The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 863 Breaking through the bottleneck

In addition to getting in touch with Lina and other women, the Ten Thousand Years Ice Soul Crystal and the Body Building Lotion were also concocted by Thane.

The large bed made of ten thousand-year-old ice soul crystals has unexpected effects on concentration.

Thain is also very satisfied with the portable alchemy table he made.

As for the bodybuilding lotion that was only enough for two people, after Thain used one portion, Natalya refused the other.

Unlike Thane, whose body training has reached its bottleneck, Natalya believes that her body is far from reaching saturation.

In this case, using bodybuilding lotion to catalyze physical growth is undoubtedly a wasteful behavior, and it will also easily make it more difficult for Natalya to break through the bottleneck.

Natalya refused the body-building lotion, which surprised Thain.

After taking a closer look at his apparent wife, Nata, who was once a bit reckless and impulsive, has really grown up a lot in these years.

Thain did not use the rest of the body-building lotion. He kept it and took it out for Natalya to use when she reached the bottleneck.

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In short, the life back at the Holy Tower of Blue Origin is so fulfilling and organized.

Day after day of study and research, Thain gradually lost the immaturity that only young people have, and gradually became more mature and mature.

Although he is only over 150 years old, his accumulation of rich knowledge makes Thain like a knowledgeable and wise man who has lived for thousands of years.

Fifty years later.

The sea of ​​gems outside the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue.

With his feet on the blue waves, Thain looked at the tourmaline playing in the water in the distance with a smile.

After another twenty-two years of nap, Tourmaline woke up half a year ago.

She wakes up to celebrate Thane's bicentenary birthday.

This birthday was very busy. Except for Lina who was far away in the Western Islands, there were also some friends from the Grant family, the Ernst family, the Ferelen family, and the Holy Tower of Blue Origin and the Knights Hall of Steel Wall Fist. , all came to support Thain.

The banquet was held at the Grant Family Castle.

Since returning to the wizarding world thirty years ago, the three members of the Grant family have re-expanded and repaired their family castle.

During this period, the second-level creature Niyu Lion King did a lot of hard work.

At this time, Tourmaline, who was playing on the blue waves, showed his mighty and domineering appearance.

Since being promoted to level four, Tourmaline's dragon horns have become taller and straighter, the color of the dragon horns is also a little greener than before, and the claws are countless times sharper.

At this time, the size of the tourmaline is roughly maintained at about three thousand meters in diameter. Thain knows that this is not the limit of the tourmaline, and she can continue to grow larger.

But if it gets bigger, it may affect the overall balance of the Gem Sea.

A slightly unintentional move can even cause a terrifying tsunami and a giant wolf that sweeps everything away.

At this time, the Gemstone Sea has already been inhabited by many sea tribes, including three demigod-level sea kings as younger brothers, waiting for Bixi's orders.

Ever since she accidentally caused a horrific shipwreck and caused huge damage to the ordinary creatures along the Gem Sea coast, Lu Lianman personally went to find Tourmaline, and Tourmaline has become much more restrained since then.

No matter how playful and joyful he is, he will not let his size expand beyond three thousand meters.

Judging from the appearance, this is an extremely powerful and mighty dragon beast.

But when Tourmaline transformed into a human form and appeared in front of Thain and others in the form of a little girl, I am afraid no one would compare this innocent and cute little girl‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Kilometer-sized dragon beasts are connected together.

Tourmaline, who was currently playing in the water, had two equally huge cyan ribbons, thousands of meters long, flying around her arms and lower jaw.

Sure enough, these two mysterious ribbons, like tourmaline, can change their size and shape at will.

Thain's mentor Lu Lianman also knew about Bixi's possession of this pair of ribbons decades ago.

Thain could never forget the complex expressions of excitement, envy, jealousy, longing, etc. in his mentor's eyes at that time.

It's a pity that except for Thain, no one else, including Lu Lianman, could ask Bixi to borrow these two ribbons.

Lu Lianman relied on her mentor's majesty to force Thain to ask Bixi to borrow it for study twice.

But after each study, the pair of deep dark circles under his eyes meant that Lu Lianman had probably not researched anything.

Lu Lianman is not an alchemist, she is just an outstanding pharmacist and plant elementalist.

At this time, there were two tourmalines with green ribbons circling around on the sea surface, showing their extremely exaggerated ability to control water.

Elemental water dragons spewed out from the ocean, turning into water columns all over the sky, spraying around the tourmaline.

Many magicians from the Holy Tower and creatures from the wizarding world who come here are observing such unparalleled wonders further away from here.

Except for Thain, no one dared to get so close to Tourmaline.

These creatures who don't know much about Tourmaline also don't know that compared to the ability to control water, Tourmaline's real power lies in her power!

The elemental water dragon and two ribbons dance gracefully, creating countless beautiful rainbows over the offshore sea.

Tourmaline liked this atmosphere very much, and Thain also clapped his hands in time to express his praise for Tourmaline.

"Okay, the fun is over, let's continue collecting blood." Thain took out a metal syringe that was as long as his body and said to Tourmaline.

"Ah? I need another injection." Bixi curled her lips with a look of reluctance.

Strangely enough, compared to Tourmaline's terrifying size, even if the syringe in Thane's hand is two meters long, it should not hurt or itch if it pricks Tourmaline.

But Bixi, who has extremely strong hand-to-hand combat ability and has once surpassed the level to resist the ape god from another world, is a little scared of this thing.

In order to make this needle that could pierce the tourmaline scales, Thain specifically asked his mentor for help.

Lu Lianman was also extremely positive about this matter, probably because she had received a guarantee from Thane that every time she obtained a portion of Tourmaline's dragon blood, a portion of the blood would be given to her.

Of course, when Thain drew the tourmaline dragon's blood, he didn't just toss the tourmaline out of boredom.

But since Thane's physique and magic power reached the limit of a second-level magician more than ten years ago, it has been difficult to make any progress.

Breaking through the barriers of life is not that easy.

Thain's level in all aspects is sufficient, but what he lacks is time.

Thain did not want any of his time to be wasted. Thain had learned a lot about other elements of magic knowledge, such as plant, water, thunder, earth, etc. over the years, but he had no knowledge of them. What an interest.

The secrets of truth that Thain really focuses on are fire magic, alchemy, and the secrets of body tempering, followed by pharmacy, light magic, and so on.

As for the dark and undead magics with the same elemental affinities, they are even lower.

Thain's time and energy are limited every day, so it is naturally impossible for him to deliberately rebuild another elemental mysteries at the expense of the basics.

Thain didn't want to waste another hundred years.

After careful research and deduction, Thain concluded that stimulation with the blood of a powerful creature might help his cells complete their transformation.

As for the mysteries of elemental transformation that third-level magicians need to master, Thain has almost figured it out over the years.

This is also thanks to the fact that he has a good mentor, or a good master.

A strange gray-white natural fire was a gift from Thain's master Cuilis to his disciple.

With the power of the special elements contained in this flame, combined with Thain's many research results in the past hundred years, he finally touched a hint of the secret of elemental transformation that can only be understood by a third-level great magician.

According to Lu Lianman, this was a reward for Thain's success in opening up the passage to the Biran Forest World.

Thain's master is really a busy man. It has been so long since the end of the Wild Orangutan World War, and now he has just sent a big gift.

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