The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 915: Full of anger

With the development of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire back on track, Thain, who has been busy for several years, can finally take a break.

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The experiment on the qualitative transformation of the fire element in his hand has been delayed for a long time.

Since the end of the Gumo plane war and the acquisition of the original dark fire, Thain didn't even have time to study this rare flame in detail.

Natalya and her two daughters were so busy during Thain's tenure as the dean that they didn't even bother to talk to them. They had already gone to the territory of the Erie Knights Alliance to make a living.

Lenna has been promoted to level three and needs to test and practice her new abilities.

Natalya also needs enough combat experience.

The two women traveled side by side to various parts of the Erie Knights League, and Thain was able to relax a little more about their safety.

Taking advantage of the ease of work at the Academy of Dark Fire Holy Tower, Thane also used the Holy Tower's communication equipment to contact the people far away in the Blue Source Holy Tower. Selena and Erin.

The development of the two girls in recent years has been quite satisfactory, but they are not as talented as Thain, and they do not have enough experience.

Even though the two women have been very diligent, looking at their current status, they will have to be at least about 500 years old before they can reach the realm of second-level magicians.

After all, they are neither geniuses.

Thain also briefly communicated with his mentor Lu Lianman.

When he learned that his disciple was currently serving as the dean of Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy.

Lu Lianman gave Thain a rare scolding.

She was not worried about Thain being young and not capable enough.

It's because Lu Lianman dislikes her disciples and doesn't come to help her, just to solve her own problems. How can she go to someone else's holy tower to serve as the dean of the college.

"Even if I teach a kosha beast to come out, it's still better than you. At least the kosha beast can still be killed and eaten." Lu Lianman said angrily.

(PS: The kosha beast is an omnivorous livestock in the orc plane. It has a high meat production rate and is the favorite food of the orcs. Its appearance is similar to the captive domestic pigs in the wizarding world, and it is characterized by its thick skin.)

Regarding his mentor's complaints, Thain could only find ways to coax him away.

"I serve as the dean of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire just to gain experience. The contract is only for two hundred years."

"When I am familiar with all aspects of the dean's business, I will return to the Holy Tower of Jizhiyuan to help you, mentor."

"You don't want me to be incompetent and drag down your holy tower, right?" Thain said sincerely.

This time, after hearing Sean's explanation, Lu Lianman felt a little better.

In addition to beating her own disciple, Lu Lianman also did not forget to care about his cultivation and study.

"I see that your status in all aspects has reached the critical point. When will you be promoted to level three?" Lu Lianman asked.

"It should be in the past few years, the fire element qualitative change experiment. The more I research in recent years, the more new things I can discover."

"The ray of dark fire I obtained not long ago gave my experiments a new direction."

"But I don't plan to procrastinate any longer. As for the deeper mysteries of elemental metamorphosis, I think it won't be too late to study it in detail after I reach level three." Thain mused.

Facing Thain's answer, Lu Lianman nodded with satisfaction.

"Although the time of promotion and age don't mean much."

"But as long as you enter a higher level of life, with your skyrocketing mental power and vision beyond the original level, you can explore the truth more comprehensively and systematically."

"‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎After you advance to level three, I will go find your master."

"According to the practice of our Jade Fire Master Sect, your master will give you a brand-new knowledge in the field of fire element mysteries."

"But this is also the last academic knowledge given to you by the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect. According to your master's and my own understanding, after the third level, there is not much knowledge gained purely through learning."

"If you want to master more of the truth, you can only explore and discover it yourself."

"Every third-level magician will master the power of different laws when he becomes a demigod, or even when he is promoted to the fourth level in the future."

"Others can only provide you with reference points. It is almost impossible to imitate and copy 100%. In the end, you still have to find your own path." Lu Lianman told Thain earnestly.

The information Lu Lianman told Thain is also the most important part of the inheritance content for masters with level 4 or above after being promoted to level 3.

If Thain hadn't grown up too fast and was far away from him, Lu Lianman would have explained many things to him carefully, carefully and conscientiously.

As for it, it is not completely necessary to go to the master of the Jade Burning Fire to ask for a new knowledge of the fire element field for Thain.

The main reason was that Lu Lianman wanted to show off a little in front of her mentor, senior brothers, senior sisters and others.

A disciple of a third-level magician who is more than 300 years old... Do you have any?

Although age doesn't mean anything, reaching the status of a great magician at such a young age is enough to prove Thain's high talent for magic, and it also shows Lu Lianman's teaching level from the side.

Moreover, to be honest, such a fast promotion speed cannot be explained by having a ray of light from the plane in Thain's body.

It is estimated that everyone will have to admit by then that Lu Lianman really has outstanding abilities in the field of teaching disciples.

After ending the long-distance communication with his mentor and others, Thain continued to devote himself to experimental research.

But unfortunately, just when Thain had made new breakthroughs in the decryption of Dark Fire and the qualitative transformation of the fire element, the tower master Dark Fire came back.

The master of the tower seems to have a very strict sense of time.

It was said that it was three years, but it was really just three years before I returned to the Holy Tower on time.

Now that the tower master has returned, Thain, as the dean of the Holy Tower Academy, naturally has to go to the top of the holy tower with the other three deans and deputy deans to report to the Master of Dark Fire on their work in recent years.

Since the Dark Fire Holy Tower has indeed been the most turbulent and tense time in recent years, the fifth-level tower owner who has just returned to the Holy Tower also wants to know the current situation in the Holy Tower.

The situation is better than Darkfire imagined.

As the dean, Thain played a role that cannot be ignored during this period.

Especially Thain's decision to go to the Ebalut Empire to "steal apprentices" made the fifth-level tower master applaud.

To the astonishment of the other three deans and vice-deans, Tower Master Dark Fire not only did not veto Thain's approach, but also waved his arms to encourage Thain: "Don't just look at the Ebalut Empire. We are still too far away.”

"The holy tower areas near us cannot be spared, especially the Xingyang Holy Tower and the Gray Feather Holy Tower."

"Those two old guys from the Holy Tower actually dared to impeach me in this regional supervisory meeting."

"Steal me their apprentice!" Dark Fire slammed the table and said, surging fire elements overflowing from his palms.

In terms of unscrupulousness, this fifth-level magician with stronger strength and more capital obviously has bolder ideas than Thain.

Seeing the confused expressions on the faces of Kester, Bob and others, Dark Fire waved his hand and said: "There is no clause in the rules of the Holy Tower and the Knights Hall that prohibits robbing apprentices from other Holy Towers."

"As Thain said, we did not snatch these apprentices for evil research, nor did we intend to endanger their lives. We just let them come to a better environment to study."

"Even if we end up making trouble with the guardians, I still have a reason! If they don't accept it, let them challenge me to a duel to see who has a higher level of magic."

Seeing that Bob and others were still submissive, Dark Fire said unhappily: "What are you afraid of? If something happens, I will be responsible for it!"

I don't know if this fifth-level tower master has been treated unfairly in the past three years since he left.

He had just returned to the Holy Tower, looking very angry.

Thain and others did not disobey the tower master, they just nodded and accepted the order.

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