The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 894 Fat Burning Secret Technique

Similar to the methods used by the indigenous creatures in the Youyun Plane to break out in crisis situations, creatures in the Wizarding World and other planes also have methods, and they are more diverse.

For example, a magician like Thane can make a big step forward in strength in a short period of time by burning the magic power in his body and his own mental power.

However, the consequences are also extremely serious. In the end, it is not a bad thing to suffer from mental atrophy.

More seriously, it is not uncommon for downgrades and sudden deaths to occur directly. (ps: The physique of magicians is notoriously weak)

Knights can also over-exploit the power of their blood and cells, and obtain a short-term burst of strength by overdrawing their lives.

The consequences of doing so are of course very serious.

Either it is a permanent blood ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ bloodline overflow, or it is also downgraded, or it will be in an extremely weak state for a long time in the future.

You don't need to be like a magician and worry about accidentally turning your hair upside down.

Lenna and Natalya naturally have their own desperate methods, but according to Thain's research results in the world of clouds, the target chosen for the explosion is fat.

If the human body is compared to a ball of flame, the temperature of the flame represents its own strength.

So if you want to make this fire burn brighter in a short period of time, constantly throwing firewood into it is the right answer.

The explosive performance of ordinary knights and magicians is equivalent to throwing in their own mental power, magic power, blood power and vitality as firewood.

The consequences of doing so can indeed make the fire burn brighter, but the cost is to burn yourself.

Fat, as a high-density energy aggregate.

The purity of the fat condensed from Lenna's body is far beyond that of ordinary creatures!

After Thain's research, this is a special compound that can directly compete with the energy contained in energy crystals.

One can imagine how much Lenna has eaten over the years and how much energy she has accumulated.

These fat energy are undoubtedly the best quality "firewood".

Although Lenna was also consuming her own fat during her usual combat training, her consumption was not worth mentioning compared to her own storage and daily intake.

This is why Lenna's parents are getting fatter and fatter.

On the contrary, after Lenna followed Thain for a while, she "lost weight" a little because she frequently participated in Thain's body training experiments.

The explosive secret technique newly developed by Thane on Lenna consumes only fat!

This is a way of fighting at the expense of burning fat, but because this secret skill is not yet mature, when using it, Thain needs to help her with the power of the special fire element.

When the experiment was just successful, Thain and Lenna did it once.

At that time, just burning the fat on a section of Lenna's thumb made Lenna, who was experiencing it for the first time, extremely uncomfortable.

This is using the power of pure fire element to forcibly burn the fat in Lenna's body.

It is not through the complete human body mechanism and gentle means to mobilize the energy in fat.

The final experimental result naturally made Thain very happy. The power of Lenna's fat burning was absolutely beyond imagination.

But for Lenna herself, this was an extremely painful experience that she never wanted to endure again.

This is not about extracting fat bit by bit, but directly burning it with fierce fire elements!

Thain also used himself as a model to experiment, and the pain was indeed quite exaggerated.

It's just that the amount of fat in Thain's body is not as exaggerated as that of Lena, so the feeling is not as painful as Lena's.

And Thain also found that after the fat-burning burst, although the body will enter a period of pain and weakness, it can permanently strengthen part of the body.

This can be regarded as a newly developed body-refining technique by Thain.

Not to mention how far the other brothers of the Jade Burning Fire Sect have come in the journey of body refining, at least Thain has definitely taken a big step forward on the original mileage pioneered by Trilis.

If his many research results were known to his two senior level four or above masters, they would probably look at him with approval.

When Lenna participated in many ring challenges through the Erie Knights League, she only failed twice. By the time of the second time, she had actually mastered the secret technique of fat-burning explosion.

If Lenna had used this secret skill at that time, in Thain's opinion, there was a high probability that she would win.

But the inner fear of burning fat made Lenna selectively ignore this trick of hers.

To put it bluntly, if it hadn't been for Thain's forced request this time, Lenna might not have been willing to use this move when she was in a desperate situation. That extremely violent and unreserved fat-burning experience made Lenna shiver every time she thought about it.

No wonder Lenna is becoming more and more "afraid" of Thane.

"Gudu!" After swallowing, Lenna's two black eyes couldn't help but glance down on her chubby face.

Indeed, as Thain said, the most dangerous thing for them now is not the semi-god-level earth dragon, but the increasingly mysterious and ominous silver rune river below.

From the moment Thain and others came into contact with these silver runes, they began to tremble slightly.

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Nowadays, the semi-god-level combat power and the wizarding world's combat power beyond the second level are fighting inside and outside this molten river, causing the vibration of these silver runes to become much more intense.

The extremely mysterious and depressing special fluctuations, ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏, come from the depths of this lava river, and point to the distance where the end is hard to see.

Who knows how long this lava river is?

And Thain, who has been in contact with his mentor Lu Lianman for many years, knows that this mysterious and indescribable special fluctuation is actually the power of law possessed by creatures above level four!

There was no time to hesitate any longer, just after Lenna nodded decisively as if she was going to die.

Thane quickly flew to her side, a special red-orange flame igniting in his hand.

"I'm here to help you again!" Thain suddenly put the flame in his hand and patted the back of Lenna's heart.

The special flame in Thane's hand not only serves as the key to the fat-burning secret technique, but also accelerates Lenna into an explosive state.

If the ordinary fat-burning secret technique is to ignite the pile of fat firewood on Lenna's body, then what Thain did was not only ignite it, he also added a spoonful of hot oil!

However, Thain could still control the severity. Thain, who knew Lenna's body better than her own, knew the limits of this fat woman's body.

"Ouch!!!" A roar that was not inferior to that of an orthodox giant dragon came from the mouth of the meat-like Lenna after entering the battle state.

The pain and anger contained in this roar, as well as the volume that is about to break people's ears, are more like a sonic attack method than the roar of the earth dragon just now.

"Rumble!" Continuous black underground stones fell from above the lava river, stirring up waves.

After Thain and others appeared, the raging lava river and the dense silver runes changed even more than before!

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