The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 949 Cooperation

As for the understanding of the nearby underground world, it is definitely not the Holy Tower or Knights Hall organization in the area, but this group of native creatures living in the underground world.

The two level three creatures who were standing respectfully at the edge of the temple also took a rough look at Thain's answer just now.

At this time, facing the goddess's inquiry, the spider leader and the old man looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

"My lady goddess, we, the Black-bellied Spider Clan, have not heard of any changes in time and space nearby." The leader of the Black-bellied Spiders replied.

"The same goes for all the demi-human tribes near Baras City. I haven't received any abnormal news." The third-level old demi-human replied.

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As the leader of the black-bellied spiders and a third-level old demi-human, it was even more impossible for them to lie to this spider goddess.

Even these two local local snakes don't know the news, so the space fluctuation must not be nearby.

Thain had thought correctly before. With the Erie Knights Alliance's vast territory and the tens of thousands of investigative manpower invested, the possibility of discovering a time-space fluctuation node when it was his turn was almost zero.

After all, from a probability perspective, there is only 01%. What is the difference between this and 0?

This is not to mention that the space-time fluctuation node is most likely not a big space-time rift, but an extremely ordinary space-time phenomenon. In the end, everything is in vain.

Originally, Thain's idea was to quickly end the investigation mission in the area he was responsible for within two years, and then rush back to preside over the academy war.

If you're lucky, you might be able to catch up to the end and see how this year's little guys perform.

But judging from the current results, it is obvious that he is not lucky.

"To be so valued by the Yili Knights Alliance, and to mobilize the power of dozens of holy towers and knights' halls to investigate, the abnormal time and space fluctuations must be true." The Spider Goddess touched her chin and said in deep thought.

She glanced at the rice dumpling-like Thain, raised her finger, and several bright lights emerged.

The tough spider silk that originally bound Thain tightly broke into several pieces in the blink of an eye.

Thain, who had escaped from the trap and regained his ability to move, was not polite and immediately took out multiple potions from the space equipment.

Some drink it directly, and some apply it directly near the wound.

Compared to the two underground third-level creatures who were trembling and respectful, Thain's behavior was much more natural.

He even calmly put the spider silk that had just tied him up into the space ring.

This kind of white spider silk with paralyzing toxicity and the ability to bind level three creatures is definitely not ordinary.

From an alchemist's perspective, Thane could tell that it must be a high-quality material.

The leader of the black-bellied spider, who also noticed Thain's little move, couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

It originally thought of eating the spider silk back into its stomach after sending the goddess off.

Spider silk of this level cannot be easily produced given its ability.

What Thain had just recovered from the space ring was at least five hundred years of its inventory.

The Spider Goddess didn't pay attention to Thain's little actions. When Thain used the restorative magic potion, the other party said: "You don't have to leave now. Cooperate with my servants and help me‎​​‎​‏‎‏​ ‎‏​‏‏‏Look for where the space-time fluctuation node is.”

"You two, activate all the believers in the nearby area and start searching for anomalies in time and space."

"I will notify the temples in other areas and try my best to assist you." The goddess first said to the two leaders of the Black Belly Spider.

Good guy, it seems that in addition to Baras Dungeon, this spider goddess has other temples and believers in the Ely Knights Alliance.

Reminiscent of Thane's experience as an apprentice, this goddess has made a big impact on the wizarding world.

However, Thain guessed that the other party is currently in the hidden development stage. Even if there are temples, the number will not be too many, and they have not yet extended their tentacles to the surface of the earth.

Just when Thain judged the power of this goddess and was secretly stunned by it.

The goddess turned to look at him again and said: "In addition to cooperating with my servants, if you discover anything in the nearby holy tower or knight's hall, you must notify me immediately."

"To ensure that you don't have any bad thoughts, this little guy has been following you recently." After the goddess finished speaking, she flicked her fingers.

A small silver spider instantly flew to Thain.

This little spider flew straight towards Thain's head, and there were still blood stains on it.

Judging from the chewing movements of this little thing, it seems to be very interested in Thane's blood and brain.

There is a little spider lying on the head, which looks weird no matter how you look at it.

Thain twitched the corner of his mouth and asked, "Can you change it to another place, like here?"

Thain raised one of his fingers, and there was a huge flame ring on it, which was very eye-catching.

The goddess didn't say anything, but her eyes moved.

The little silver spider fell from Thain's head very obediently and climbed onto Thain's finger.

This little spider was really rude, chewing up Thain's more precious flame ring in one bite.

After swallowing the elemental gem on the surface of the flame ring together with the ring itself, the eight claws of the silver spider wrapped around his finger.

From a distance, it looked like there was an extra spider-shaped silver ring on Thain's hand.

This little thing is not simple. Although it is only the size of a thumb, Thain feels a great threat from it.

At this time, the opponent's eight claws hugged Sein's fingers, and the sharp silver teeth were faintly aimed at Sein's skin.

Thane did not doubt the restraints came from a powerful goddess.

It's impossible to say that this little thing on his finger just moved his jaw and Thain died.

"This is the natal spider I cultivated. In words you can understand, it is actually equivalent to a clone of my divine power."

"Don't do anything stupid, just help me find the time and space nodes."

"If I can really gain something in the end, I can consider giving this little guy to you." The goddess said with a smile.

Working with this moody and powerful goddess is definitely not a wonderful experience.

But Thain had no choice.

After respectfully agreeing, Thain couldn't help but ask: "Who are you? I can't keep calling you the Spider Goddess, right?"

"Haha, funny little thing, you can call me Spider Queen."

"What about you, what's your name again?" the goddess chuckled.

Thain rolled his eyes and replied: "My name is Andre."

"Puch!" Another burst of laughter came from the goddess. The goddess's current laughter was much more real than the coquettish and weird sneer just now.

"You are really a cunning magician, Thane, don't think you can hide anything from me." The Spider Queen gradually stopped smiling.

Thain laughed awkwardly, nodded and said, "Definitely not!"

"Isn't this little spider monitoring me for you?" Thain raised his hand and pointed at the silver spider on his finger.

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