The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 955: The Instructions of Dark Fire

"Really don't think about it anymore?"

"I can give you double the dean's commission on the original basis."

In the tower master's office on the top floor of the Holy Tower, Dark Fire said to Thain.

This level five tower master is really good against Thain.

The dean commission he gave to Thain was definitely at the top level in the wizarding world.

It is estimated that many demigod-level magicians are not as high as Thain's salary at Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy.

Not to mention, the tower owner also promised to give him double the amount!

The greater the ability, the greater the reward.

Thain is so valued by Dark Fire, naturally because of his superior performance during his 200-year term.

In particular, he led the Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy to win first place in the last regional war.

With this resume, Thain will be treated politely no matter which holy tower he goes to.

Dark Fire is a hands-off shopkeeper who never cares about the affairs of the Holy Tower. He doesn't care how much money he spends, he only cares about whether the money is worth it.

If Thane is willing to stay, paying such a high price is not unacceptable to Dark Fire.

For third-level magicians and demigod-level magicians, the extremely astonishing and exciting dean's commission may not really be anything in the eyes of this fifth-level magician, Dark Fire.

After all, this powerful fifth-level magician has several slave planes under his control.

In the past two hundred years, the huge war profits transported back from the Gumo plane have further strengthened the Dark Fire's confidence.

Tower Master Dark Fire had already treated Thain with such courtesy, but Thain was a little moved, but he still sighed softly and rejected the tower owner's approach.

"I left the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade this trip because I hope to travel in the Wizarding World and the Alliance."

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"During the two hundred years of the Deanship of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, I have sharpened myself in many aspects."

"This is a special time that I will remember for a long time in the future, and I would like to thank you, Master, for your recognition." Thane said sincerely to Dark Fire.

Unlike other holy tower magicians, it is difficult to understand Dark Fire, who has an unruly temperament, is withdrawn and exclusive.

On the contrary, Thain has a great sense of identification with this fifth-level magician who goes his own way and has a rather sophisticated style. It is no exaggeration to say that even if Thane has insights and rules of conduct that are beyond those of other normal Holy Tower magicians, without the delegation and trust of this tower master, the Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy will never change in the past two hundred years. So big.

Moreover, whether or not Thane will serve as the dean of Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy in the future has no real significance.

Thain has exhausted all the practical information in his mind. He is still a third-level magician who needs to continue to learn and grow.

It is not his temperament to rest on his laurels and rest on his laurels.

He needs to travel to more areas, explore and learn more truth knowledge, enrich himself, and enrich himself.

In fact, if the Spider Queen hadn't stepped in and changed many of the rules of the Holy Tower Academy in recent decades, Thane would have been a hands-off dean just like Dark Fire a hundred years ago.

After Thain leaves, as long as Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy continues to follow the academy rules established when he was in office, the quality of the apprentices cultivated in each class will definitely not be too bad.

In addition, Kester, Bob and others have also experienced and grown a lot over the years.

They are more suitable for the position of dean than Thane.

In fact, when Thain fulfilled the contract and said goodbye to the tower master, he did recommend Bob, the third-level great magician, to take over the post of principal dean after he left.

Tower Master Dark Fire doesn't worry too much about who is the dean.

Faced with Thain's introduction, Dark Fire didn't even think about it and just nodded in agreement.

This tower master's method of selecting talents is very unusual.

Even if Thain did not recommend Bob, given that Bob did not choose to leave during the difficult times of the Holy Tower, the tower owner would casually appoint him to be promoted to dean.

During war, Darkfire can be ruthless enough to command space fortresses to fire on their own legions of magicians.

But in daily life, this tower master, who looks cold and unruly, actually values ​​loyalty more.

I don’t know if this is a double standard.

I would rather teach me to betray the world than teach the world to betray me.

Darkfire is a hero.

Neither Thain nor Dark Fire was a person who was shy about ink. After stating his firm attitude that he would definitely leave, Dark Fire made no attempt to persuade him to stay.

Just before leaving, when Dark Fire watched Thain leave the tower master's office, he asked a little strangely: "Why do I feel that something has changed in you?"

Thain's movement to leave paused, and he replied in a calm tone: "Yes, what changes can I make?"

Dark Fire is not one of those ordinary second- and third-level magicians. His powers of observation and keen sense of smell are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After staring at Thain for a while, Dark Fire said: "You seem to have a little divine power in your body."

Divine power is the unique power possessed by living beings above level four who have embarked on the path of faith.

This Dark Fire is indeed a ruthless man who has dissected multiple fourth-level alien gods, and he can actually see through the inside story of Thane.

You know, Thane came to say goodbye to the Dark Fire today, but he took off the silver spider ring on his hand.

This is also the first time in the past hundred years that the Spider Queen has taken the initiative to break away from Thane's fingers.

It is estimated that the spider queen is also worried that her magical power will not be able to hide from the perception of a fifth-level magician.

But even though he had taken off the silver spider ring, Thane was still aware of some residual divine power in his body by the Dark Fire.

Also, if Leng He never abandons her for a hundred years and insists on staying with Thain, he will more or less be contaminated by the Spider Queen's aura.

However, before Thane could think of an excuse to explain, Dark Fire said to himself: "It should be another gift from your mentor. I heard that you still have a damaged godhead in your hand?"

"This kind of remnants of creatures above level 4 with divine power are not something you can touch at will at this stage. You must at least be promoted to the peak of level 3."

"Your instructor doesn't seem to have much experience as a disciple. It will do you no good to expose you to high-end power too early."

"I suggest you keep your feet on the ground and understand the truths that need to be mastered at the third-level magician stage before talking about anything else." Dark Fire said to Thain.

There was a hint of admonition and instruction in Dark Fire's tone.

If it weren't for Thain's appetite for him and his hard work as dean for two hundred years, Dark Fire would definitely not waste these words with him.

This kind of admonishment from Dark Fire can be seen as him doing good for Thane.

Facing the tower master's words, Thain somehow suddenly remembered his first mentor Moshe Duo.

Taking a deep breath, Thain nodded heavily and replied, "I understand."

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