The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 855: Knowledge inheritance

After leaving his mentor Lu Lianman, Thane started preparing to go to the extraterrestrial port.

This time going to the star port with Thane was the third-level magician Ronas who had just taken over as the dean of the Holy Tower Academy.

Thain is also familiar with this third-level magician, and they have performed many tasks together before and after.

Since the Blue Origin Holy Tower suffered a lot of damage in the war in the Wild Orangutan Star Territory, the titles of the Holy Tower Dean and Grade Director have undergone many changes in recent years.

In terms of personal strength, Ronas, who is not well-known among the third-level great magicians and seems to be only at the early stage of the third-level magician, is not qualified to assume the position of dean.

But who caused Jizhiyuan Holy Tower to suffer heavy losses some time ago.

And although Master Ronas is not strong enough, his qualifications are definitely enough‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏.

He is an early direct descendant of the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade, and it is said that he has joined the Holy Tower when he was in the second-level magician realm.

A hundred years ago, when Thain first emerged in the regional college war, this third-level great magician had just made a breakthrough.

It is precisely because of this that Master Ronas has a strong sense of belonging to the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

As a disciple of the tower master, Thain also knew that the old dean Archimedes, one of the main pillars of the Holy Tower of Jizhiyuan, would leave the Holy Tower of Jizhiyuan in a few decades.

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It's not that the tower master Lu Lianman didn't pay the old dean enough, or that the old dean was old and frail and didn't have the energy to continue serving as dean.

But one of the most proud disciples of this respected old dean has been promoted to the fourth level and has begun to build his own holy tower.

When Archimedes' contract with the dean of the Holy Tower of Blue Origin expires, the old dean will go to his disciple's Holy Tower Academy to shine.

Also, compared to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, Dean Archimedes is definitely closer to his disciples.

Dedicating the rest of his life to the Holy Tower Academy where he is his disciple can be regarded as bringing as much glory to his family as possible.

Magicians in the wizarding world attach great importance to mentorship. The fact that the old dean Archimedes was able to stick to his post for the last few decades is proof of his quality and personality.

In recent years, Lu Lianman has promoted young third-level magicians such as Ronas to take over, also in order to prevent the management of Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy from chaos after the old dean leaves.

It's quite a pity and reluctance to say it.

A third-level magician as knowledgeable and steady as Master Archimedes is rare in the entire wizarding world.

Losing an Archimedes was no less than losing two million magic coins to Lu Lianman.

Since Dean Archimedes left, which third-level great magician can take up the leading role in the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue?

This problem gave Lu Lianman a headache.

Perhaps in recent years, Lu Lianman needs to look for some good third-level magicians and invite them to join the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

It would be better if a demigod-level magician could join.

It's just that the employment allowance of a magician of that level is not comparable to that of an ordinary third-level magician.

After confirming the schedule to go to the public starport outside the plane, Thane also did not miss his various experimental research.

The body-refining experiment was also a grind, and Thain's physical growth rate had slowed down in recent years.

Although after absorbing the blood of the Balrog, Thain's physique increased dramatically for a period of time.

But after that, Thain's physique returned to a snail's pace.

There are no shortcuts to improvement in any field. Thain's scientific body-refining experiment only allowed him to fly on the road to physical improvement, but it did not allow him to reach the finish line directly in one step.

Not only the body training experiment, but also all other experiments, how can it be successful in just a few months or a few years?

During Thain's apprenticeship stage, it would take him a few months, or more than half a year, to analyze or improve a spell model.

But this situation, with Thain reaching the point where he is today, is absolutely impossible to happen again.

Studying basic spell models and delving into creating an academic secret are completely different things.

Not just Thain, it is normal for many magicians to spend decades or hundreds of years to solve an academic problem.

In fact, there are shortcuts to deciphering this kind of truth.

For example, if Thane has a large amount of arcane points, he can directly go to the arcane light in the Holy Tower of the Origin of Blue to exchange for the knowledge and secrets of the senior magicians.

In the long history of the development of wizard civilization, there must be some magicians who have followed a path similar to Thane's, or which may serve as a reference.

But it is a pity that Arcane Points are extremely difficult to obtain. Thain already knew about it at the first level. And as Thain studied the secrets of truth for a long time, he gradually realized why so many magicians were unwilling to share their research results.

Good guy, I have worked so hard and conducted so many experiments to decipher the truth, why should I share it with others?

Even if the operating mechanism of the arcane light complies with a certain balance law, magicians will receive corresponding knowledge feedback from the arcane light no matter how much knowledge they put into it.

But this kind of heart is not something that can be easily overcome.

Anyone who can confidently say yes must be a stick, or the person involved is not him.

At least taking Thain as an example, with the deepening of his body refining experiments and composite research on various fire element magics, if you want him to hand over relevant knowledge and data for no reason, it is absolutely ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏ ​‏‎‏‏‏No way!

For magicians, the feeling of selling knowledge is no less than selling one's son or daughter.

This idea may seem ridiculous to some people, but this is because they do not understand the traditions of the wizarding world and how much effort each magician puts in to gain a glimmer of truth when they study in the laboratory day and night. .

The only person who can selflessly pass on his knowledge is the closest direct master-disciple relationship.

As for the alchemy knowledge taught by Thain in the public courses of Holy Tower Academy, it is basically general knowledge and low-level cheap knowledge, which is enough for those who are just starting to learn magic.

Despite Thain's awareness, he has yet to teach his apprentices some of the "private goods" of alchemy taught by his previous mentor, Moses, in public classes.

Even if some of these "private goods" only involve the use of the simplest experimental equipment, based on Thain's current vision, they feel that they are trivial things, but he did not take them out selflessly.

The so-called pediatrics is just that Thain has successfully overcome this hurdle through the learning and teaching of his elders, so he thinks it is pediatrics.

If there is no truth guide to lead him through, maybe just a simple "pediatric" problem is enough to block a magician's development and time for decades.

Lu Lianman mentioned many times that Thain could accept a disciple, but it was a pity that Thain had not had the idea of ​​taking a disciple so far.

Even Lu Lianman was only accepted as a disciple after level four, so why should Thain be in such a hurry?

With his current age advantage, he does not have the urgent need to pass on his knowledge.

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