The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 984 Gray Monster

This is the fourth night since Thane woke up.

The girl climbed onto the bed as usual and leaned against Thane.

In the dilapidated wooden house, there was only a squeaky old bed and a quilt that exuded a musty smell.

Maybe it was because she was leaning against Sean, but after a while, her daughter fell asleep.

The night sea breeze, accompanied by bursts of coolness, blew in through the window.

The bright moonlight also appeared from the dark clouds and shone on the earth.

The whole world is silver.

This special alien plane, like the wizarding world, has only one sun and one moon.

However, the sun in this world is slightly smaller than that in the wizarding world, but the moon is extremely large.

Some miniature craters that can even be seen with the naked eye appear on the surface of the huge moon hanging high in the sky.

Affected by the moon, the tidal power of this world is very strong.

The small fishing village he was in was actually quite some distance from the coastline, at least half a day's walk away.

But the storm a few days ago was still impressive.

After observing the behavior of humans in these fishing villages over the past few days, Thain discovered that when they went out to fish, they would murmur to themselves and pray for the protection of the storm god Aesop.

God of Storms... This seems to be a world that has developed a belief system.

Thain's speculation about the details of this world was quickly interrupted by the people around him.

"Xixixusuosuo" sounded like the sound of teeth grinding, coming from Thain's arms.

This little girl who served and took care of Thain for a few days seemed to be very dependent on Thain and regarded Thain as her closest relative.

But now, the looming danger is coming from her.

The white flower, which was originally invisible to the naked eye and could only be seen by a strong person above level one like Thain, seemed to stretch out under the abundant moonlight, with seven petals.

The power of the death element, which was stronger than in the past few days, bloomed in the back of the girl's head.

This flower of death rooted in the soul now becomes vigorous and bright.

But correspondingly, the girl seemed to be having a nightmare at this time, her brows were furrowed and she made a slight sound of grinding her teeth.

Even the girl's body was extremely cold at this time, which was no longer like a normal human body temperature.

"Half-undead creature?"

"This flower of death seems to have been forcibly transplanted to her head by someone else." Thain also frowned.

The girl next to him, when the flower of death is in full bloom, is a bit like a special existence between the living and the undead.

The so-called undead can also be regarded as undead elemental creatures.

Thane can freely switch between flesh and blood and elemental bodies. Second-level necromancy magicians in the wizarding world can also switch between flesh and necromantic elements.

This represents the core secret that only second-level magicians in the wizarding world possess.

But obviously, this little girl whose real life level is less than one level should not have this ability.

Including her nervousness and the huge stimulation she once endured, it is probably related to the origin of this flower of death.

If it were just an ordinary undead phenomenon, Thain might have taken action to study this girl and solve the hidden dangers of her body.

But the reality is that the strong wind of death hits Thain's face.

This flower of death is obviously targeting Thain. It wants to turn Thain into nourishment for its own growth!

The lingering aura of death lingered on the surface of Thain's body.

If he were an ordinary human being, he would definitely be unable to move due to the corrosive force of death that invaded his body.

At the same time, a low roar like a beast appeared outside the wooden house.

When Thain raised his head, a gray shadow about two meters tall passed directly through the broken glass, and its gray claws clawed straight at Thain.

This incoming gray creature barely has the combat power of a first-level creature.

Thain was still curious about its sudden appearance.

Because he has already detected that there are no first-level creatures around the fishing village, and only ordinary people live here.

It is worth mentioning that while this gray creature pounced on Thain, it seemed to also deliberately avoid the girl in his arms.

The opponent had a pair of light red eyes, mixed with confusion and ferocity, and his claws were directed towards Thain's head.

I don't know if it was influenced by the Spider Queen, but in recent years, Thain has become more and more disgusted with others extending their claws to his head.

If the person who appeared here was an ordinary person, the claws of this first-level gray monster would definitely be able to scratch his brains out.

Not to mention, there's a weird flower of death that restricts movement.

But Thain is not an ordinary person.

The eyes that were calm and contained a look called "wisdom" condensed slightly.

Two flaming arrows shot directly from Thain's eyes.

Even though Thane has not fully recovered his strength, he cannot be restrained by the gray monster and a flower of death in front of him.

It must be said that the blooming time of this death flower and the attack of this gray monster happened to be a little late.

If it were a few days ago, Thain had just arrived in this world, and facing such a gray monster that was also full of the aura of death, Thain might not have gotten a good deal.

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But now, even though Thain's body is still weak, he still has the ability to crush this guy.

The strength will be weakened, but the wisdom and knowledge accumulation will not disappear!

The limit of magic and mental power that Thain can use now is indeed only the power level of a first-level creature for the time being.

But who dares to underestimate the strength of a third-level great magician?

Two flaming arrows suddenly passed by, catching the gray monster off guard.

Although Thain judged that the opponent had the combat power level of a first-level creature.

But in fact, this gray monster is not really a first-level creature.

At least its defense is very poor, and it doesn't have very strong combat intuition. It relies more on brute force and sudden bursts of speed to fight.

Two flaming arrows directly made a large gash on the gray monster's cheek and arm.

The contact between the fire element and the death element caused some gray mucus to drip from the monster's wound, and a "hissing" corrosive sound was heard.

Immediately afterwards, four more fireballs popped out from the fingertips of Thain's left hand.

These are four miniature fireballs. They do not have strong explosive power, but their penetrating performance is excellent.

The four fireballs once again created four bloody holes in the gray monster's chest.

Under Thain's powerful fire element control, these fireballs extinguished and dissipated after passing through the gray monster's body, without burning the wooden house.

The heavy blow to the chest caused the gray monster to let out unpleasant whimpers and growls from its throat.

Before even touching Thain, this gray monster had already been injured in many places. This was not a battle of the same level at all!

But this gray monster has a ruthlessness, or it may be said that it is not very intelligent.

It was obvious that the gap in strength was already so huge, and Thain easily hit it hard in an instant.

But this guy didn't run away. Instead, he held on and rushed to Thain.

Thain's right hand was raised at some point, before the gray monster's sharp claws reached the opponent's chest.

Before the gray monster could make the next move, the red flames were transmitted directly to the gray monster through Thain's right arm.

"Boom!" A huge human-shaped torch appeared in front of Thane.

Such fierce flames and noisy battle scenes did not disturb the girl curled up in Thane's arms.

This reflects Thain's extremely high academic attainments in magic over the past several hundred years.

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