The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 932 Regional Holy Tower Academy War

In the 31st year that Thane joined the Black Tower of Canggu, he hosted a college mobilization meeting.

One of the reasons for initiating this conference is because in two years, the regional Holy Tower Academy War will begin.

In various areas of the Wizarding Plane, the Holy Tower Academy War, which takes place every fifty years, is considered a major event for each Holy Tower.

This is an important activity for wizard civilization to replenish its reserve power.

It is also a report card representing decades of hard work by the magicians and deans of Holy Tower Academy.

Also after every regional Holy Tower Academy war ends, each major Holy Tower organization will receive a large amount of rewards from the Wizards Alliance based on the achievements of their Holy Towers.

This reward is the development fund invested by the wizard civilization to cultivate the power of the younger generation.

When Thain was promoted to the first level, he had nearly 10,000 magic coins. It was because he was the peak despairer apprentice of that year. The total number of points was It is more than ten times that of others.

Normally, it would be good for the apprentice who tops the standings in each session to have a reward of nearly a thousand magic coins.

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The top ten magic apprentices in the overall ranking will also receive generous rewards ranging from hundreds of magic coins.

This marks an area where the major holy tower organizations have ardent expectations for those young apprentices.

They are the future hope of the major holy towers and wizard civilizations.

The wizarding civilization has always been generous with rewards for those with outstanding achievements.

The college mobilization meeting led by Thain was to prepare for the Holy Tower College War two years later.

This apprenticeship war, which takes place once in fifty years, is not only extremely important to these little guys, but it is also a recognition of Thain's ability and teaching achievements.

The biggest difference from the last regional Holy Tower Academy war was that in this war two years later, the total number of apprentices participating in the Dark Fire Holy Tower was only more than 15,000, which was more than double the number of participants in the previous war.

The old holy towers in the surrounding areas, such as the Xingyang Holy Tower, may have no less than 50,000 apprentices participating in the war.

For the smaller Gray Feather Holy Tower, it is estimated that there would be about 30,000 apprentices participating in the war.

The Dark Fire Holy Tower, as a holy tower organization with a fifth-level tower master and a standing time of more than 20,000 years, only has more than 10,000 apprentice representatives participating in the war, which does seem a bit humble.

It is estimated that the number of apprentices in the holy towers with fourth-level magicians is higher than this.

But this cannot be blamed on Thain, he has tried his best.

And the number of apprentices participating in the war is not necessarily the only criterion for measuring the teaching ability of a holy tower.

Thain has confidence in the apprentices he has taught.

Compared with the flowers cultivated in other holy tower greenhouses, the apprentices of the Dark Fire Holy Tower obviously have a bit more toughness.

The heavier competitive pressure and frequent actual combat tasks make these Holy Tower apprentices more pragmatic than their peers.

Thain also participated in the regional Holy Tower Academy War, and he was looking forward to how the little guys he trained would perform.

After the mobilization meeting, Thain also invited the tower owner Dark Fire out.

Originally, he wanted the tower master to also say a few words in the mobilization meeting, but Dark Fire was obviously not interested in talking nonsense to a group of magic apprentices.

However, Dark Fire agreed that on the eve of the start of the regional Holy Tower Academy War in two years' time, he would appear to give some encouragement to this group of magic apprentices.

In addition to reporting to the Tower Master on the development of the Holy Tower in recent decades, Thane also joined Kester in a timely manner to extend his hand to the Dark Fire.

All the money was spent, and he still owed a large sum to the Wizards' Union.

If Thain and others had not been endorsed by the Holy Tower, the Wizards Alliance would probably not be willing to give them credit.

The civilian apprenticeship training program is too resource-intensive.

Even though Thain had tried his best to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and eliminated a large number of low-achieving apprentices, the expenses of the remaining apprentices were enough for a Holy Tower master to lack oxygen.

Dark Fire's brain is somewhat deprived of oxygen at this time.

After reviewing the list of colleges handed over by Thane and Kester, Darkfire was rare and did not lose his temper. Instead, he held the table with one hand.

Dark Fire wanted to scold Thain, but because he heard some of the things that had happened in the past few decades and saw the specific construction situation of the college, he finally swallowed it with anger.

Thain fought in the Petrified Forest and taught the magicians of the Star Sun Tower a lesson, which made Dark Fire very satisfied.

Moreover, this powerful fifth-level magician also saw the specialness of Thain's physique and the mysterious fire element he mastered.

Pointing at Thain twice, Dark Fire gritted his teeth and said: "If you don't come back with a good ranking in this regional Holy Tower Academy war, I will fire you first!"

"Not only that, you will have to serve as my experimental subject to pay off the debt!" Dark Fire said angrily.

Thane did not remember the anger of the dark fire.

Instead, after deducting another amount of funds from Dark Fire, Thain and Kester immediately used part of the money to reward the apprentices of the Holy Tower Academy to mobilize their enthusiasm for participating in the next war. .

Two years passed in the blink of an eye.

Soon the date came for the start of the regional Holy Tower Academy War.

In this academy war, I don’t know which gust of wind was attracted.

Not only the fifth-level tower masters of the Dark Fire Holy Tower came in person before the war, but also the fifth-level tower masters of the Xingyang Holy Tower and the fourth-level tower masters of the Puzzle Holy Tower also appeared at the boundaries of the regional Holy Tower Academy War. outside.

Originally, only a few demigod-level deans were present at the Gray Feather Holy Tower, the Tinder Sand Table Holy Tower, and the Bolun Holy Tower.

But because of the arrival of Dark Fire and others, the three holy tower academies quickly informed their tower masters after receiving the news.

So much so that the six holy tower owners in the surrounding area were able to meet again after nearly a thousand years.

The relationship between Dark Fire and the tower owners of the major holy towers around them is not good.

Except for a few words with the tower master of the Holy Tower of Mystery, Dark Fire didn't even look at the other four tower masters.

As the dean of the Holy Tower Academy, Thain also took this opportunity to get up close and meet several tower owners of other holy towers.

Thain is no longer a fledgling low-level magician. Although he cannot see the detailed strength of several holy tower masters, he can still distinguish the general strength and weakness.

Among the six tower masters, the most powerful one is the Fire of Darkness.

This fifth-level magician is like a black sun, occupying the sky directly above, faintly suppressing all surrounding tower owners.

Second only to the Fire of Darkness are the tower masters of the Xingyang Holy Tower and the tower masters of the Gray Feather Holy Tower.

Among them, the tower master of Xingyang Holy Tower is slightly stronger, while the tower master of Gray Feather Holy Tower is weaker.

The Tower Master of the Xingyang Holy Tower gives people the impression that it is an impenetrable bright star cluster. Although it is not as domineering and fierce as the Dark Fire, it still gives people a sense of oppression.

The tower master of the Gray Feather Holy Tower is embodied by a cluster of gray feathers. It is not known what specific abilities the other party possesses. It is very mysterious.

These three tower owners are also fifth-level magicians in the surrounding area.

The other three holy towers, the Tinder Sand Table Holy Tower, the Bolun Holy Tower and the Mysterious Realm Holy Tower, all have level four tower masters.

One is a huge sand table burning with flames, the other is a white building ringing with faint bells, and the other is a blue mirror.

These holy tower masters do not show their true colors, but show the embodiment of their own laws and the mysteries of power elements.

All the Holy Tower magicians, including Thain, couldn't help but look sideways.

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