The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 977: Eastern Astrology Highland

The preciousness of the Edelweiss Spirit made Thain, a third-level magician who had traveled around many alien planes and whose knowledge was increasing day by day, unable to help but feel moved.

Although this Edelweiss spirit is only useful to wizards in the wizarding world who master the ice and water elements.

But in the boundless star realm, there are countless planes and civilizations, and I don’t know if there are special creatures similar to the Edelweiss family gestating somewhere in the void of the star realm.

Thain has not signed his soul mate so far.

His relationship with Owl Xiao Qi is still close, but as Thain's strength grows rapidly, Xiao Qi has gradually been unable to keep up with his growth.

It's not just Xiao Qi. In fact, there are only a handful of people around him who can barely keep up with Sean.

With a first-level life level and a Thunder Beast Demon Pet, the little fox girl is considered to be quite powerful in combat.

But her biggest role for Thane now is to take care of his daily life, rather than assist Thain in fighting.

After the Edelweiss World War, Thane returned to the Wizarding World with the first batch of combat legions.

Thain participated in the war for a total of three years, and the final war proceeds were 7,261 magic coins.

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Compared with the previous plane wars that Thain participated in, his gains this time were definitely small.

However, this situation is also normal.

Thane did not participate in the entire Edelweiss World War, and the time of the war he participated in was after the fourth-level Edelweiss God was severely damaged.

In addition, during the three-year war in the Edelweiss world, Thain's energy was not all spent on tasks. Most of it was spent on studying witchcraft and collecting specimens.

This kind of "half-hearted" war mentality was still able to gain more than 7,000 magic coins in the end. The main reason was that his constructor Yuli performed outstandingly and got a lot of kills.

Before leaving the world of Edelweiss, Thane said goodbye to Wei Ya and other witches.

Three years is neither long nor short.

Although Thane only had access to Wei Ya's crystal ball communication method, he did not have much interaction with other witches.

But with this kind of friendship and communication, Thain won't be able to find someone he knows well when he comes to the Northland in the future.

It is worth mentioning that Thain has been in the Northland for a while, but he was unable to contact the second-level witch Marilyn through his crystal ball.

The reason for this situation may be that Marilyn is not in the wizarding world and has gone to other alliance planes.

It is also possible that she is not in the North at all. Like Thain, she is traveling throughout the wizarding world, and she still doesn't know which corner she is in.

Not being able to find Marilyn was a small regret for Thain.

Continuing southward from the Northland, Thane's next goal is the Eastern Astrology Highlands.

Counting the time spent in the Edelweiss world, Thane traveled in the Northland for a total of 73 years.

In just 73 years, Thain has not even traveled one-tenth of the Northland territory.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. The exclusive nature of the witches in the North makes Thane seem out of place in this witch territory.

Almost in a pure hurry, he passed directly through the vast snow-capped mountains from north to south and arrived at the Eastern Astrology Highlands.

The Eastern Astrology Highland is a very special top force in the wizarding world.

The magicians here are not known for their combat abilities, but most of them specialize in astrology.

The Eastern Astrology Highland can definitely be regarded as a guiding light for the advancement of wizard civilization.

When wizard civilization faces many elusive decision-making issues, it will seek advice from the Eastern Astrology Highlands.

In addition, all the major holy towers and knight halls in the wizarding world will consciously make friends with a fourth-level astrologer from the Eastern Astrology Highlands.

The continuous expansion of wizard civilization in the past hundreds of thousands of years has made the undiscovered blank star fields and unowned planes around wizard civilization become less and less.

Plane war does not mean that you can start it immediately with all your troops.

If you can't even find your opponent or attack target, how can you talk about plundering resources?

In view of the powerful prophecy and divination abilities of astrologers, more than one-third of the alien wars launched by wizard civilization every year are based on coordinates obtained from the Eastern Astrological Highlands.

In the vast star realm, it is extremely difficult to find an alien plane with complete rules.

Most of the planes in the star realm are broken planes with little development value and endless void meteorites.

Even the resource demiplane is relatively small, let alone the more precious complete world?

Although Thain has had some headaches from Marilyn's astrology in recent years, he still has a strong curiosity about this divination method subconsciously.

Even if I have no intention of learning this divination method in the end, it would still be good if I could make friends with a few powerful astrologers.

At least if Thane wants to purchase the coordinates of an alien plane that he can conquer in the future, he will have a way.

After arriving at the Eastern Astrology Highland, I did get to know a lot of first- and second-level low-level astrologers thanks to Thain's conscious friendship.

Unlike the cold and xenophobic witches of the North, although there is not as active a spellcasting atmosphere in the Eastern Astrology Highlands as in the Ebalut Empire, the overall feeling is still relatively friendly.

As a third-level great magician, Thain walks among them and can easily get some basic knowledge that he is interested in from the major astrological holy towers.

Sometimes, you can even participate in academic salons organized by low-level astrologers.

——It seems that some of the methods of the Abarut Empire have been borrowed by magicians from other forces in the wizarding world.

In his early years, Thain was relatively resistant to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, but he actually participated in several masquerade balls and private banquets. In fact, it can be regarded as a variant of the academic salon, and the participating magicians would also discuss it. own recent academic achievements.

However, the atmosphere of spellcasters in ordinary places such as the Land of Green Source is definitely not as good as the overall social atmosphere within the borders of the top powers in the Wizarding World‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏.

Thain's trip to the wizarding world this time has gained him a lot of knowledge.

And during his travels to the Eastern Astrology Highlands, Thain also discovered an interesting phenomenon.

Astrologers of level 4 and above in the Eastern Astrology Highlands provide a large amount of ectopic coordinates and precise information to level 4 and above experts from other forces in the wizarding civilization every year. But strangely, the local astrology holy tower in the Eastern Astrology Highlands, Alien wars are almost never launched.

Thain ended up staying in the Eastern Astrology Highlands for a longer period of time, a full 134 years, which was almost twice as long as he stayed in the Northland Witch Organization.

But in such a long time, he has never encountered a plane war.

The use of astrology, a heaven-defying method of predicting the future, puts a huge load on the body and spirit of astrologers.

The number of astrologers above level four in Astrology Highland is also the smallest among the top powers in the wizarding world.

Astrologers are also known as "the shortest-lived spellcasters".

Under the numerous restrictions, it is no wonder that the fourth-level and above astrologers in Astrology Highland never initiate wars on alien planes on their own initiative.

Anyway, with their astrological abilities, they can also obtain the resources they want from other forces in the wizarding world.

"The 'Slate' that I got in the underground world before, the Spider Queen said it has the power of destiny."

"If I take this thing to the Tower of True Spirit in the Eastern Astrology Highlands, I wonder if it will allow me to be appreciated by the great seventh-level astrologer." Thain rubbed his chin and muttered.

The power of destiny and the power of divination are actually similar.

This is also the knowledge that Thain gained after coming to the Eastern Astrology Highland.

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