The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 884 The True Body of Light Element

Whether it's Thain, Lenna, Natalya, or the constructor Yuli, they are all old partners who have cooperated for hundreds of years.

Especially in the sandstorm world where the intensity of the war was extremely cruel, it created a huge tacit understanding between them.

Thain has outstanding attack power, and Natalya has excellent defense power, so they alternately cooperate and definitely have the strength to intervene in the third-level biological battlefield.

Although Lenna is both offensive and defensive, and has amazing endurance, her lack of long-range attack means is a minor shortcoming of this fat woman.

Constructor Yuri's various attributes appear to be mediocre compared to the three top second-level knights and magicians in the wizarding world, but her long-range attack methods and mobility are definitely not bad.

There is definitely more than one constructed golem that Yuri can control. The reason why only the Blazing Golem is displayed is simply because it is far from the time when it is necessary to show its full strength.


Even Thain did not show his Balrog transformation at this time, but only maintained the basic flame element true body state.

As for the packet of green source seeds that his mentor Lu Lianman gave him before leaving, Thain also did not use it.

A fierce collision soon appeared in Thain's field of vision.

The Moknu people in the Gumo plane are not an excellent race in melee combat, but the other two dominant biological groups have certain advantages in this regard.

Dozens of Golou Earthworms, each over ten meters in size, were rushing through the ground. At the same time, red energy rays located at their contact points had already shot towards them.

More than 90% of the Golou earthworms in the Gumo plane are less than one meter in size. If they can evolve to a higher level of life, they must be a minority in a group.

The dozens of Golou earthworms that are the fastest in front of me all have life levels above level one.

Judging from their freedom of movement in the mud, they are no less than fish swimming in the ocean.

Thain had to marvel at the wonder of the star realm and the specialness of the indigenous creatures in this world.

There were dozens of Golou earthworms of level one or above, and soon the Knights of the Wizarding World came to deal with them.

The magician army behind them also provided long-range fire support at all times.

With the mental strength and magic control ability of magicians in the wizarding world, single attack magic will not cause accidental damage at least within a range of five thousand meters.

Only that kind of range attack magic can cause indiscriminate damage on this vast battlefield.

As one of the dominant indigenous species, the Goloudi earthworm's most precious feature is the "crystal core" located under its skin at the point of contact.

This thing is not the heart of Golou earthworms. Even if it is taken out directly, it will not cause a fatal blow to them, it will only make them weak.

Some Golou earthworms with special physiques can even breed one at each end of their bodies, for a total of two crystal cores.

These crystal cores have been studied by magicians in the wizarding world and are judged to be rare element crystals in the body of the Gorodi earthworm family, and are also the key to their ability to release radioactive element rays.

This crystal core can not only be used as a weakened version of the energy crystal, but can also be of great value in the construction of many magical equipment and magic arrays.

Including alchemists like Thain, their eyes couldn't help but shine after learning about the magical power of Crystal Heart.

I believe no alchemist would refuse this kind of alchemical raw material with special effects.

In addition, other parts produced by the Golou earthworm clan also have certain values.

Or it can be said that most of the first-level and above creatures in the star world have certain body tissues, such as blood, bones or crystal nuclei. value.

The magicians in the wizarding world have always been the favorite sacrifices for certain evil creatures in the star world to devour.

The soul of a magician is tougher and purer than that of other creatures.

The body tissues of magicians also contain a large amount of magic power, which can be regarded as a great tonic for some alien creatures.

The knights are full of energy and blood. The flesh and blood energy contained in a knight in the Wizarding World is even greater than that of a Titan of the same level in the Titan World.

You know, the adult giants of level one or above in the Titan world often have a body size of more than ten meters.

Such a difference in Qi and blood volume can also be called, what is concentrated is the essence.

Similarly, the other two dominant biological groups in the Gumo plane also have great economic benefits and development value.

The dark-skinned Moknu people, the silver blood contained in their bodies is a high-quality magic agent.

As for the Gulan Lizards who walk upright and have green scales, they are equivalent to fire-type monsters. Whether it is the heart, claws, teeth, etc., they are all good fire-type materials.

As a fire elementalist, Thain would definitely not mind having some more fire magic materials in his collection.

When dozens of first-level Golo Earthworms collided with the Wizard World Legion, Thain also used his elemental body to release an elemental ray as thick as an arm.

The Golou Earthworm, which looks like a large earthworm, does not have a life gate in the absolute sense.

Cut them into two pieces, and they can split into new individuals.

If you want to kill them completely, cutting them into pieces or shooting them through with light magic is the safest way. Of course, directly attacking their crystal cores can also severely damage these Golou earthworms.

But if the crystal heart is destroyed, the value of these Golou earthworms will be greatly reduced. Therefore, many knights and magicians in the wizarding world deliberately avoid the opponent's crystal heart during battle.

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Thain, who has activated his elemental form, also takes the form of a fire elemental giant, and the elemental rays he shoots are naturally pillars of scorching fire.

Although he has long understood the tenacious vitality and fire resistance of the Golou earthworms, Thain still did not expect that after his flame ray with an attack power of more than 3,000 hit a first-level Golou earthworm, He did not kill the opponent, but only shot an obvious blood hole in the opponent's skin.

There was a strong fishy and burnt smell in the air, and the Golou earthworm also made a sharp cry, twisted its body and burrowed underground.

If judged simply by the severity of the injury, this Golou earthworm is not even seriously injured. It is indeed a special creature with tenacious vitality. ‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏

After arriving in the Gumo plane, Thain obtained some specimens of Gorodi earthworms through the fortress base, but they were all ordinary biological specimens below the first level. He had not yet obtained the rare living specimens above the first level.

This Golo earthworm has obviously attracted Thain's interest.

"The Golo Earthworm clan is afraid of the light element. What if I am like this?" Thain said softly, and then snapped his fingers. The originally flaming fire element body quickly turned into a radiant light element body. .

Changing the form of the elemental true body, Thain had already been thinking about it during the Greenleaf World War.

It's just that the previous two plane wars dealt with plant-based creatures, and the effects of light-based elemental bodies were very low.

When fighting against the wild orangutans, light magic is also not as lethal as fire magic.

Therefore, Thain did not show much of his ability during the war.

Against Golo Earthworm in the Gumo plane, Thain's light elemental avatar can undoubtedly exert its greatest value.

The dazzling light emanating from Thain even illuminated the surroundings of the battlefield extremely brightly.

It was obvious that Thain had not released any light magic yet, and many low-strength Golo earthworms on the nearby battlefield screamed in terror as if they were facing a natural enemy.

Only those Golo earthworms with a length of more than ten meters and a life level above level one can barely be affected by the light emitted by Thane.

Despite this, the Gorodi earthworms were trying their best to avoid Thane.

The biological habit of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is no exception in any plane.

The first-level earthworm that had been injured by Thain ran the fastest.

Unfortunately, Thain did not let go of the other party's thoughts.

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