, known as the "Monarch of Bloody War", is a "great powerhouse", that is, a high-ranking god.

In the astral level, this level of existence is the pinnacle of level six.

(ps: Koppferen‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏Continental power system: level one extraordinary, level two legend, level three epic, semi-sacred.

Level 4: Divided into weak divine power and low divine power. The reason why it is divided into two categories stems from the special rules and mechanisms and plane attributes of this world (will be discussed in detail later). Weak divine power and low-level divine power are collectively referred to as lower gods.

Level 5 medium divine power—median god.

The sixth level of powerful divine power - the upper god.

The sixth-level peak of great divine power - a high-ranking god.

Level seven and above are the main gods. )

In addition to possessing extremely powerful strength, what is even more talked about about this bloody war monarch is that he is the first generation of demon monarchs, that is, the first batch of demons who came to the continent of Faerun more than 200,000 years ago.

He is also the one with the most determined attitude among the demon monarchs who currently break away from the rules of Faerûn and attempt to return to the outside world.

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Apart from him, there are fewer and fewer first-generation demon monarchs in the three levels of purgatory in the Far West, and now only single digits remain.

Most of the current demon monarchs above level 4 were actually born from a new breakthrough in the continent of Faerûn in the past 200,000 years.

Because they were born in the continent of Faerûn, they now bear the extremely obvious logo of the continent of Faerûn.

Since it is difficult to break free and leave this world, it is only a matter of time before these demons are finally assimilated and absorbed like giant dragons.

However, the arrival of the demons has also injected a lot of fresh vitality and new things into the continent of Faerûn.

For example, the three connected worlds of Purgatory are a special phenomenon that is difficult for the gods of Faerûn to understand and has never appeared before.

It is also the emergence of these three levels of purgatory that makes many gods gradually believe that there may be other worlds outside the main material world.

Lady Night of the Dark Alliance is the biggest believer in this concept.

As a powerful and high-ranking god, he is a top existence on the same level as Leo Tolstoy.

It is for this reason that the Dark Alliance, represented by Lady of the Night, has been getting along well with this group of chaotic camp demons for nearly a hundred thousand years.

This also led to some cooperation between the chaotic and evil camps, while the gods of the lawful and neutral camps were closer.

The God of Bones is limited by the rules of the plane, and it is difficult to demonstrate all of his divine power in the main material world, but only a part of his power is enough to intimidate any Xiaoxiao.

Just like the Spider Queen, she easily controlled Thain with only one divine clone.

When the strong power of death appeared in front of Thain, he suddenly felt bad. The silver spider ring worn on Thain's finger suddenly emitted a burst of light.

The God of Bones' divine induction was attracted by the silver spider ring worn on Thane's hand.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, stimulated by the divine power of the White Bones, the previously dim silver spider ring was finally activated again.

Thane finally sensed and contacted the Spider Queen again.

However, before Thane could say hello to the Spider Queen.

The Spider Queen first "greeted" him: "You bastard, it took a full hundred years for you to contact me!"

"Why is there the aura of a fifth-level creature? Have you provoked a fifth-level creature in this world?!" The cold and harsh voice of the Spider Queen reached Thain's mind.

a hundred years……

I have only been awake for a week...

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ The corners of Thain’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch slightly.

No wonder the Spider Queen was a little excited at this time.

Because Thane lost contact for more than a hundred years, it was not only equivalent to the Spider Queen losing a precious fragment of a world-class secret treasure with properties of time, space and destiny.

It also marked the loss of her Condensed Silver Spider Ring, which cost a large amount of divine power.

Losing his wife and losing his troops represents the Spider Queen's mental state in the Black Realm in the past hundred years.

For this reason, many black magicians in the depths of the Black Realm, as well as the powerful corpse-training synthetic beasts raised in her black tower, suffered great misfortune during this period.

To bear the unreasonable disaster from this Spider Queen for no reason.

Although she cursed loudly, the Spider Queen's movements with her hands were not slow at all.

A web of divine power, far more powerful and sophisticated than the God of Bones, appeared in front of Thane, like a spider web, blocking the erosion of the divine power of the Bones in front of Thain.

The God of Bones who is far away in the Kingdom of God, let alone targeting Thane, it is difficult for him to even take a look at what is happening here.

The Spider Queen seemed to feel the constant competition from the other end, the God of Bones.

Just hearing a cold snort from the Spider Queen, a powerful web of divine power sputtered out.

Not only did it completely dissipate the divine power of the bones caused by the blood mist in front of Thane, the excess power also passed directly through the space and acted on the God of Bones in the kingdom of God far outside the main material world.

Two gods from different planes of civilization, but who also embarked on the path of belief in becoming gods, just fought against each other in the air.

Because the God of Bones was unprepared, and the opponent's strength far exceeded his own.

Caught off guard, the God of Bones, who was far away in the kingdom of God, spurted out a stream of extremely precious blood of God from his mouth.

The precious blood of God flowed from the corner of the mouth of the God of Bones. Holding the dragon skeleton in front of him, the God of Bones murmured to himself in surprise and horror: "Powerful divine power?!"

"Is there a higher god who is eyeing me?" The God of Bones suddenly felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.


Today is the fourth update, but this chapter is 3,000 words QAQ

The number of words is already quite a lot, so many words~

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