The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 904 Similar Experience

Natalya also needs to rest and recover in the rest area.

Including Thain and Lenna, who had just come out of danger, the fortress headquarters had not assigned them any tasks for the time being, so their physical condition was not serious.

The several months of tempering in the underground lava river did cause great damage to their physical load at first, but now they have basically been repaired, and they have made great progress on the original basis.

Thain, who had just escaped from the trap not long ago, could not wait to join the experiment again.

Whether it's the experience in the underground world, Lenna's almost perfect evolutionary form at this time, or his own condition that is about to enter the third level.

These are all experimental topics that Thain can directly study.

Especially for the latter, Thain had a hunch that even if he had not yet solved the surface mystery of the Embers of Dark Fire, relying solely on his original spell heritage would be enough to complete the elemental transformation process necessary for a third-level magician.

In other words, as long as Thane wants, he can advance to level three at any time now.

Although the decisive battle that took place in the Akale Plains has ended, it does not mean that the war in the entire Gumo plane has completely ended.

The fourth-level Golo Earthworm King is still on the run, and the Wizard World Legion still needs to control and occupy other areas of the world, especially the underground world that is as vast as the surface.

As early as when Thain returned to the main base of the fortress, he received news from the command center that the fifth-level magician Dark Fire wanted to meet him.

But until the end of the war, Thane was unable to see the master.

Since the decisive battle on the Akale Plains, the war in the entire Gumo plane has lasted for nearly three years.

The main reason is that the area of ​​the Gumo plane is really not small, and there is an even wider underground world.

Although the resistance standing in front of the wizard civilization's invading legion has been minimal, occupying and conquering so many areas is not as easy as it sounds.

Thain and his party signed a five-year war contract in the Gumo plane.

But as the war progressed into its fourth year, basically no combat missions were issued.

Starting from this year, a large number of non-staff knights and magician legions gradually evacuated from the Gumo plane and returned to the wizarding world.

Most of those still stationed in various parts of the Gumo plane are registered magicians from the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

But the number of these magicians is not too many.

Although Thain is an outsider, because he personally participated in the Gumo Plane War, he has come into contact with many secrets of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire over the past few years.

It seems that the entire Dark Fire Holy Tower is currently facing the dilemma of a large number of registered magicians leaving the Holy Tower.

This trend of separation is not only reflected in the combat legions of the Gumo plane.

Even the group of academic magicians in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire in the Wizarding World began to leave in large numbers.

The fifth-level magician Dark Fire relied on a loophole in the rules to "accidentally injure" many registered magicians in the holy tower during the decisive battle. The consequences finally broke out as time went by.

In the past few years, the Dark Fire Master has not bothered to summon Thain. In addition to being busy chasing down the Golo Earthworm King, it is estimated that the difficulties and the wave of separation that the Holy Tower is facing have also caused this A fifth-level magician was in dire straits.

Almost all registered magicians in a holy tower will sign a fixed-year magic contract with the holy tower after joining a holy tower.

The Holy Tower is not a public toilet. You can come and leave whenever you want.

When Master Archimedes of the Holy Tower of Blue Origin left, he was able to take away a group of his direct disciples and grandchildren. This was because Lu Lianman saw that Master Archimedes had served the Holy Tower for many years and had worked very hard, so he did not pursue those who were still there. The magician's breach of contract during the contract period.

Otherwise, if you leave the Holy Tower without any reason, you will have to pay certain compensation to the Holy Tower.

With the current wave of breakaways taking place in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, Thain is not sure whether all registered magicians have paid enough liquidated damages.

However, based on what he has seen during this period, the number of registered magicians in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire has dropped by 60%.

And this number keeps increasing.

Such a large-scale act of disengagement... Thane prefers that the Holy Tower owner did not ask for liquidated damages from these registered magicians.

This is understandable, after all, in the final analysis, this tower master did something unreasonable.

If he really demands liquidated damages from all magicians, even if he can temporarily curb the large-scale disengagement, his reputation will definitely be stinky after this fermentation.

Even if you can avoid punishment by taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules of wizard civilization, I believe that no more magicians will join it.

Can an empty holy tower without a formal magician still be considered a holy tower?

The Master of Dark Fire did not ask for liquidated damages from all the magicians who left, which can be regarded as leaving a favor.

Maybe it's because the atmosphere has been a bit depressing recently, or maybe it's because the war in Gumo's plane is coming to an end.

Especially half a year ago, there was another war in the south of this plane. It was said that the Lord of the Dark Fire Tower had captured the Earthworm King of Golou alive.

Thane originally thought that the war was basically over, and his employment period with the Holy Tower of Dark Fire was about to expire.

When he was about to take Natalya and Lenna out of this low-level plane and return to the wizarding world.

The fifth-level magician Dark Fire suddenly summoned Thain out of the blue.

The place where Dark Fire summoned Thane was located in the giant space fortress hovering high in the sky of this low-level plane.

Due to the departure of a large number of registered magicians from the Holy Tower, as well as the vast majority of knights and magicians participating in the war, they have left this plane.

Therefore, this space fortress with a diameter of 30,000 meters seemed empty and silent after Thane arrived.

Thain saw this powerful fifth-level magician in the main control room. Apart from the tower master, there were only a dozen or so low-level magicians in charge of the main control room. The most basic operation and maintenance.

The scene in the main control room also indirectly reflects the depression and loneliness of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

However, the Dark Fire Master did not show much despair. When he saw this master for the first time, Thane couldn't help but trembled.

On the plane battlefield before, Thain didn't have any deep feelings because he was too far away.

But when facing this fifth-level magician at close range, Thain felt a sense of familiarity.

This sense of familiarity is of course not because Thain knows the tower owner, but because Thain feels a familiar trait in the tower owner - the temperament of a black magician.

Under the other party's calm and serene black robe, Thain seemed to see an unruly and indifferent look in his eyes.

What did Thain say back then? He had also been among the black magicians for a long time and had also been to the Black Territory.

The only difference between the Dark Fire Master in front of him and those black magicians in the dark realm is probably that his arrogance and unruliness are not fully revealed, but are deeply suppressed under the magic robe.

This is definitely a powerful magician that no one can mess with!

Although Thane's master Bogagaru also has an extremely violent aura, he is completely opposite from the black magician's extremely cold and perverted temperament.

Thain does not think that the Master of Dark Fire is a black magician. The extremely perfect rules and mechanisms of the wizarding world are not enough to allow a black magician to openly Build a holy tower in the Wizarding Continent.

Temperament doesn't mean anything, and Thane doesn't need to worry that he's facing a moody black magician.

"Haha, you little guy seems to be very to my taste."

"Well... you are a little different from the other little guys I have come into contact with over the years." Master Dark Fire said with a deep smile as soon as he came up.

His low laughter broke the cold atmosphere in the surrounding environment.

"During my apprenticeship, I was kidnapped by a black magician, but fortunately I was rescued by the Holy Tower."

"Now I am the disciple of the master of the Blue Origin Holy Tower in the Land of Green Origin." Thain replied respectfully, not only indicating his origin, but also naming his backers intentionally or unintentionally.

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It must be said that Thane is somewhat wary of this group of black magicians.

From the fact that this Dark Fire Master dared to order to fire on his own army of magicians, it can be seen that this is definitely not a being who sticks to common sense.

He could tell that the Master of Dark Fire had a hint of the qualities of a black magician, and the Master of Dark Fire could also naturally see that Thane had a temperament that was different from ordinary magicians.

In fact, his experience in Menzobra as a boy has always influenced Thane.

Although he has changed a lot over the years, some essential things will not change.

Therefore, Thane also knew why the Master of Dark Fire said that he would like him.

Sure enough, after hearing Thain's answer, the Dark Fire Master was obviously stunned.

Then, in an extremely gloomy and cold voice, he smiled and said: "So that's how it is, what a coincidence!"

"I was also the apprentice who was rescued from the black magician."

"Thankfully, I was only a quasi-mage back then, and I was still at the apprentice level."

"Otherwise, if I had been promoted to the first level by then, I would probably have been wiped out by those law enforcement knights and magicians, and it would have become a feat in their mission books!" Master Dark Fire chuckled.

After hearing the answer from the Dark Fire Master, Thane was obviously stunned.

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