The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 871 Snow Spirit World

After spending another quiet night in the water rhinoceros world, Thain and Lenna embarked on the return journey from this low-level plane early the next morning.

It was not as cumbersome as when they first arrived. When the two of them arrived at the transmission channel to the wizarding world, it only took about ten days.

After returning to the wizarding world, the familiar rules of the wizarding world gave both Thain and Lenna some insights.

"The will of this low-level plane seems to be more towards a wizarding civilization. When we traveled in that plane, we didn't feel much oppression from the rules of the other world." Thain said to Lenna.

Lenna nodded in approval.

In summary, the experience in the world of water rhinoceros has been of great benefit to Thain.

Lenna's perception may not be as obvious as Thain's, but she doesn't object to such a trip.

Next, continuing north from the Holy Tower of Mignonus, Thain and the two took the floating boat to the Glacier Knights Hall as their next stop.

Originally, this knight's palace was not on the travel route that Thain had planned in the early years.

But because he had just passed through and visited a holy tower area, this knight's hall was considered a route specially chosen by Thain for Lenna.

The Glacier Knights Hall is located within the territory of the Erie Knights Alliance, and is a holy tower built by a powerful fifth-level knight in the Knights Alliance.

It occupies a larger territory in the wizarding world and has more registered knights. Many of the knights in the Glacier Knights Hall practice water or ice fighting spirit.

There are knight academies in every human kingdom within the Glacier Knights Hall, which indicates that the Glacier Knights Hall has made far more efforts than the Steel Wall Fist Knights Hall in the process of cultivating the next generation of young knights.

And because they are within the territory of the Erie Knights Alliance, the knights who come and go within the sphere of influence of the Glacier Knights Hall are not only the knights of this hall, but also at least half of the other knights of the Knights Hall.

As one of the top forces in the wizarding world, the Erie Knights Alliance is a knightly organization, but it has a lot of heritage and alliance enslavement planes.

The Glacier Knights Hall is connected to five different planes, three of which are alien planes that the Glacier Knights Hall has sovereignty over, and the other two are all public planes of the Erie Knights Alliance.

Even though it is a "public plane", those two planes are not simple.

The overall prosperity of one of the low-level planes is even higher than that of the Water Rhinoceros world that Thain and others just visited, and that plane is also one of the alliance planes. As for the other public plane, although all creatures above level four in this plane have been killed by the wizard civilization army, including the plane that is also a world of slavery, it is a genuine medium-sized plane.

"Which one do you want to go to? I think these five planes have their own characteristics." Thain asked Lenna next to him in the teleportation hall.

"Go to this one. Apart from the Wild Orangutan World, I have never been to other medium-sized planes." Lenna pointed at one of the portals with her chubby fingers.

Thain raised his eyebrows when he saw this. He did not reject Lenna's proposal, but said: "Me too."

Snow Spirit World.

This is a medium-sized world that was conquered by wizard civilization 20,000 years ago.

The passage of time has made the native creatures of the Snow Spirit World, ‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏, forget the glorious civilization that their own civilization and ethnic group once created, as well as the hatred of war filled with blood and fire. .

When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent.

Because in the early days of conquering the Snow Spirit World, the Yili Knights Alliance encountered extremely fierce resistance from the creatures on this plane.

It is even rumored that there are sixth-level creatures in the wizarding world that have fallen.

Therefore, after completely conquering this medium-sized plane, the wizard civilization carried out a near-extinction-style obliteration of the dominant biological group in this plane, the Snow Spirit clan.

The snow spirit creatures that appear in various regions of the snow spirit world today are all new species that have evolved and been born again in the past ten thousand years.

If you want to find the purest snow spirit, you can probably only see relevant specimens in the laboratories of some magicians who participated in the war at that time.

Now the official data of the Snow Spirit World shows that no level four creatures are born in this plane.

The destruction caused by heavy wars and the long-term absence of native fourth-level creatures have caused the Snow Spirit World's regular attributes to continue to degrade over the past ten thousand years, and even the size of the plane has shrunk.

After coming to this world, Thane learned that the Snow Spirit World would soon degenerate into a low-level plane.

However, due to some special factors, the Erie Knights Alliance seems to be constantly investing resources in the Snow Spirit World, struggling to maintain the rules level of this world.

Otherwise, given the situation in the Snow Spirit World, it would have probably completely degenerated thousands of years ago.

In the world of Snow Spirit, there are not only many knights from the Yili Knights Alliance who travel here, but also many magicians from other regions in the wizarding world like Thain. Thain even saw many witches wearing dark blue robes.

After some understanding, Thain found out that when the Erie Knights Alliance conquered the Snow Spirit World, they also relied on a lot of power from the Northland Witch Organization, so this medium-sized plane was jointly developed by two top forces.

The witches of the North who live deep in the bitter cold of the wizarding world are not only good at mysterious witchcraft. When it comes to using elemental energy, most witches give priority to the water or ice system.

The abundant ice elements in the Snow Spirit World are also a good place for these witches to travel and study.

This was the first time that Thane had close contact with the witches in the wizarding world.

In the contemporary wizarding world where there are fewer and fewer male wizards, the witches of the North inherit the oldest and most complete wizarding inheritance system.

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In Thain's travel plan‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏, he originally planned to take him with him to visit the territory of the Northland Witch Organization.

In terms of geographical location in the wizarding world, the Northland Witches Organization is very close to the west coast. The two are only separated by the second and third largest snow-capped mountains in the wizarding world.

In other words, there are seven of the top ten snow-capped mountains in the wizarding world within the Witch of the North.

The other three are located in the true north of the main continent of the Wizarding World, which is further north of the Business Alliance Capechi and the Abalut Empire.

It is a truly barren land, and it is difficult for lower creatures below level one to thrive in such a harsh environment.

Only certain extremely special frost monsters can make their home in such a bitter cold place.

"Sean, I just found out some news, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"Just now a female magician told me that the sixth-level knight who died during the war to conquer the Snow Spirit World - Knight Hosta, was not dead."

"He was just frozen by the indigenous snow spirits of the snow spirit world with the 'ice and snow seal' to the highest peak in the world - Gilimanjaro Peak." Lenna, holding a hot barbecued leg in her hand, While enjoying the delicious food, he said to Thain in front of him.

This kind of gossip can be found in the historical rumors of many planes. No one can confirm whether it is true or false.

After hearing this, Thain raised his head and glanced at Lenna first, and then looked in the direction of her finger.

"Lenna, that's not an ordinary female magician, that's a wizard." Thain replied.

It was also in the process of Thain answering Lenna that the blue-robed wizard who had just had a brief exchange with Lenna flew towards Thain and the two.

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