The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 912 Fearlessness and Longing

Fern is a boy from Hof ​​Village, an unknown village in the south of the Ebalut Empire.

When he was six years old, he went to town with his father, a woodcutter, to test his initial mental power: 13 o'clock.

This is a very good initial spiritual power value. In the Ebalut Empire, or in the entire wizarding world, major holy towers and magic academies, the minimum initial spiritual power standard for apprentices recruited is 10 points of spiritual power. .

The initial mental power of 13 points has given Fern a good start.

But despite this, Fern had been collecting firewood with his father for two years, and then at the age of eight, he waited for the floating ship from a large distant city.

This floating boat takes Fern to the magical and magnificent magical world.

What is magic?

‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏When Fern asked his parents this question when he was young, his father, who could not read a few words, was trembling and could not answer Fern at all. The problem.

Likewise, Fern's mother, as well as his three older siblings and two younger siblings, could not answer Fern.

The children of the poor have grown up early, and Fern, who was only eight years old, was already aware of the hardships of life.

He longs to learn the legendary magic just to improve his family.

However, if Fern, who doesn't even know the most basic words, can achieve great success when he goes to the magic academy in the future?

This is a question.

Of course, Fern, who was born in the Ebalut Empire, is luckier than the lower-class civilians in other parts of the wizarding world.

Because only the Ebalut Empire created a craze for magic among the people.

In other areas of the wizarding world, magic is the preserve of the aristocracy.

(ps: The threshold for Dou Qi is a little lower. Even if you are a commoner, if you are lucky, you can get some basic training techniques.

After all, magic is still too expensive, and some down-and-out aristocratic families cannot afford it. )

When Fern walked out of the mountain village, he saw a big city with towering walls for the first time, and he also saw an airship, a magical creation beyond his imagination, for the first time.

When Fern was riding the floating boat, thousands of meters above the ground, he felt as if he was dreaming.

Not only Fern, but almost all the civilian magic apprentices on this floating ship looked like this.

There were only a few magic apprentices from ordinary little noble families, looking at these "hillbillies" with contempt and disgust. Because of their family status, those few nobles had more or less contact with the magical world before, but it was extremely limited.

Otherwise, they would not have gone to the Imperial Public Magic Academy to study, but would have gone to the Holy Tower Academy.

Thain originally planned to rob people, but he never considered robbing Holy Tower College students. This was purely because he couldn't get along with the rules of Holy Tower.

If these magic apprentices from the Empire's public academy take some away, even if the matter is finally exposed, the Magic Empire may not cause trouble to Thain.

Anyway, they have many apprentices.

Besides, if the sky falls, a tall man will hold it up.

Isn’t there a fifth-level magician called Dark Fire on top?

Who allowed the Dark Fire to make the construction of the Holy Tower so poor? Thane had no choice but to take this move.

\u003c‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏p\u003eThion, who transformed into a flame giant, attracted Fern’s attention since he appeared on the floating ship.

At a young age, unlike the distinguished first-level magician Boss, he was full of fear and awe of Thane.

Instead, he kept staring at Thain with longing and curiosity.

This is a young and energetic look, a look that is fearless for the future.

I don’t know what exactly the flame giant talked about with Magician Boss. After a moment, Magician Boss nodded dejectedly.

Correspondingly, the Fire Giant thrust a space ring into the hands of Magician Bos.

Seeing Wizard Boss holding the ring tightly in his right hand, Fern remembered how his father looked when he found a piece of Codonopsis pilosula in the mountains half a year ago. At that time, his father also held the piece of Codonopsis pilosula tightly.

Then, the flame giant lifted the flames around him and finally transformed into a handsome magician wearing a black robe.

Because Fern was relatively short and very close to the other party, the little guy could roughly see the other party's appearance.

After Fat Boss walked away, the little guy couldn't help but ask: "Dear Master, are we going to learn magic next?"

"Dear Master, are we going to learn magic next?" A childish voice came from the lower right side of Thain.

When Thain communicated with Boss before, except for some extremely sensitive contents, most of the other conversations were completed through verbal communication, and no barriers were deliberately arranged.

This little boy with short chestnut hair was the only one on the entire floating ship who dared to get close to the two of them, and even took the initiative to talk to them in the end.

In the clear and transparent eyes of this little guy, Thain read his fearlessness and longing for the future.

Thain, who had just concluded a deal, was obviously in a good mood.

He smiled and said, "Yes, kid, we will go to the Holy Tower College to study next."

"Holy Tower College? Isn't it a public college in the Empire?" Fern asked curiously, tilting his head.

After a period of contact with other magic apprentices on the floating ship, Fern, who is not shallow-minded, learned some differences between the Empire's public magic academy and the Holy Tower Academy.

This boy even learned some words in advance by trying to please another female magic apprentice from a small noble family.

"Yes, Holy Tower Academy, you will arrive soon, no more than three months at most." Thain said firmly.

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"Will we come back in the future? I feel a little homesick."

"But the respected Master Boss said that we may have to study magic in that strange place for decades." The little boy couldn't help but ask.

Thain pondered for a moment and replied: "Yes, as long as you successfully become a formal magician, you can go anywhere and no one will stop you."

Thain's answer brought a smile to Fern's little face.

This child from an ordinary civilian family even bowed to Thain in a very sensible manner.

This is the aristocratic etiquette of the Ebalut Empire. I don’t know which little girl this little kid learned it from. It’s quite stylish.

After the conversation with Fern, Thane snapped his fingers, and the little fox girl Ai Jieli walked out of the space equipment. At the same time, a large flying carpet with a length of more than 100 meters appeared at everyone's feet.

"You take these children to our floating ship docked at the border area of ​​the Ebalut Empire."

"Remember to stay hidden. If there is any emergency, please contact me as soon as possible." Thain first turned to the little fox girl and said.

After the little fox girl nodded obediently, Thain turned around again and said to Fatty Boss, who was full of envy: "Let's go and check out the next place."

"The apprentice I need is more than this."

Perhaps because he had a good impression of the little boy who just took the initiative to talk to him, Thane casually threw a magic coin from his magic sleeve robe and threw it to the little boy in front of him.

Seeing the dumbfounded look on the little guy's face, Thain smiled and said: "Little guy, work hard. I believe you can achieve your wishes in the future."

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