The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 992: Classification

In addition to expressing great anger, Thane, who learned about the situation of element users in Faerûn, also had an urge to correct and guide the correct way to use elements.

It's not that Thain is an enemy, but that he simply committed an occupational disease of a spell caster!

Thane could not sit idly by without acquiring knowledge, only through the unearned use of elements.

When did element users need to rely on the power of those "so-called gods"?

The only destination for these creatures above level four that have evolved to a higher level is to become specimens in the magician's laboratory in the wizarding world!

Thain was heartbroken to see the elemental users in Faerûn being so "degenerate".

He also doesn’t know what impact it will have on the world if he establishes a mage academy in this plane and teaches the correct method of using elements and exploring the truth.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎Of course, compared to this more cumbersome thing.

Or directly erasing the world may be more in line with the thoughts of every spell caster in the wizarding world.

This wrong way of using elements is simply an embarrassment to the magicians of the wizarding world who are also element users!

Thain's anger went away as quickly as it came.

Every qualified magician can not only control his time reasonably, but also control his emotions.

In addition to the above-mentioned information, Thain also knew which level of this world he was at.

A third-level creature, known as the "epic powerhouse" in the continent of Faerûn.

This is because creatures of this level rarely appear in the secular world, and they should be figures that exist in history.

Just the word "powerful" is no longer enough to describe them.

In the historical mythology of Faerûn, this level exists, and there are even feats of killing gods.

Step on the corpse of the god, step through the steps to reach the gods, and hold your own kingdom high.

There is no more content about killing gods in this thief's memory.

But just these few sentences mentioned above are enough to show the weight of the epic powerhouse in this world.

A second-level creature, known as the "legendary powerhouse" in Faerun.

Creatures of this level are almost the strongest ones arranged by major temples or churches in their respective temples and pastoral areas.

For example, the Bone Church in Blackwater City currently has one and only one legendary powerhouse in charge.

The thief had only heard about it accidentally, but had never actually seen the strong man. The famous dragon clan in the Faerûn continent often travels overseas and in the mountains. The adult dragons of the dragon clan are basically legendary creatures.

Similarly, dragon slaying is something close to legend in Faerûn.

Because dragons are huge in size, their actual combat power exceeds that of ordinary legendary creatures.

Moreover, the dragons in Faerûn are somewhat different from the dragons in the Wizarding World.

In the Wizarding World, dragons are classified according to their elemental genealogy, while in Faerûn they are distinguished by color.

The dragons in Faerûn are basically divided into five-color dragons.

They are: red, white, blue, green and black.

In addition to these five kinds of dragons, there is also a special kind of dragon derived from them, called the bronze dragon.

Bronze dragons do not have powerful elemental dragon fire abilities, but they do have the ability to manipulate metal.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ And his body is almost three times that of a dragon of the same level, and his hand-to-hand combat ability is amazing.

The special dragon genus in the continent of Faerûn was an eye-opener for Thane.

He has long known that the dragons in the wizarding world are not the only dragons in the star world.

There seemed to be a blue and purple star around the star field where the wild orangutan world was located, and its dominant creature was a group of purple dragon beasts.

In addition, within the Wizards' Alliance, there are many alliance planes where dragon-like creatures exist.

The powerful dragon blood factor makes these dragon species seem to have strong strength no matter which world they are in.

The dragon blood factor, in the truth classification of wizard civilization, is a complex factor that ranks alongside the elemental energies of the major lineages.

The spellcasters in the wizarding world who have done the most research on dragon blood factors and dragon-like creatures in the astral realm should be the group of dragon-veined warlocks on the west coast.

A first-level creature, known as the "Extraordinary Powerful One" in Faerun.

It represents that this kind of creature has mastered otherworldly power.

Unlike the legendary strong men and the epic strong dragons whose tail has never been seen, at least one or two extraordinary strong men can still be seen occasionally in temples and large cities across the continent of Faerun.

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An extraordinary strong man, he is also the main cutting-edge force for major temples to control their own faith pastoral areas.

In almost any temple in Faerûn, as long as one of its believers shows the potential to reach the extraordinary realm, he will receive the "God's blessing" and be specially trained by the temple.

What is potential?

From Thane's perspective, they should be those existences that match the combat capabilities of quasi-knights and quasi-magics.

And "God's Blessing" should be a unique way in this world to increase the success rate of breakthrough.

At the same time, it will also make these believers have a little more divine power in their bodies.

These divine factors are the best means for gods to control their followers.

After roughly understanding the information about the continent of Faerûn in the memories of these adventurers, Thane waved his right hand, and the slowly burning ash flames below gradually disappeared.

Also disappearing at the same time are the silence and isolation barriers.

The five indigenous creatures, after being magically restrained by Thane and bound with elemental chains, were carried directly to the fishing village by him.

These five indigenous creatures are an important way for Thain to understand the characteristics of species in this world.

Although he has obtained some basic information about this world, some deeper aspects, such as the secrets of evolution, cannot be learned simply by searching souls.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ Compared with these indigenous creatures, they view the world from an ignorant and inferior perspective.

Thain believes more in his own eyes and research results.

I wonder if Thain will discover something new after dissecting them.

Especially those temples, how do they give these indigenous creatures skills?

It seems that after the end of the Wild Orangutan World War, he will restart research on the method of using divine power.

With a third level of life and hundreds of years of knowledge accumulation in the Sky City and the Wizarding Continent, Thain may be able to discover something different today.

After returning to the fishing village, it was just past midnight.

From killing the gray monster to capturing such a group of temple adventurers, Thain spent only a few hours.

During this period, Thain spent a lot of time searching for souls, otherwise his movements would be faster.

Because the wooden house where the girl was staying happened to be the most remote part of the fishing village, and it was also an area that almost no one would go near.

Thain simply opened up a small basement on the shady side of the girl's wooden house as his next anatomy laboratory.

Putting away the Green Source seeds that he had buried outside the wooden house before leaving, Thain took a look inside the wooden house.

Under the moonlight, the girl was still sleeping quietly.

She hugged tightly the tattered quilt that Thane had been covered with for the past few days.


I can’t stand it anymore, there are only four updates today.

Is there any boss who will reward me with two monthly passes and add a chicken drumstick to Xiaodou to make up for the QAQ?

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