The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 957: Walking Alone

Thain, who embarked on a journey of travel alone, did not deliberately conceal the existence of the Spider Queen in the days that followed.

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This Spider Queen is also an expert and bold, perhaps because she is originally a creature of the wizarding world and does not mind exposing herself in this plane.

In fact, apart from close contact with powerful people of level 4 and above, other lower-level knights and magicians cannot tell that the woman in silver skirt who often stays next to Thane is a divine clone of a god. .

The appearance of the Spider Queen is truly stunning.

That kind of pure and beautiful temperament not only amazed Thain when he first saw her, but also attracted many crazy bees and butterflies to chat with him during his travels.

It has to be said that among knights in the wizarding world, especially male knights, "lust" is a common problem.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ Even Wilson, Thain’s father-in-law, such an upright and handsome Sky Knight, has a messy private life.

In the hundreds of years since his growth, Thane has been exposed to a lot of beauties.

But it is estimated that even a knight's squire would hunt for more women than him.

There is no way, Thain is a magician who pursues the truth, and he does not have an extremely strong desire to reproduce like the knights.

More than 90% of Thane's energy was spent on past magic experiments.

Less than 10% of the energy left is usually used to relax with Natalya and other girls.

Although, even if it is only this 10%, due to Thain's maintenance of body refining experiments, Natalya is often eaten out.

As for the other weak female magicians who had relationships with him, they couldn't bear his whipping.

Since the two girls separated from Natalya, Yuri is the only one who absorbs the remaining firepower of Thane on weekdays.

Although there is a stronger and more stunning Spider Queen next to her.

But whenever Thain saw the other person's joking expression and the coldness in the depths of his eyes, no matter how big the fire was in his body, it would be extinguished in an instant.

The Spider Queen seems to like teasing Thane, and often writes him bad checks.

For example, the Spider Queen once said that when he returns to the Western Islands after he succeeds, she will give him a dark elf queen for Thane to play with.

"Dark Elf? I have only heard of Night Elf." Thain rolled his eyes and said beside the bonfire in the night.

The Spider Queen seems to hate fire, and she is relatively far away from Thane's bonfire. Only the bright moonlight brought out her beauty.

"The night elves believe in the elven god, and the dark elves believe in me."

"However, the dark elves are indeed transformed from the night elves through the corruption ritual, and they are my most devout people." Spider Queen replied.

"No matter how pious I am, I won't be abandoned by you casually?"

"Send me a dark elf queen? I heard that elf queens are generally semi-god-level creatures...this dark elf queen..." Thain muttered in his heart.

He dared to curse these words in his heart and never said them out loud.

However, the Spider Queen has a certain ability to read minds, so she naturally heard Thane's thoughts.

I saw the Spider Queen smiling under the moonlight and said: "Yes, the Dark Elf Queen is also a demigod-level creature. There aren’t many queens.”

"Being able to agree to give you one proves my sincerity and the importance I attach to you."

"Is it time for you to leave for the Black Realm early?" Spider Queen asked.

Thain laughed dryly and said: "I just left the Holy Tower of Dark Fire and went straight to the black domain of the Western Islands. It is easy for others to suspect me."

"I announced to the public that I was on a training tour, so why should I go to a few places first?"

"I have longed for the city in the sky in our world for a long time." Thain replied.

Thain's answer was quite reasonable. Maybe it was because he persuaded the Spider Queen. The Spider Queen did not continue to urge Thain, but just nodded with a slight frown.

In fact, the situation at the Spider Queen is not suitable for Thain to go immediately.

A hundred years ago, her divine servants appeared in the territory of the Ely Knights Alliance, and a brief bloody conflict broke out with the knights and magicians of the Ely Knights Alliance.

It is even more likely to interfere with the Erie Knights Alliance's investigation mission of abnormal time and space fluctuations.

Other forces in the wizarding world may be able to give face to the Spider Queen and the elders behind her, but they do not include the Ely Knights Alliance.

The Erie Knights Alliance is the most famous top force in the wizarding world that targets black magicians and black knights.

Every year, more than 80% of the black knights and black magicians arrested in the wizarding world have direct or indirect connections with the Erie Knights Alliance.

The commotion in the northern underground world of the Erie Knights League this time was big or small.

Now there is actually pressure on the Spider Queen, but Thain is too far away and not at a high level, so he cannot feel it.

Even if Thane has arrived in the Western Islands now, the Spider Queen will not let him come to the Black Territory to find her at this time.

Isn't this purely a target?

The Spider Queen doesn't want to be banished from the wizarding world.

Fortunately, she dealt with it relatively cleanly this time, and no knights or magicians from the Erie Knights Alliance died.

The ones who died were all the dark creatures and demi-humans under her hands, the kind of things that my uncle didn’t care about and grandma didn’t love.

Therefore, according to past practice, the most I could do was scold her a few words, but nothing serious would be said.

And as a sixth-level creature in the wizarding world, the Spider Queen also has connections and channels to learn some high-level information.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎The tit-for-tat confrontation between the Wizarding Civilization and another top civilization, the Gallente Federation, has become increasingly heated. It has been no secret for nearly ten thousand years.

Especially not long ago, the Wizarding Civilization had another battle with the Gallente Federation in a medium-sized star field.

The official confrontation between these two top civilizations must not be far away.

Although the forces of the Black Territory where the Spider Queen belongs are regarded as a cancer and a scourge in the entire wizarding world.

But what has to be admitted is that the group of black magicians and black knights in the Black Realm are really effective in fighting against technological civilization.

Whether it is the deadly plague virus released by black magicians or the ability of black knights to break into enemy lines, they are better at this kind of business than the knights and magicians trained in normal holy towers or knight halls.

Not to mention, due to the limitations of the poor resources of the Black Territory, undead magic has also been developed to the extreme in the fertile soil of the Black Territory.

Almost every Black Tower Academy in the Black Realm will establish its own underground corpse cave for the stable development of undead resources.

The forbidden spell magic of "Undead Natural Disaster" is probably the undead magicians of the Mamet United Alliance, and they are not as good at it as the black magicians in the Black Realm.

(ps: It is said that there are two necromancers in the Mamet Alliance, and there are also the largest number of necromancers in the wizarding world.)

When the war begins with the Gallente Federation, the wizarding civilization will definitely borrow the power of the Black Realm.

The Spider Queen has become a lot more honest in recent years, not least because the Guardian of Summer scolded her back then.

More importantly, she also wanted to gain some benefits in the battle with the top civilization of the Gallente Federation.

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