The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 959: Demonic and Martial Arts Dual Cultivation

Not uploading alchemy was an act of respect for Thane's first mentor, Moshedo.

The Mystery of Jade Fire was not something he studied by himself. It was the elemental mysteries he obtained from his apprenticeship with the Jade Burning Fire Master. Naturally, he was not qualified to sell it privately.

The flame of ashes is the secret of Thain's current source of power, and he really is not willing to give away all his wealth.

The body refining experiment is also the basis for Thain to have an overwhelming advantage among his peers. It is his secret that is not passed down.

The above four mysteries of truth, Thain will reveal them in only one situation - when accepting disciples.

Although he retained the four secrets of truth at the bottom of his box, in the end, Thain gained a lot of points through Arcane Light.

Over the years, Thane has not just focused on studying the elemental mysteries given by his master.

If Thane was really that nerdy, ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏he wouldn’t be a battle mage and would have been through many plane wars.

Since his mentor is a plant magician, Thain has been following his own path since he was promoted to level one.

Not only after the first level, but even during his apprenticeship, Thane created and improved the Eye of the Sun magic and became a Desperate Apprentice of that year.

In terms of innovation ability and keen sense of exploring the truth, Thain is definitely the best among his peers.

After half a day of knowledge transfer, Thain finally gained 4768 arcane points, which is a level two arcanist achievement.

(ps: 100 points is the first-level arcanist, 1000 points is the second-level arcanist, and 10,000 points is the threshold for the third-level arcanist.)

Without sacrificing his core truth and mysteries, Thain, who is only a few hundred years old, can get more than 4,000 arcane points, which is already very good.

Arcane points are different from magic coins.

Magic coins, if you are lucky, you can achieve a feat that changes the direction of the local battlefield in a certain plane war, just like Thain's performance during the Gumo plane war, and you can easily become rich.

Including magic coins can be transferred or earned.

But arcane points, how do you take shortcuts?

There is no buying and selling of arcane points in the wizarding world. This thing is a touchstone. The deeper your knowledge base, the more points you can get in feedback.

It has nothing to do with your talent, qualifications, family background, property, or strength. It is only linked to your knowledge.

This is the true and fairest level unit that reflects a spellcaster's academic attainments.

The magicians in the wizarding world value knowledge so much. It is no wonder that the Ebalut Empire values ​​the arcanist level more. "If I submit all my four core knowledge to Arcane Light, I will probably reach the threshold of a third-level arcanist."

"But it's really not necessary. I only need to keep one thousand of these four thousand arcane points to maintain the level."

"The other three thousand points can be exchanged for some knowledge that interests you." Thain said while touching his chin.

Wearing his second-level arcanist rank badge on his chest and walking in the Golden Moon Holy Tower and the Abalut Empire, Thane was not embarrassed at all.

Because along the way, Thain saw too many third-level great magicians, and he also wore a second-level arcanist badge.

There are some very old men among them.

After having the Arcanist badge to prove his identity, Thane indeed had more fun during his travels in the Ebalut Empire.

At the Mustard Sacred Tower, Thain was invited by a great magician of the same level for the first time to participate in their discussion of "The Theory of Relative Fusion of Wood and Fire Elements" academic salon.

At the Third Public Magic Academy of the Sivangu Empire, Thane was successfully invited to their seminar as a guest of the third-level great magician.

Even Thain himself gave a two-hour small lecture in this Imperial Academy - focusing on the mysteries of the fire element that he was good at.

This was also a reward for Imperial College's invitation to attend the seminar. Many first- and second-level college magicians listened with interest.

In the Canglong Sea Knights Hall, Thane declined the suggestions of the knights here to invite him to travel to another dimension together, but he had a more in-depth exchange with them on the path of dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

There are many knights in Canglong Sea Knight Hall who have embarked on the road of dual cultivation of magic and martial arts, which means fighting spirit and magic coexist.

This seems to be because the master of the Canglong Sea Knights Hall is himself a strong man in both magic and martial arts.

It is said that the opponent's fighting spirit reaches the level of a fifth-level knight, and the magician level also has the ability of a fourth-level spell caster.

Because he possesses the power of fighting spirit and magic at the same time, the master of the Canglong Sea Knights Hall is said to have the fighting power to compete with level six creatures in a short period of time.

This is because the opponent's caster level has not reached level five. If the opponent's elemental use power has been raised to level five, according to the wizarding world's broad assessment of the path of magic and martial arts, this palace master even has the ability to defeat weak level six creatures. strength.

What a horror!

It was precisely because Thain heard about the Canglong Sea Knights Hall during his travels in the Magic Empire that he made a big circle to the west and made a special trip to the Canglong Sea Knights Hall.

For this reason, he even had a fight with the Spider Queen and talked back.

When it comes to the exploration of the mysteries of truth, Thain perfectly demonstrates his crazily curious side.

While arguing with the Spider Queen, he had completely forgotten the terrifying power of the being before him.

Only after the quarrel was over and he came back to his senses, did Thain break out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, the Spider Queen didn't have the same experience as him, or maybe the Spider Queen was encountering something, and she was in no hurry to rush to the Western Islands without having to force Thain.

Not only did Thain's blasphemous act just ignore it.

Even Thain found that the goddess displayed her divine power less and less.

Sometimes, it is normal not to show up once in a month or two.

In the past two months since he came to the Canglong Sea Knights Hall, Thane has not seen the Spider Queen.

The knights he communicated with were basically first- and second-level knights.

Don't underestimate these knights.

Thain once sparred with one of the strongest level two knights in the training room of the Knights Hall.

This second-level knight has both the fighting spirit and magic level of the second-level combat power. His fighting spirit attribute and the elemental mysteries he explores also happen to be of the fire element, which is very suitable for Thain.

The final result of the discussion amazed Thain.

This second-level fire magic and martial arts knight named Cheno, his full strike level has indeed reached the power range of a third-level creature.

What an exaggeration!

The combination of fighting spirit and magic elements produces a higher level of power than imagined.

While possessing stronger strength, the knights with both magic and martial arts have a difficult road to promotion, which also made Thain deeply realize how difficult this road is.

Chenor Knight is two thousand one hundred years old.

The lifespan limit of second-level knights and magicians in the wizarding world is three thousand years.

However, even though Rao already has combat power comparable to that of a third-level creature, this Cherno Knight has yet to get the chance to advance to the third level.

The Cheerno knight benefited a lot from the exchange of ideas with Thane.

As for whether he can successfully advance in the future, Thain is hard to say.

If the opponent reaches the third level as both a great magician and a celestial knight, even if he only enters the third level for the first time, Thane judges that the opponent's combat power is comparable to that of a demigod!

The more you pay, the more you gain.

Thain had no intention of practicing Dou Qi, but the exchanges with these magic and martial knights gave him new inspiration and understanding in body refining experiments.

Moreover, these knights generously taught Thain many practical melee combat skills.

Compared to the tricks of two pure female knights, Natalya and Lenna, the tricks of these magic and martial knights are more suitable for Thain.

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