The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 942: Statue of Gods

Baras Underground City is quite far away from the underground space when Thain first entered.

Although the straight-line distance may be very short, the deep and dark underground world cannot be compared to the surface.

Whether it was the intricate stalactite caves or the narrow stone gaps blocking the road, they all greatly slowed down Thain's flight speed.

It was not until a month later that Thain arrived at Baras Underground City.

Of course, during this period, Thane's space ring contained many more specimens of animals and plants unique to the underground world.

Rather than complaining about the difficult journey, what really affected Thain's progress was his instinctive desire to collect specimens.

Unexpectedly, he also did not find any abnormal fluctuations in space and time during this month.

The underground city of Baras is quite similar to the city of Mensobra in Thane's memory.

At least the size of the city is almost comparable to that of Menzobra.


The only difference is that the city of Mensobra was built under a large fluorite vein, and the entire city was relatively bright.

But the city of Baras in front of us looked dark from a distance.

There is only a crimson river of lava flowing slowly beside the city.

The combination of the black city and the red lava river makes people feel palpitated and shuddering.

Including the dark city, it seemed like a giant beast crawling in the darkness.

The average magician in the wizarding world would probably feel a little scared when he comes here.

But Thain didn't seem to be affected at all. He flicked the magic robe on his body and Thain flew straight towards the city.

As an underground city with a population of hundreds of thousands, Baras City naturally has its own high-end combat capabilities.

The aura of Thain's third-level great magician fluctuated, approaching the city without any cover. At the same time, it also aroused the discovery and alertness of the underground creatures in the dungeon.

When Thain flew above the city, Baras City had already reacted.

There is indeed no black magician in this dungeon. What appeared in front of Thane was a group of short demi-human creatures and a large group of jet-black spiders with fur.

The appearance of these demi-human creatures is very ugly and does not conform to the human aesthetics of the wizarding world, and their body shapes are also abnormally rickety.

But their strength is really good. Thain even saw one of them, an old demi-human holding a wooden staff, who already had the third level of life.

It's just that its aura is very weak and it looks like it doesn't have a long lifespan.

Another group of big black spiders should be the dark creatures that live in this area.

The appearance of these big spiders made Thain frown without a trace.

Perhaps due to some past experiences, Thain had no innate affinity for these large spiders.

Their dark compound eyes flashed with a cunning cold light. The rights of these dark creatures to survive in the wizarding world are lower than those of sea tribes, demi-humans, and monsters.

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Generally, the Holy Tower magicians will not even receive any punishment after killing them.

This seems to be because these dark creatures often do not abide by the rules set by wizards, knights, and magicians. Like black magicians, most dark creatures are excluded by the rules of wizards and civilization.

The appearance of Thane broke the hundreds of years of peace in the underground city of Baras.

Three hundred and seventy-one years have passed since the last surface knight and magician came to Baras City.

Other low-level demi-humans or dark creatures may not recognize Thain's identity, but the third-level old demi-human and the largest black-bellied spider definitely recognized Thain.

Thane's iconic magic wand paused forward. He was not here to fight with these underground creatures.

After looking around with majestic eyes, almost all the creatures gathered at the top of the city lowered their heads under the pressure of Thain's powerful mental power.

Thain looked at the oldest old Asian man, and said in the common language of the wizarding world: "I am Thain, the dean of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire Academy. This time I came to the underground world to carry out an exploration mission."

"Have there been any abnormal phenomena around your city of Baras in the past few decades?"

"If there is any, report it to me immediately. This is the highest order issued by the Holy Tower of Dark Fire." Thain said.

In fact, this task was assigned by the Yili Knights Alliance, which is far more advanced than the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

But Thain expected that most of these creatures who had always lived in the underground world did not understand what the Ely Knights Alliance was.

Compared with the superior Erie Knights Alliance, it is obviously still the name of the Holy Tower, which makes these underground creatures even more afraid of it.

Sure enough, after hearing Thain's words, there was obviously some commotion in the surrounding city.

It was mainly the first and second level demihumans who were communicating in low voices in the awkward languages ​​of their respective races.

The strength of this Baras underground city is really good. In addition to the old Asian man and the largest black-bellied spider with level three strength, there are dozens of other first and level two combat abilities.

After Thain announced his intention to come, the ones who showed the most calmness were the old Asian man holding a wooden staff and the silent black-bellied spider.

What made Thain strange was that the black-bellied spider was followed by dozens of small spiders. They kept scratching the floor with their sharp claws, seeming a little nervous.

This small detail was written down by Thain.

He looked deeper into the city of Baras, but unfortunately the city was too dark, and the entire city was built in a spiral downwards.

So much so that with Thain's mental power, he could only detect the situation within a few thousand meters of the surrounding area.

In the underground space further and deeper, it was not known whether it was the influence of the earth's veins or some special power factor that blocked his exploration.

Thain waited calmly for a few seconds, and finally, the third-level old Asian man spoke first.

"Our city of Baras has been peaceful and quiet in the past few decades, and we have not heard of any abnormal phenomena."

"The main races that inhabit the city are seventeen demi-human races, including gray dwarves, cavemen, Tusk, and Maori."

"In addition, there are some dark creatures such as black spiders and spiritual spiders living with us. There should be no clues that you need, Master Mage." The old Asian man replied respectfully, and he also spoke the common language of the wizarding world.

"Oh? Spirit-absorbing spider? Is it a mutant dark creature that gains power by absorbing souls? I didn't expect that your city actually has such a rare race."

"It just so happens that I myself have done some research on soul magic. Please let me collect some biological specimens of the spirit spiders." Thain said seemingly happily.

"Uh... I'm sorry, Master Mage, we in Baras City don't want to betray our tribe and residents..." the old Asian said in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"It doesn't matter. I don't want to take living specimens. Just give me some of their tissues and saliva." Thain waved his hand without thinking.

Just when the old man was about to say something else, the big black-bellied spider on the other side spoke.

This guy did not speak the common language of the wizarding world, but used a sharper hiss and said in the language of spiritual power: "Okay, as the leader of the dark creatures in Baras City, I agree to give you this noble Holy Tower Magic Master, a dead spirit spider corpse as a gift."

"It's just that after the Jiling spider dies, it will be sent to the clan cemetery for burial, so we need you, master, to go and pick it up in person."

"I will discuss this matter with the leader of the Jiling Spider Clan." The black-bellied spider pointed at the dark dungeon behind and invited Thain.

"No problem, I happen to be very interested in your dungeon." Thain nodded and smiled.

So, escorted by a group of demi-humans and dark creatures, Thane flew towards the depths of Baras City below.

As he continued to go deeper underground, Thain felt more and more the hugeness of Baras City.

This underground city built in a downward spiral is larger than Thane originally expected and has a larger population.

This is a giant underground city with a population of more than one million!

Then why, in their propaganda to the surrounding areas, does this underground city only have a population of several hundred thousand?

"What is that?" Thain asked, pointing to an extremely majestic and tall black figure in the center of the city, seemingly casually. It seemed to be a stone statue, hundreds of meters high.

This time, Thain asked using his mental power. He was asking about a first-level demi-human who was closer to him and seemed to be dull and honest.

"Oh, that's the statue of our city of Baras." The first-level demi-human replied without thinking.

Then, he opened his mouth wide, as if he realized what he shouldn't have said.

"Idol? Humph, when did we creatures in the wizarding world start to believe in gods?" Thain sneered.

A melee begins!

However, the group of black-bellied spiders were faster than Thain.

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