The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 968: Northland Witch Organization

"It turns out that the mother plane of the demon clan, Hell, has long been destroyed, and some hell creatures have also migrated to the wizarding world."

"The abyss dragons that live deep underground in the northern part of the Wizarding Continent are the natives of the hell plane." Thain sighed while looking at a more comprehensive magic book on the hell genealogy.

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In fact, Thain also knew a lot about the news about the demon clan, including Natalya and Xaya, his mother-in-law, and the relevant information he deliberately collected in the Holy Tower Library in his early years.

During the Wild Orangutan World War, Thane once saw a knight's hall with a complete army of sub-dragon knights.

These sub-dragons are branch subspecies of the Abyss Demonic Dragon.

The Abyss Demonic Dragon has an unruly temperament, is huge in size, and possesses more power than the ordinary dragons raised by the Beren Empire.

However, after joining the wizarding civilization, the abyss demon ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎‎‎ no matter how unruly the dragon is, it has to stay down and be careful.

Although there is no established Abyss Demon Dragon Legion, many sub-dragon legions with demon dragon blood have appeared in many knight halls.

Including at certain necessary moments, these abyss dragons must also respond to the call of the wizard civilization and participate in wars that require them.

In addition, when summoners in the wizarding world have reached a high level of practice, especially when they have gained the friendship of demon dragons, they can easily summon these demon dragons and participate in cross-border battles.

There is no way, not to give friendship!

At least so far, I haven't seen any demonic dragon that can't think about it and goes against the wizarding civilization.

Although the Abyss Demonic Dragon joined the wizarding civilization and successfully settled in the wizarding world.

But as the main species in the hell plane, the demon clan was not accepted by the very tolerant wizarding world due to its too strong destructive power and chaotic temperament that was keen on killing.

Regardless of whether it is a devil or a devil, no matter which world this kind of bad guy joins, he will not be able to live peacefully.

Within the scope of the Wizards Alliance, every once in a while, there will be major cases where the alliance plane is looted by the Star Thief Group.

Among them, the reputation of devils and demons is particularly prominent.

In addition to studying the history of demons, Thane often hopes to obtain ways to improve his strength from the knowledge of demon genealogy.

The power of blood can also be regarded as a method of body training.

After receiving the blood of the Balrog, Thane obviously found that his body refining process had improved a lot compared to the past.

The demon clan has a good reputation, and I have to admit that their talent in passive evolution is really exaggerated.

It is said that all demons, no matter how powerful they are, their initial form of life is crappy things like demon worms.

To be able to evolve from a demon worm to a very high level and become a ruthless character like the King of Bloody Battle in Hell, one cannot help but marvel at the potential of the demon clan.

Thane chose demon blood to be implanted into his body. Looking at it now, it is still very good.

However, while studying in Sky City, Thane also saw the introduction of another prehistoric species - angels.

According to the historical records of Sky City, angels who master the energy of light elements are more powerful than the demons.

In fact, the destruction of hell, the mother plane of demons, was done by angels.

But it's a pity that Thane will never have the chance to see this kind of angel that only exists in history books.

Because there is no longer an angel in the surrounding star field.

Thain wanted to check where these angels had gone. The final feedback was that ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎His level was not enough.

It is impossible for wizard civilization to let life forms at too low a level know some advanced knowledge and secret contents in advance, which is not beneficial to their growth.

For example, there must be a lot of knowledge and information about the power of laws in the Sky City.

There is definitely a lot of information about the powers used by the masters.

But this level of knowledge is something that Thain is not qualified to touch.

Only by reaching the third level Arcanist level can Thain barely gain access to some superficial knowledge of laws.

As for higher-level knowledge, it is not something he can pry into now.

This kind of separation of knowledge is not because the higher-ups of wizard civilization are stingy.

From the perspective of the personal development of these magicians, it is indeed for their own good.

Sometimes, knowing more is not necessarily a good thing.

"I don't know if I will be able to get a specimen of an angel in my lifetime."

"A perfect creature that is fused with light elements? Tsk tsk." Thain touched his chin and smacked his lips twice.

In addition to sighing about the ancient creatures and prehistoric records recorded in the Sky City, Thane also lamented that his arcane points and arcanist level were insufficient.

The exploration of truth magic does not happen overnight.

Thain, who has only accumulated a few hundred years, will need a longer period of tempering and growth in the future.

However, this time Sky City and his team have benefited Thain a lot.

Although the Spider Queen has not appeared to urge him in recent years, Thane, who has spent 7788 arcane points, has to leave.

"Next time I come to the Sky City, I must stay for a hundred years!" Thane said through gritted teeth.

It is both utilitarian and to spur myself on.

In order to obtain more arcane points and achieve a higher level of arcanist achievement, Thain still needs to persevere in continuing his path of truth exploration.

Leaving the giant teleportation array in the Sky City, Thain's next stop came to the territory of the Northland Witch Organization.

In fact, as the center of the wizarding world, Sky City has a way to connect with the top forces of any party.

He can directly pass through the teleportation array and return to the territory of the Flame Conclave.

You can also take the teleportation channel and go directly to the Western Islands.

The disappearance of the Spider Queen made Thain play a trick.

He did not go directly to the Western Islands requested by the Spider Queen, but first went to the territory of the Northland Witch Organization.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎In fact, Thane has always been deeply curious about the Witches of the North.

The reason why the wizarding world is called the wizarding world, rather than the world of magicians or knights, is because the sources of magicians and knights come from wizards.

The magician is a more advanced and comprehensively subdivided profession that was born after the wizard profession has developed to a certain extent.

Compared with traditional wizards, magicians are obviously more suitable for the thriving development of wizard civilization.

The wizard profession was eventually eliminated. Except for some witches who survived, there were very few other male wizards, which already explained a lot of problems.

As for the knight profession, this is a kind of attendant combat power created by ancient wizards with their wisdom.

Initially, knights were servants of ancient wizards.

The source of their power was not originally improved through their own fighting spirit cultivation, but purely through the wizards' bloodline transformation experiments.

Nowadays, wizards have evolved into magicians, and knights have also got rid of their vassal status and become the dominant force in the wizarding world on par with magicians.

I have to say that this is the progress of the times.

I don’t know what the wizard civilization will look like after countless thousands of years.

I heard that the mechanics in the City of Steel only appeared in the last 200,000 years or so.

Earlier, there was no spellcaster class like Mechanic.

Than came to the Northland Witch Organization, in addition to wanting to explore the oldest origins of wizard civilization and mysterious witchcraft.

Another idea is to find Marilyn, the second-level witch.

The prophecy made by the other party hundreds of years ago made Thain miserable.

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