The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 844: Research Outbreak Period

In fact, the final result of the confrontation between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization in the Beast Star Territory and the Wild Star Territory was that both sides took a step back.

Because of the funding from the Gallente Federation, the wizarding civilization did encounter a few more "twists and turns" in the process of conquering the Wild Star Territory.

But the same aggressive attitude of the wizard civilization also forced the Gallente Federation to abandon the Roman planet.

As for the wizard civilization sending space fortresses to directly destroy the three living planets, it is equivalent to a slap in the face of the Gallente Federation.

In the past, although the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation each had their own vices, they were both relatively restrained and their attacks were very measured.

However, this incident that happened in the Beast Star Territory and the Wild Star Territory intensified the contradiction and opposition between the two top civilizations by a big step.

In the end, both families endured it and did not fight directly, which surprised many outsiders.

For example, the powerful being from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce couldn't help but shook his head regretfully after realizing that no large-scale battle would break out near this star field.

War, especially fierce battles between top civilizations, is most suitable for interstellar merchants and arms brokers like him to make a fortune.

Every war means billions of resource wealth pouring in.

"Compared to the wizarding civilization, it seems that the Gallente Federation needs more time."

"This war may have to brew for several thousand more years. The wizarding world, which has already touched part of the Gallente Federation's bottom line, might take action in advance?" A middle-aged man in purple clothes touched his chin and looked at the stars and pondered. road.

For the Gallente Federation, the destruction of the Roman planet was not primarily a loss of strength, but a loss of face.

Once someone is interested in spreading the events here to the hinterland of the Gallente Federation, they will wantonly publicize it.

Not to mention what the worlds and civilizations under the Gallente Federation will think, many citizens within the Federation may not be able to accept it.

Taxpayers hand over their money to the federal government, not just to have it refunded again and again.

There are militants and radicals everywhere.

What’s interesting is that in the Gallente Federation, most of the ordinary humans who have no rights are radicals.

On the contrary, the powerful federal elites and top plutocrats are generally conservatives.

Being conservative does not mean being cowardly, just because they think more than other bottom creatures. The gains and losses of one city and one pool are nothing to a top-level civilization with a profound foundation. The real winner is the one who laughs in the end.

Of course, it would be very difficult for the wizarding civilization to make a fuss on the Roman planet to discredit and bring down the Gallente Federation.

What is the Roman planet?

It is estimated that 99% of the Gallente Federation creatures and affiliated civilizations have never heard of this low-level plane.

Compared with the complex top-level civilization and the boundless and magnificent star realm, the low-level plane civilization is really too small.

The Gallente Federation officials have no need to recognize the existence of the Roman planet!

Since this low-level plane has been destroyed, and its coordinates are still located in the wild star field far away from the hinterland of the Federation, there is no possibility of investigation and verification.

This is the power of a top civilization, a world civilization that has developed for tens of thousands of years or even longer. One word can even deny their existence history.

The only one who knows the miserable situation of Planet Roman is probably the Beast Star who was given a hush-hush order.

It is a pity that the Beast Planet is the least likely to betray the Gallente Federation. It is on the front line of the confrontation with the wizard civilization. They must rely on the Gallente Federation to support themselves.

And the destruction of Roman Planet will also be beneficial to Beast Planet in terms of final result.

It is better for the wizarding civilization to vent its anger on the Roman planet than to vent its anger on the beast planet.

With the power of the Decepticons, they probably wouldn't be able to stop even a tentative charge from the wizard civilization army.

The world of more powerful wild orangutans was completely destroyed in just a few years, and the Decepticon King did not think that his group could survive much longer.

And it may be to block the mouth of the Beast Star, or it may be to build the Beast Star Territory into the strongest front to face the wizard civilization in the future.

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Recently, the Gallente Federation has not only sent a large number of fleets to the Beast Star Territory, but has also given the Beast Star and its affiliated low-level and micro planes an astonishing amount of war materials.

For the Gallente Federation, these resources are just a little bit of money flowing out from the fingers, but for the Beast Planet, they are already unimaginably huge wealth.

No one will remember the destroyed Roman planet.

In the vast star realm, planes and groups disappear every moment.

Planet Roman is just an insignificant one among them.

Thain's in-depth research experiment in the windy sand world was forced to stop after more than half a year. It's not that Thane doesn't want to continue his research, but that it's time for his experimental subjects to leave.

Whether they are devils or demons, they are all guard members of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce.

As the crisis in the Sand World is lifted and there is no more war in the entire Wild Star Territory, these members of the escort team and the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce will leave this world again.

Since the experiment was not 100% completed, Thain also saved a lot of money when paying these devils and demons.

Thain discovered that these demons and devils did not seem to be as cunning and arrogant as rumored.

At least the guys Thain came into contact with were all decent and polite.

In fact, according to the employment contract, if those devils and devils fight for it, Thane still has to pay them the full employment fee.

But when Tourmaline stood next to Thain, staring at these devils and demons with wide eyes.

None of these guys with ferocious appearance and strong body dared to talk nonsense.

The huge savings in expenses allowed Thain to return most of the money he borrowed from Lina to her.

The experiment was indeed not completely completed, but Thain had been tinkering for more than half a year and still achieved a lot of results.

According to Sain's current research progress, it is difficult for him to completely eliminate the negative factors of the demon blood in himself, Natalya and others, but he has developed and created some inhibitors that can suppress the negative disadvantages.

The birth of this experimental result is inseparable from Thain's achievements in the field of pharmacy.

If you study more, you will find that many different fields of magic knowledge can eventually be combined with each other. It depends on whether the person involved has this understanding.

In addition to inhibitors, Thain also found several special methods to stimulate the demonic power in himself and Natalya by studying demon blood.

These stimulation methods cannot be used rashly for the time being. They must be studied by Thain first.

All in all, the past half year or so has been an extremely fulfilling time.

Thain has new inspirations every day, and his upcoming experimental schedule is also fully scheduled.

I don’t know if it’s the aftermath of the fierce war, but Thain’s situation is not unique in the Holy Tower of Origin.

Many surviving magicians have recently entered some kind of research explosion period, and almost everyone has locked themselves in the laboratory.

Even Faile, Thain's more out-of-the-box black magician senior sister, has calmed down a lot during this time.

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