The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 879: Joining the War

After getting the answer from the young first-level magician in front of him, Thane looked back at the two female knights behind him.

He has been traveling within the territory of the Ely Knights Alliance for hundreds of years, and coupled with the period of rest after the end of the Wild Orangutan World War, Thain has indeed not moved his muscles for a long time.

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Having known each other for such a long time, Lenna and Natalya knew exactly what Sean's look meant.

The specialty fire magic materials of the Dark Fire Holy Tower are indeed something that Thain cannot let go of.

And the alien plane that this holy tower is attacking happens to be a low-level world that produces all kinds of rare magic metals.

What does special magic metal mean to an alchemist? No need to elaborate too much.

Not to mention anything else, just a "Moklan Dark Metal" alone made Thain want to go to this low-level battlefield.

It was also through the determined eyes of the two women that Thain got their answers.

"Okay, help the three of us formulate a five-year war contract." Thain said to the first-level magician of the Dark Fire Holy Tower.

"I'm happy to serve you!" the young magician at the front desk of the Holy Tower said happily.

The power of the three second-level knights and magicians is not small. More importantly, the little guy at the front desk can also receive part of the rewards from the Dark Fire Holy Tower because he is the introducer of Thain and others. .

This is why this young man is so happy.

Although the Holy Tower of Dark Fire looks a little old and dilapidated, this holy tower has been standing for more than 20,000 years.

All aspects of the buildings and resources in the Holy Tower are quite complete, but the entire Holy Tower exudes a sense of neglect and desolation.

After purchasing all the fire magic materials that he wanted from the resource hall of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, as well as many supplies that may be used in the subsequent war.

Thain took Lenna and the two of them onto the interdimensional teleportation formation heading to the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

Light and shadow flickered, and when Thane walked out of the spatial discomfort caused by the teleportation array, what appeared in front of him was an empty mountain wall with its interior hollowed out.

They have already set foot on the land of Gumo plane.

Looking up to the outside of the mountain wall, I saw endless black smoke, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of sulfur.

The faint sense of plane oppression and rejection around them indicates that the Gumo plane does not welcome these invaders from the wizarding world.

This hollowed-out mountain wall should be one of the temporary camps set up by the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

In addition to a large interdimensional teleportation array arranged here, Thain also saw many knights, magicians walking inside and outside the mountain wall, as well as some slave creatures that Thain couldn't name.

The Holy Tower of Dark Fire has been established for more than 20,000 years, and it has conquered more than one alien plane during this period.

Although this low-level plane war has temporarily reached a stalemate, with the strength of the Lord of the Dark Fire Holy Tower, he can completely pull out a large army of slave creatures and cannon fodder.

Low-level slave creature cannon fodder is easy to talk about, just go to those slave planes to recruit them.

But high-level combat units, especially those with combat capabilities above level one, are not just cabbages that can be seen everywhere. ‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏

In this kind of war to determine the ownership of an entire world, there is no doubt about the vast power of creatures above level 4, but the one who truly represents the master of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire to conquer and occupy this alien plane has to Only those knights and magicians above the first level can do it.

Thain is not an insider of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, so it is not yet clear how many registered magicians the Holy Tower has, nor is it clear how many idle magicians and knights are participating in this game on a hired basis. During the war.

However, the total number of knights and magicians above the first level currently present in the mountain wall grotto is not less than a thousand.

Several magic towers with a height of about ten meters stand on the periphery of this mountain wall space, playing a certain protective role and setting up a magic light network.

Before the three of them could feel the novelty of this battlefield, a second-level magician from the Holy Tower of Dark Fire flew over.

Because the strength of the three of Thain is all Level 2, the Holy Tower of Dark Fire also temporarily sent a Level 2 magician to explain the combat mission to them.

In fact, Thain had already learned about many of the war situations in Gumo World from the magicians stationed at the Holy Tower in the Wizarding World after signing the five-year contract.

The second-level magician who flew in front of them just told the situation more clearly, and mainly introduced the battlefield situation near the mountain base.

"There are three combat camps in this Xilas Mountains, and the one we are in now is the largest one."

"The coalition of indigenous creatures from the Gumo plane are not yet capable of threatening this place. There will only be some scattered small forces infiltrating in, which are generally not a big threat." "The true relationship between our Dark Fire Holy Tower and those indigenous creatures The main battlefield is located in the Akale Plain outside the Shilas Mountains."

"It is a vast black soil plain, and the underground contains rich resources of special metals."

"Our nearly two million legions from the Holy Tower of Dark Fire are fighting and fighting with the more than five million mixed legions from the Gumo plane." This second-level magician, who had a weak aura and seemed to be injured, said: Said the three of Thain.

The Holy Tower of Dark Fire has two million legions, which does not mean that there are so many knights and magicians under this holy tower.

Thain estimated that more than 90% of them were slave biological legions.

The total number of knights and magicians participating in the war can reach 200,000, which is already extraordinary.

And it is foreseeable that among these knights and magicians, the number of knights is absolutely dominant.

Taking this main base as an example, among the knights and magicians that Thane saw with his naked eyes, the ratio between them was almost maintained at 7:1.

This is a very exaggerated number. It either means that this plane war has attracted too many knights from the Erie Knights Alliance to participate, or it means that there are not many registered magicians in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

Two million versus five million is indeed in line with the wizarding civilization's tradition of using fewer enemies to defeat larger numbers.

After all, the combat power of top civilizations is there, and this number is not an exaggeration.

Furthermore, the more than five million coalition forces assembled by the indigenous creatures of the Gumo plane are probably far from being able to compete with the Wizarding World Legion in terms of individual strength.

Not to mention knights and magicians of level one or above, even those vicious and hungry slave creature cannon fodder, maybe those indigenous creature coalition forces can't compare.

The only thing worth noting is that those indigenous creatures are fighting locally. No matter how many combat troops are consumed, they can easily recruit a new batch through mobilization.

From what Thain learned, it would not be a big problem for the three major indigenous biological races in the Gumo world to gather a few million more legions as reserve forces.

Of course the Gulan Lizards and Moknu, who have lost too much of their war potential, do not have this ability, but the group of Golo earthworms living deep in the ground fully have this ability.

These Golou earthworms entered the war later, and their population base is also larger.

According to Thain's understanding, in addition to sexual reproduction, these earthworm-like creatures can also expand their populations by dividing their bodies.

This kind of indigenous creature with extremely tenacious vitality and huge base is currently the most difficult opponent of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

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