The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 945 Spider Goddess

Baras Underground City ushered in the long-lost light.

For the creatures of the underground world who have adapted to the darkness and have blended in with the darkness, the light and heat represented by Thane are so dazzling.

Almost every underground creature living in Baras City couldn't help but look up to the deepest part of the city center.

That dazzling "sun" is now flying towards their main temple.

Thain, who was constantly chasing the leader of the Black-bellied Spider, gradually approached the center of the city, and the huge stone statue that was originally hidden in the darkness and fog gradually appeared in front of Thain.

This is a half-human, half-spider stone statue. The upper body is that of a young woman, but the lower body is the belly of a spider that makes people feel chilly.

And one thing that is extremely strange is that the woman depicted on the stone statue is lifelike. She looks very young, but her overall temperament gives people a sense of maturity and charm.

In addition, her seemingly innocent upper body is combined with the numbing spider belly of her lower body.

This collection of beauty and ugliness, purity and distortion is even more impressive.

Somehow, Thain felt a sense of déjà vu when he saw this giant beautiful spider stone statue.

Before he could sort out his memory carefully, the two fleeing Level 3 creatures from the underground world hid in the huge temple in front of the stone statue.

The height of the temple is three hundred meters. It is an extremely majestic large building.

Dozens of stone pillars, large enough for many people to embrace, are carved with many reliefs and murals, which seem to record the majestic past and miracles of the Spider Goddess.

On the picture at the bottom of the stone pillar, rows of devout believers of different shapes are prostrate and worshiping.

In addition to spiders, demi-humans and other alien creatures that Thain couldn't name, Thain also saw elves-like believers inside.

It seems that the faith of this spider goddess has spread quite widely.

For those creatures above level four who have adopted a belief system, the number of believers largely determines the power of these gods.

Because Thain saw many wizard world and wizard alliance creatures in these stone pillar murals.

The original plan to break into the temple was stopped abruptly.

The belief that can be spread within the wizarding civilization for such a long time, and a large number of wizarding civilization creatures are convinced, is definitely not something that ordinary gods from other worlds can do.

Even Thane doubts that those legendary masters of level seven or above may not be able to do it.

Is he really a master?

Thain couldn't help but murmur in his heart. It was also when Thain was pondering and hesitating that he suddenly remembered where he had seen this statue before.

That was when Thain was still studying at the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, and as an apprentice, he participated in an investigation mission of mutated monsters in the underground world.

At that time, Thain had found a small broken statue from the abdominal cavity of the mutant underground monster, and later handed it over to the Holy Tower.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

The magician who handled Thain's investigation task that time was not a registered magician of the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue. Thain had never seen him since he was promoted to the first level.

It means that the magician came from other places and was specially responsible for this investigation mission.

I still remember that Thain asked about the origin of this statue, but the other party didn't say much.

In addition, Thane recalled that when he was a black magic apprentice, when he lived in the city of Mensobra, the dark creatures in the city seemed to believe in God.

It’s a pity‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ Unfortunately, Thain’s contact level was too low at the time, and all his energy was devoted to learning magic and saving his life. He really didn’t have any extra time to observe the daily routine of those dark creatures. and specific beliefs.

But the various scenes that appeared in front of him made Thain's heart suddenly sink.

Thain has never been a reckless magician, especially his experience in the last Gumo plane war made him more cautious.

Two Level 3 creatures from the underground world had been hiding in the temple for a while, but they didn't come out for a long time and didn't make any sign.

It was quiet around the entire temple, except for the faint commotion coming from the city of Baras far away.

Holding the green source seed tightly in his hand and holding the magic wand in the other hand, Thane stared at the silent temple in front of him, and then took a step back.

There is nothing shameful in retreating temporarily.

Anyway, after Thane left, it wasn't like he wouldn't come back.

Although no abnormal space-time fluctuation node was found, the discovery of such an evil god temple is a big contribution to the Holy Tower of Dark Fire and the Yili Knights Alliance.

Dare to build a temple in the wizarding world to spread your faith?

Although the people to whom this spider goddess spreads her faith are only some dark creatures and low-level demi-humans, it seems that she has not yet set foot in humans.

But her behavior will inevitably cause a strong backlash from the major holy towers and knight halls of the wizarding civilization.

In particular, the Erie Knights Alliance is a top force that acts fiercely and is extremely exclusive of darkness and extremists.

When the time comes, in terms of the intensity of the blow, it is definitely not something that a little evil god like her can withstand.

Even if there is really a true spirit master-level existence, the sanctions imposed by the Yili Knights Alliance will definitely make the other party regret appearing in the wizarding world! Thain's strategic retreat probably stunned the people in the temple.

The other party didn't expect that such a powerful third-level magician would wander in front of the stone pillars outside the temple and then retreat like that?

What about his previous arrogance of using one against many?

The underground creatures of Baras City cannot accept Thain's departure under any circumstances!

Because a Thain has been let go now, it is very likely that this guy will come back with a group of knights and magicians to find a place after a while.

It has been more than 500 years since the establishment of Baras Underground City.

Spreading faith in the wizarding world is not an easy task.

This underground city has never been discovered thanks to its location deep underground and in a relatively desolate and neglected area in the northern part of the Erie Knights Alliance.

If Baras Dungeon is uprooted, not only will the Black Belly Spider ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ the spider leader and the third-level old demi-human be in bad luck, but the goddess behind them will also be in trouble. Walk along.

It wasn’t long after I was warned by the guardian of the wizarding world last time, and now I’m messing around again...

Although this dungeon was established before the guardian warned her... but no matter how much blessing she had from the mother plane and the protection of her elders, she might have to suffer a little this time.

Maybe if the trouble continues, all the temples she secretly built in the wizarding world will be abolished!

You know, the purity of the power of faith provided by creatures in the wizarding world is much stronger than that of other alien creatures.

Even the relatively low-level dark creatures and demi-human races in the wizarding world, when these creatures gather in a certain number, the power of faith they provide is enough to make any star world covet.

For this naughty goddess who has been warned repeatedly by the guardian, her two biggest and purest sources of belief are the underground creatures in the wizarding world and the fallen elves in the elven world.

She really wanted to extend the tentacles of faith to the human realm of the wizarding world, because the faith provided by humans in the wizarding world was more pure.

But she just thought about it, and she hasn't dared to stretch out her hand yet.

As someone who grew up in the wizarding world, she knows what can and cannot be done.

There are some red lines that must not be touched!

Even if she is good in her own strength, she still has an adoptive father who can trigger a regional earthquake with just one stamp of his foot in the wizarding world.

Thain guessed that this spider goddess was some powerful evil god from another world, which was not quite right.

Because this powerful goddess who is half human and half spider has at least half of the blood of the wizarding world in her body.

In other words, this guy is actually a local.

Coupled with her complicated life experience, it is no wonder that the guardian has to accommodate her many times.

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