The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 857: High-value Admission Ticket

Eileen did what she said. She directly dragged Thain to the largest auction in this public starport.

Thain once traveled the wizarding world at the first level and participated in a black market auction on the south coast.

But the auction there is not even comparable to the one here in Starport.

The largest auction in the Star Port is called "Christie's Auction House", which is a chain auction house in the Wizarding Alliance.

This auction house has branches not only in the starport where Thain and others are located at this time, but also in many regions, many starports, and important alliance member planes in the wizarding world.

Being able to achieve this level of auction transactions, this top auction house can be ranked high in the entire wizarding world, and it can at least squeeze into the top ten.

With strong strength, profound foundation‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏, and extensive sales, the goods flowing out of the Christie’s auction house are all top quality.

Perhaps the most common item here could be the highlight of an ordinary auction in the wizarding world.

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In fact, the pair of little mandarin ducks who had just arrived in front of the auction were really shocked by this unusually large and splendid auction.

What shocked Thain and others was not its decoration and appearance, but the cost of admission.

"Hey, just the admission ticket costs 500 magic coins. Isn't it a thousand for the two of us?"

"How about changing to another one? I think the other auction houses and ordinary stores in the star port are also good." Irene said, shaking Thain's arm.

One thousand magic coins really refreshed the limits of Erin's imagination.

In the Wild Orangutan World War that ended a few years ago, Irene only made more than a thousand magic coins and some magic materials.

She has also spent a lot of these magic coins in recent years. Counting her previous savings, Irene's entire net worth does not exceed two thousand magic coins.

Unlike Irene who was saving money and feeling distressed, Thain had developed a certain interest in this auction house.

Such a high admission fee almost shuts out almost all first-level magicians.

It's not just first-level magicians. Thain can guarantee that many second-level magicians will not waste their money enough to participate in such auctions.

Magic is a money-burning industry, and every magician needs to be careful about their savings.

Rather than making meaningless waste, it would be more appropriate to complete several valuable experiments. The admission ticket of 500 magic coins almost limits the participating customers to level three great magicians and above.

Indeed, only the third-level and above great magicians with deeper knowledge and more financial resources have the possibility of spending money in such places.

This high-end consumption place also means that the goods here are top-notch.

Don't doubt the vision of the third-level magicians in the wizarding world.

Since they can be attracted here to participate in the auction, this auction house must have many things to attract them.

Irene, a first-level magician, had little money and was directly dissuaded by the high admission fee.

But Thain had just earned tens of thousands of magic coins from the Wild Orangutan World Battlefield, and the mere five hundred admission tickets did not scare him.

It just so happens that in the past two years, Thain has been obsessed with various experimental researches or teaching at Holy Tower College. It has indeed been a long time since he relaxed or participated in some outdoor activities.

There are also many auction houses outside the Jizhiyuan Holy Tower, but they are definitely not as high-standard as the one on the star port in front of you.

You’re here, let’s see the world.

Supporting Irene's somewhat limp body, Thane strode in.

It is indeed very different from the black market auction that Thain participated in back then.

The person responsible for entertaining Thain and others at the front desk of the auction was not a wizarding world creature, but two flower elves whose life levels seemed to be at the second level.

Flower elves are not the kind of elves in the elf world. They are special plant creatures that look human-shaped and have a pair of colorful wings similar to butterflies.

In terms of beauty and rarity, flower elves are more precious than elven girls, not to mention that these are two second-level creatures.

Being able to dispatch level two creatures as front desk maids also demonstrates the underlying strength of this auction house.

After handing one thousand magic coins to the two reception maids, one of them flew her wings and walked deeper into the auction house with Thain and Irene.

Two specially crafted metal badges were respectfully handed to the two of them by the flower elf maid.

These two metal badges are obviously magic equipment, with the functions of holding back breath and covering the face.

Many customers who came to the auction were unwilling to reveal their identities, and the auction house obviously took care of the emotions of these customers.

Thain asked the maid if he could take apart the metal badge and take a look. Although the flower elf maid was a little surprised, she finally nodded in a professional manner.

These two metal badges can be obtained by every customer who participates in the Christie's auction.

The pattern on the surface of the metal badge is an oak leaf, which is exactly the logo of Christie's auction house.

The gift of these metal badges is equivalent to helping to promote the Christie's auction.

Of course, another explanation is that the 500 magic coin entry ticket paid by Thain and others can be regarded as buying this kind of metal badge.

After repeatedly looking at the metal badge in his hand, Thain did not make the reckless move of dismantling it on the spot.

Anyway, when he gets back, he will have plenty of time and energy, and he still needs the shielding function of this badge.

The Christie's auction house occupies a large space. The flower elf maid took ‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏Sain and the two of them flew for more than ten minutes before finally arriving at the auction venue.

On the way, Thain also saw many maids of different shapes and customers attending the auction.

It turns out that the Christie's auction house not only has flower elf maids, but also pure elf maids, orc girls, and even Medusa maids.

Including the customers who came to participate in the auction, not all of them were Wizard World creatures like Thane, there were also many Wizard Alliance creatures.

Don’t think that the creatures of the Wizarding Alliance, as the objects of exploitation by the wizarding civilization, are all poor.

In this world, wealth is in the shape of a pyramid, converging towards the top.

In every plane, there is a small group of people who serve as the privileged class and leaders.

Some of these creatures are extremely powerful in their own right, commanding hundreds of millions of people and servants.

Others are direct descendants of creatures above level four, enjoying the shadow of their parents.

Is the Centaur world poor enough? The fourth-level centaur god Hepheus even nodded and bowed in front of the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

But just the personal net worth of the Centaur God Hepheus is conservatively estimated to be no less than two million magic coins.

It is entirely possible for a creature of this level to come to the auction house of the Wizarding Civilization and spend a lot of money.

The so-called "poverty" refers only to the average or median level in a certain area.

It does not count those extremely powerful people born in the plane.

Even in the poorest plane, if hundreds of millions of creatures support the strongest person, it is enough to nourish the other person's life.

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