The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 966: Visiting the Library

"You kid, you haven't been with me for long, but you've learned a lot from me!" Old Man Piton said angrily to Thain after the heavy industry experiment.

Thain snapped his fingers, flicked a small flame, and lit a cigar for the old man.

This should be the last time that Thain lights a cigar for Piton. Starting tomorrow, his temporary contract with the Heavy Industry Laboratory will expire, and Thain should also go to other places in the Sky City.

Although he didn't stay under Piton for long, Thain gained a lot.

It is much more efficient to have a famous teacher guide you than to fumble around on your own.

The most pleasant thing about Old Piton is also Thain's humility and studiousness.

He doesn't have any airs of a third-level magician, and always puts himself in the position of an apprentice.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ Such high-quality apprentices are liked by many mentors.

Piton was no exception. He turned the cigar on his fingertips sideways, turned to look at Thain, and asked in a more solemn tone: "Well... I think you are quite destined, are you interested... in being mine?" disciple?"

After Old Man Piton said this, his eyes shimmered a little.

This is the first time in the past hundreds of years that he has spoken about the idea of ​​accepting a disciple.

Facing Old Man Piton's inquiry, Thain smiled modestly and said, "I'm sorry, Master, I already have a mentor."

Thain's answer disappointed Piton, but it did not exceed his expectations.

At such a young age, Thain has already become a third-level great magician. Without the guidance and care of a famous teacher, it is absolutely impossible.

I saw Piton blowing out an oval-shaped smoke ring, and said with some distress: "Why do all the good young people now have mentors?"

"Do I really have to go to the academy and find a magic apprentice to train him carefully?"

Piton's slander made Thain chuckle.

He said: "Master, your alchemy skills are the highest I have ever seen. If there are no apprentices to pass it on in the future, it will indeed be a great loss for our wizard civilization."

Thain's words were obviously flattering, but he knew that Piton liked to hear this.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Piton's wrinkled face turned into a daisy with a smile.

However, the old man was still self-aware. He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he said: "What kind of alchemist am I? It's just a heavy industry laboratory like ours, and there are not many people who are more capable than me." Not to mention Master Sweet Alto, the chief engineer of our heavy industry laboratory, he is a fifth-level magician, a powerful alchemist who specializes in customizing space fortresses for the sixth-level and above powerhouses in the wizarding world."

"It would be great if I could break through to the third level in my lifetime." The old man took a puff of purple smoke and said with some longing.

"Smoking this kind of smoke for a long time is not good for your body."

"If you want to advance to level three in your lifetime, I suggest you quit it."

"You'd better pay attention to your personal hygiene. Before I leave, I will leave you a few magic potions. You can drink them one after another. It will improve some of your body functions." Thain said to the old man.

When Thain said these words, the old man's eyes were fixed on Thain.

Thain looked a little hairy when he stared at him, but it was that kind of kind attention.

After taking another long puff of smoke, Piton twisted the butt of the cigar out of his hand, shook his head and said, "I am thinking more and more about accepting you as my disciple, but it's a pity that we are not destined to be together."

"If you live a few more years, we will have another chance to meet again in the future."

"I will come to see you next time I come to the Sky City." Thain shrugged.

Watching Thain gradually leave the laboratory, Old Man Piton's eyes became much kinder.

In fact, Old Man Piton has not given up hope of being promoted to level three.

There has always been a saying in Sky City that as long as you reach the level three arcanist achievement, you will definitely be promoted to the level three great magician.

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Old Man Piton has always neglected to practice, but in the field of alchemy, he has attainments that most other third-level alchemists do not have.

Old Man Piton, who has no bloodline descendants and no disciples or apprentices, chose to dedicate all the knowledge he had to the wizard civilization and upload it to the light of arcane after gaining great attainments in the field of alchemy.

Unlike Thane, who masters many truths and mysteries, Old Man Piton is only good at one alchemy.

Although he is also a fire elemental master, his fire magic methods are basically used in alchemy experiments, and his combat ability is really not that good.

The exploration of single-line truth has allowed Old Man Piton's alchemy to reach a point where even Thain admires him.

But it also made the growth of his arcane points extremely difficult and slow.

This year, Old Man Piton’s total arcane points reached 8,761 points!

He is like an old farmer who works hard to save money. He accumulates all his points bit by bit and never spends them.

Helping Thain improve Yuri's constructed golem this time also gave Old Man Piton a lot of insights and new insights.

After gathering this knowledge into Arcane Light, it is estimated that some points will be increased.

The minimum threshold for a third-level arcanist is 10,000 points.

I don’t know how many years old Piton has left to live. I hope he can get what he wants.

After leaving the Alchemy Heavy Factory, Thane chose a direction and flew towards the north of the Sky City.

There are large libraries and book collection buildings there.

Fortunately, Thain came to the Sky City alone this time, otherwise he would have stayed in the library and other places for a long time, and the two girls Lenna and Natalya who were traveling with him would have definitely gone crazy.

Unlike the female ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ knights who can’t bear the loneliness, Thain is worried that he has already spent a lot of arcane points, and he doesn’t know how long he can stay here. library.

Different libraries consume different arcane points depending on the collection of books.

The elemental mysteries involving third-level magicians are definitely of a higher standard than the books read by first- and second-level magicians.

Thain finally chose a medium-sized library. After entering it, he flew directly towards the area of ​​light elements and pharmacy knowledge.

The size of any library in Sky City far exceeds that of the ordinary Holy Tower organization.

There are huge bookshelves nearly 100 meters high in the library, and they are endless as far as the eye can see.

There are also some readers like Thain in the library space of Nottingham University.

Everyone was careful with each other and walked through it in unusual silence, without disturbing anyone else at all.

Looking at the rows of huge bookshelves, Thain once again felt the weight of truth.

"The knowledge of the mysteries of the light element that I have mastered has lagged far behind the mysteries of the fire element in recent years. I hope that I can gain something in the Sky City this time."

"Although my mentor Lu Lianman gave me a lot of advice on pharmacy knowledge back then, I have still encountered many bottlenecks and difficulties since leaving the Holy Tower. Sky City should also have solutions."

"If it doesn't work out, I will finally use remote contact and ask the instructor to teach me remotely." Thain touched his chin, and after making such considerations, he flew towards the rows of bookshelves.


(Thanks to many readers for their tips yesterday, Xiaodou felt endless power emerging from his body.

There will be five more updates next! )

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