The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 952 Another World

After participating in the encirclement and suppression of these underground creatures, Thain and other surrounding knights and magicians gathered together in the area where the white slate previously erupted in time and space fluctuations.

A third-level magician like Thane is inconspicuous among the knights and magicians around him.

Because there were seven demigod-level experts appearing in the cave at this time.

Among the third-level creatures present, Thain only saw an acquaintance, Guinness.

Andre and the third-level magicians from the Holy Tower in the surrounding areas of the Dark Fire Holy Tower may not have arrived yet, or they may be conducting investigations in other areas.

The leader in the grotto at this time was a demigod-level knight wearing red armor and having a beard.

The posture and status of this demigod knight seemed to be a little higher than the other two demigod magicians present.

The violent aura ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ and the fluctuations of the obscure laws made Thain mistakenly think that this was a level four strong man.

However, this is indeed a demigod knight.

It's just that the opponent's strength is no different from that of a fourth-level expert, and he is expected to be able to cross that level at any time.

I don’t know which knight’s hall trained top talents.

The demigod knight was very angry at this time.

Because he had obviously captured a level 3 black-bellied spider alive, but somehow the spider's head suddenly exploded and it couldn't die any more!

Not only the third-level black-bellied spider, but also all the dark creatures and demi-humans that appeared in this underground world and fought with many knights and magicians did not leave any survivors alive.

Either he fought back in a fearless way, or his head suddenly exploded after being captured alive.

The result that no one was left alive added a bit of blood smell to the surrounding air, and at the same time, the demigod knight and the other two demigod magicians smelled a hint of conspiracy.

"Even if they are dead, we magicians can get some useful information from their corpses."

"But it takes time." A demigod-level magician said solemnly.

"Why do so many dark creatures and subterranean people appear in this node of abnormal fluctuations in time and space? And they have the courage to attack us knights and magicians?"

"We need to report this matter as soon as possible." Another magician agreed.

"It seems that our Yili Knights Alliance has been too gentle in our behavior over the years. These dark creatures and humble and cowardly demi-humans who live in the cracks underground actually dare to attack us!"

"Hmph, I will report this matter to the Dark Knight Master, and then all underground world creatures in the entire Yili Knight Alliance will undergo a wave of purge and screening!" The most powerful demigod-level red-armored knight revealed White teeth sneered.

When these demigod-level experts were talking, Thain, who was standing in an inconspicuous corner of the grotto, couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

He was worried that these knights and magicians would find out something in the end.

When Thane put his gaze on his finger, the little silver spider remained motionless, showing no sign of being affected.

The Spider Queen's calmness also calmed down Thain's mind a little.

This Spider Queen was really ruthless. All the divine servants she summoned were killed or self-destructed.

From the perspective of the nature of a god, this Spider Queen is definitely an evil god.

In addition, Thane also noticed that the silver spider on his finger seemed to have entered a special state of invisibility.


Only he can see it.

No one else, including several demigod-level experts who passed by him just now, noticed the abnormality on Thain's fingers.

These semi-god-level powerful men who appear in the underground grotto are definitely the best cultivated by the wizard civilization.

Thain once fought a demigod-level earth dragon from the Gumo plane, but if that earth dragon appeared here, it is estimated that any demigod-level powerhouse in the wizarding world would be able to suppress it.

Not to mention, there is a red-armored knight whose strength is comparable to a fourth-level creature.

While Thain was thinking about messy things, Genis, the third-level great magician from Xingyang Holy Tower, came over at some point.

She rode on her own golden-threaded steel carp. This pangolin was indeed suitable for the fighting environment of the underground world, so Master Guinness also gained a lot. She teamed up with others to kill a second-level poisonous spider.

There is really too much food, and the few dark creatures under the Spider Queen are simply not enough to be divided among the many knights and magicians present.

Not only those dark creatures, even if the Spider Queen herself condensed her divine power and appeared here, it would probably be useless in the face of so many knights and magicians.

"Why are you staring at your fingers? Is there something on them?" Genis asked curiously.

The golden-threaded steel carp under her body had now shrunk to several meters in size. When she saw Thain, this guy was very well-behaved, probably because he had been beaten by Thain so many times over the years.

"Nothing, what's the matter with you?" Thain calmly retracted his right hand, raised his head and asked with a normal expression.

His relationship with Guinness was not good enough to greet each other.

Guinness probably came over for the first time because she only saw an acquaintance like Thain.

"It's nothing. In the battle just now, I thought I saw you kill a spirit spider."

"Let's exchange the spoils. I can give you half of the poisonous spider's venom sac, but you have to give me half of the Keeling spider specimen." Genis said.

Exchanging collections and specimens is relatively common among magicians.

Thain didn't talk nonsense to Guinness about this matter. He nodded directly and said, "Okay, but I can only give you two spider legs."

The investigation mission of time and space fluctuations in the underground world lasted for nearly two years and ended hastily.

It seems that nothing valuable has been found in the major holy towers and knight halls, and naturally there is no so-called big rift in time and space.

After completing the mission, Thane, who returns to the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, will catch up with the end of this ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ Regional Academy War.

I wonder if the Dark Fire Holy Tower has been competing with the "second child" position in the past hundred years.

In this regional academy war, Dark Fire Holy Tower once again won the second place in overall results.

Tower Master Dark Fire did not show up, but the two deans, Thain and Kester, distributed the rewards that all Holy Tower apprentices deserved to each apprentice.

Gloria, the magic apprentice who attracted much attention from Thane before the war, finally reached the barrier of a quasi-magician after more than two years of training in the apprenticeship war.

Her personal standings ranking in this college war was eighteenth, and she successfully obtained the Blue Heart, a water magic material prepared for her by Thain.

But when receiving the reward, the little girl seemed to notice something unusual about Thain.

"Grandpa Dean, what's wrong with you? Is there something that makes you unhappy?" Gloria asked, holding one of Thain's arms.

With a smile on his lips, Thane touched Gloria's head and said, "It's nothing. An experiment happened to be stuck recently."

"Humph, Grandpa Dean doesn't care about me at all. It turns out that when I was in the college war, you were still conducting magic experiments?" Gloria quickly discovered Thain's speech disorder and snorted twice, feeling a little dissatisfied. road.

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The bitter smile on Thain's lips deepened, because the Spider Queen in the Silver Spider Ring was urging Thain to return to the laboratory again.

It seemed that the Spider Queen had discovered some clues from the stone slab.

"Tsk, tsk, this world-class secret treasure fragment actually communicates with another world far away in time and space. The completeness of the rules of that world is not comparable to that of ordinary medium and small worlds."

"Go back to the laboratory and help me conduct some verifications!" The Spider Queen's voice echoed in Thane's mind.

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