The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 987 Life story

I didn't notice it two days ago. Today, Thain looked at the monster carefully for a while and realized that it seemed to be a "person".

The opponent's ferocious appearance and sharp claws have nothing to do with "humans", but by observing its joints, breathing rate, and pupil phenomenon, Thain clearly concluded that this guy should be a mutated human from this plane.

"Kind of like the abominations created by the necromancers in the wizarding world."

"But abominations are spliced ​​together from corpses, and the necromancers in the wizarding world have also applied some of the secrets of the puppet mechanism to those undead war machines in recent years."

"Compared to the 'Hateful Samurai' produced by the necromancers of the Wizarding World, this guy is simply an inferior product." Thain commented, rubbing his chin.

I didn’t waste too much time on this seriously injured monster that barely reached the level one threshold.

Several light element energy pillars suddenly emitted from Thane's hand.

The scorching light element energy is the best to restrain death-like creatures like monsters.

And after these light element energy pillars penetrate the monster's body, such as shoulder armor, they are then transformed into a light net, directly binding the opponent.

"Hiss!" The white vapor and stench of corrosion came from the monster's body surface.

Suddenly hit hard, the monster didn't even have the strength to resist, and was directly subdued by Thain.

"Ouch!" A harsh roar came from the monster's mouth.

In the gaps between its jagged and sharp fangs, Thane seemed to see some scraps of meat and bone residue.

These meat scraps and bone residues are definitely not fish creatures coming from this underground water pipe.

In a corner not far from where the monster lived, Thain saw some tiny human bones.

Based on the special connection between this monster and the girl, it is not difficult for Thane to guess that the souls of the people who were brought back by the girl in the past were unconsciously devoured by her, and their bodies should have been eaten by this monster.

This monster and the girl were both deliberately "raised"?

Thain frowned slightly and saw the corner of the wall behind the monster. Apart from a bunch of stains and some debris, a red rag strip was very conspicuous.

This red strip of cloth may come from a scarf or a hat.

Anyway, it's just a rag now.

Considering how dirty, ugly and disgusting this monster is, the red rag actually looks somewhat clean, which is very rare.

When Thain stretched out his right hand and used his magical hand to suck the piece of cloth in front of him, the monster suppressed by him below struggled even more fiercely.

Increasingly intense white steam came from its corrosive wounds.

If it doesn't calm down as soon as possible, this guy may end up being cut into pieces by the hot light network as he tries to forcefully break through Thane's elemental light network.

This is not what Thain wants to see.

After glancing at the extremely ordinary red cloth strip in his hand, Thane stretched his other hand towards the top of the monster's head.

This monster should have some sanity preserved, and Thain wanted to see what was in the depths of its soul and memory.

In fact, the girl in the wooden house, ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏, can also let Thane use soul magic to search for the soul.

It's just that she is too weak, and Thain cannot guarantee whether there will be any side effects on her after using soul magic.

But this gray monster is different. Even if the other party dies in the end, Thain won't feel bad.

It's just a pity that I have one less living specimen to study.

Three strange silver runes appeared on Thane's fingertips. As his magic power invaded the monster's brain, the gray monster that was originally struggling fiercely gradually became quiet.

Strong physical strength does not mean that the other party also has a tough soul.

Why did Thane judge that this guy only barely had first-level combat power, rather than a real first-level creature?

It was because he guessed that this gray monster was artificially transformed into this appearance. The other party gave it powerful destructive power, but did not give it the corresponding soul strength.

The mysteries of soul matter which plane they are in, they are extremely profound academic mysteries.

That is to say, as the wizarding world is a top civilization, there are countless powerful magicians who explore this field, so they have high achievements in this academic field.

Under the monitoring of Thane's soul, some intermittent images were quickly presented in front of him in the form of elemental light screens.

Most of these pictures are meaningless, with serious frame drops, and the overall color is gray and dark.

It wasn't until Thain searched for the scene in the monster's deepest memory that some colorful images gradually appeared.

This must have been a scene from at least twenty years ago. Thain saw a half-grown boy standing in front of two lonely graves under the blood-red sunset, holding a girl smaller than him.

Then the screen flashed, and Thain saw some skeletons and strange ghost-like creatures, chasing the two of them in the night.

The last colorful picture showed the young man being tied up in a dark basement. In various corners of the basement with strange patterns, several men in black robes injected a foamy gray injection into his body.

After watching these pictures, Thain fell into silence for a moment.

He naturally judged that this gray monster was the boy in the picture.

And the girl who has taken care of him these days is the little girl held by the boy in the picture.

It turns out that the girl kept calling him brother because she recognized him as this gray monster.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏The gray monster appeared that night and has been hiding in the underground water pipes, probably to protect the girl.

Although the girl usually looks a little more normal than her brother, she still maintains her human shape.

But it is this gray monster that really retains more memories.

At least this gray monster would never mistake someone for someone, and knew how to protect his sister.

The red rag in Thain's hand was the girl's scarf a few years ago, and it was also the only brightly colored piece of clothing on her body.

This monster couldn't stay with the girl for long and could only guard this rag.

What a touching story...

Thain, a cold guy, didn't feel anything at all.

Compared to the young man's tragic life experience, Thain, who was in a state of deep contemplation at this time, focused almost entirely on the fighting methods used by the men in black robes and the strange patterns in the underground secret room in the clip just now.

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There is no doubt that those men in black robes also have the ability to control undead creatures.

However, Thain judged that what they used was not the method of the necromancers in the wizarding world, but another crude and primitive control method.

Including the special pattern in the secret room, it seems to be a special magic circle that condenses the elements of death.

Thain does not deny the unique means of using elemental power developed by this world, but he is at least certain that this world must lag behind the wizarding civilization at least in the exploration and use of the elemental path.

"After all, it's just a large world." Thain breathed out softly.

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