The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 990 Faerun Continent

Thane did not move the temple knight and magician because he found weak fluctuations of divine power in them.

According to Thain's research and understanding of the system of belief in gods and the so-called divine power, generally such individuals do have some special connections with the gods they believe in.

It seems to be related to the power of faith.

Thain didn't know whether touching them rashly would cause the attention of the gods above level four behind them.

In fact, Thain himself also has a certain amount of divine power remaining in him.

Thane's magical power comes from the silver spider ring he wears on his hand.

Even the divine power contained in this silver spider ring is far purer and much greater than that of the two ants.

Thain doesn't know the specific strength level of the Spider Queen, or what level it ranks at.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎But thinking about it, considering that the Spider Queen is most likely to be a powerful force at the sixth level of life, even in the other large world, she will definitely be ranked among the strongest. .

Second only to those dominant existences, Thain considered this.

Since there was no way to touch the two divine power holders for the time being, Thain then turned his attention to the other three people present.

The five people in this group all appear to be from the Bone Church in Blackwater City.

Including the old man in gray robe, the feeling he gave to Thane was very similar to the people who had modified his body deep in the memory of the monster boy.

Unlike the temple knight and magician who had a small amount of divine power, the three people in front of them had no divine power at all.

It can be seen from this that the fourth-level and above creatures in this world are not able to grant power to their believers without scruples.

Following the flames of ashes, Thane's palm slowly rose with a radiance unique to soul magic.

Under the night, with the magical light reflected, Thain looks even more charming and weird.

"You are a devil..." The only thief who was still sane couldn't help but softened and fell to the ground, rubbing his body backwards and saying in horror.

In his sight, Thane had sucked the heads of the warrior and the ranger into his hands.

"Oh? There are also demons in this world?" While reading through the memories in the souls of these two indigenous creatures, Thain looked at the last thief with some surprise and curiosity.

As he learned about some of the secrets and situations of this world, he discovered more and more mysteries in this world.

Facing Thain's question, the thief bit his lip, his cheeks were raw, and he kept grinding back.

Unfortunately, Thain did not intend to let him go. After leaving the two limp bodies in his hands, Thain strode towards the thin thief.

The situation in this world is indeed more complicated than Thain imagined, and it can also be said to be more powerful.

This is a world called Faerûn.

At least in the thief's memory, this is how he named the continent where he lived.

Of the five people present, this skinny thief was the weakest.

But because he traveled extensively and visited many places in his early years, he knew more things than those two warriors and rangers.

This is a powerful world blessed by the gods, and its layout far exceeds any other world that Thane has ever visited.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎Including the original wild orangutan world, it is far inferior to this plane.

At that time, the Wild Orangutan World only had more than 70 orangutan gods of level four or above, and more than 100 auxiliary planes.

But the continent of Faerun in front of us has hundreds of types of temples.

In other words, this is a powerful world with at least hundreds of level four gods and above.

However, unlike other plane civilizations that Thain has come into contact with in the past, Faerûn does not seem to have its own affiliated alien plane. It is an entire continent.

Including the thief's memory, there is no record or understanding of other planes.

On the other hand, in many myths and epics, it is said that the gods live in their own kingdoms, and devout believers can be transferred to the kingdom of gods for eternal life after death.

The so-called "eternal life" is simply nonsense in Thain's eyes.

Creatures above level four may not necessarily be immortal, so why should the people who believe in them receive such treatment after death?

This is a classic propaganda term.

In the Wizarding Alliance, there are many plane worlds that have adopted a belief development system, and those creatures above level four also like to deceive their own people in this way.

I have to say, this approach is very effective.

For those lower creatures with short life spans, immortality is indeed an irresistible temptation.

If you can really gain a longer life and give up your faith, what does it mean?

As a rational spellcaster, Thain made judgments based on the knowledge he possessed. The so-called "eternal life" should be that those gods above level four use certain methods and the power of special laws to slightly extend the lives of some believers. The speed of soul dissipation.

Believers with firm beliefs have extremely tough souls.

Sometimes, these souls do not need external catalysts and can stay in the world for a period of time without dissipating.

It is indeed not difficult for creatures above level four who have entered the belief system to strengthen their souls with their own divine power and power of law.

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During his study in the Sky City, Thane learned that the races and civilizations that developed this soul power to the extreme were the angels and the light gods in the records.

Other creatures above level four, including those foreign gods from the Wizards Alliance, are far less capable than the Light Gods recorded in the classics.

This is why Thain lamented at the beginning and hoped to obtain an angel specimen in his lifetime.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎In addition to those otherworldly gods who have adopted belief systems, the wizarding world has also developed many methods of preserving souls.

Liches' phylacteries are the most typical example. In addition, there are many other methods of preserving souls, and necromancers are experts in this area.

The hundreds of temples owned by Faerûn are only the surface power of this world.

In this thief's memory, there are still fragments of information about demons and dragons.

There are indeed demons in this world, and according to the records in some historical books and biographies, they are really similar to the ones Thain knew.

In a mural in the Bone Temple in Blackwater City, there is a miniature depiction of a demon.

That demon is very similar to the bloodline origin of Thane's wife Natalya - the Bato demon, except that the other's flesh wings seem to have shrunk a lot and the size is smaller.

According to the records of the wizarding world of Sky City, the demon clan once came from the plane of hell, but after the destruction of hell, they were displaced and some of them joined the wizarding civilization.

The demons in the Faerûn continent in front of us generally live in a place called "Blood Prison", the full name is "Infinite Blood Prison".

Of course, this little thief has never been to Blood Prison, let alone what a demon looks like.

But based on his understanding of the description of the Blood Prison in his memory, in Thane's view, the Blood Prison in Faerûn seems to be an alien space.

However, that alien plane is not outside the continent of Faerûn, but in the far west of this continent.

It is said that across the boundless sea and through the wilderness, one can reach the boundary of Blood Hell.

"A fusion world?" Thain blinked and couldn't help scratching his head.

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