The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 834 Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce

It is different from other creatures that are stuck in the peak state of demigods and try to enter the fourth level.

Other creatures are working hard to break into the fourth level and enter the realm of "gods".

But as a "baby turtle", Tourmaline has never had similar thoughts.

This demigod-level dragon turtle with tyrannical physical power seems to have never been unusually fascinated by power.

Compared with the breakthrough of life level, and the pleasure of being superior to other lower life forms.

What Bixi prefers to do is sleep or play.

This is an extremely ironic thing. People who are extremely passionate about chasing power can hardly make any progress despite spending countless years.

But a dragon turtle that never expected to gain much strength inadvertently crossed the bottleneck that restricted 99% of living creatures.

As in the astral realm, it is recognized that the life level is the most difficult to cross the third to fourth levels. This so-called "demigod" realm has blocked the space for many living organisms to continue upward.

(ps: In fact, it is very difficult to cross the life levels of each realm. Levels three to four are particularly difficult because they involve the transformation of the essence of life.

In the same way, the difficulty of crossing from level 6 to level 7 is actually far greater than that from level 3 to level 4.

It's just that among the trillions of creatures in the star realm, not many even cross the realm of gods, let alone the rare individuals who have the opportunity to touch the level of true spirit dominance.

For most planes, even medium-sized planes like the Wild Orangutan World, dominant-level creatures only exist in legends.

Many powerful people above level 4 in many planes may have never heard of the level of dominator. )

Although the difference between "demigod" and "god-level" powerhouse is only one word, the level of power they represent is completely different.

Many creatures complete this transformation of life levels in fierce wars, relying on the stimulation of endless fighting spirit and external threats to take such an important step.

The only exception is the magicians in the wizarding world. This group of magicians can advance in the laboratory by exploring the mysteries of truth.

This promotion method is really confusing for many creatures in the plane.

At the same time, many creatures mistakenly believe that the advancement of magicians is much "safer".

Perhaps it is safer to advance in the laboratory than to advance on the fierce battlefield, but the effort and wisdom required by magicians in the wizarding world to explore the truth are definitely not those who take the path of passive evolution and torture themselves. The body induces deep cellular transformations that creatures can only imagine.

The number of magicians in the wizarding world is always lower than the number of knights of the same level. This is the most intuitive example.

After all, those who play with their brains are rarer than those who play with their muscles.

This situation of Dragon Turtle Tourmaline is very similar to the knights completing their transformation and promotion in battle.

It is probably because Bixi is also a powerful dragon beast that has embarked on the path of passive evolution, and Bixi's strength at this time is definitely better than ordinary knights who have just been promoted to the fourth level.

"Ouch!" The deafening roar of the dragon was still so crisp.

Unlike the dragon Mo Yan, whose dragon roars always contain a sense of majesty, probably because Tourmaline "hasn't grown up yet," this dragon turtle always has a green and tender sense of humor when it roars.

The crossing of life levels does not mean the growth of age.

From Tourmaline's perspective, even though it has been promoted to level four, it is still a young turtle.

Some demigod-level creatures have been unable to break through their shackles despite countless hardships.

But Tourmaline completed its breakthrough so naturally, which makes people lament the partiality of fate.

In fact, it cannot be entirely attributed to luck. Tourmaline's ability to achieve this breakthrough stems from the strength of its bloodline and its simple and straightforward understanding of the laws of power.

The path of power itself does not have so many twists and turns, and does not need to be as troublesome as Thain's exploration of the mysteries of the fire element.

If a demigod-level creature with complicated thoughts really embarks on the path of power, he may not be able to advance to the fourth level even if he is given tens of thousands of years.

But tourmaline has always been pure and simple, and the way of using power is so simple that it can be used invisibly, just in line with the essential connotation of the way of power.

Pure power never needs fancy decorations!

Of course, Tourmaline's leapfrog this time also shows the strength of its bloodline origin.

What everyone, including Thane, didn't know was that Tourmaline was the dragon beast that took the shortest time to advance to level four among its five siblings.

She is indeed the youngest, but she also belongs to Tourmaline's future, the most limitless.

You know, among the entire Dragon Turtle family, only Tourmaline is currently on the path to the purest law of power.

Other family members, whether it is Bixi's eldest brother, second brother, or their father, although they all have extremely exaggerated body shapes and strength, that kind of body shape is innate, and the strength is also the brute force of the corresponding huge body.

Tourmaline is the only one who uses the power of law to generate power.

The nine sons of the dragon are all different. The five brothers and sisters of Tourmaline all follow the power of the law in different ways.

Including the appearance of Tourmaline, Bai Xing, and Mo Yan, there are great differences, which also proves the specialness of this powerful dragon bloodline.

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When Tourmaline completed its promotion and transformation, not only the fighting armies of both sides in the Sand World were shocked, but also a reinforcement of the wizard civilization that had arrived outside the Sand World.

Originally, the first ones to arrive in the Sand World were the Sea Legion led by the giant mermaid Bai Xing.

Secondly, there is the Wizard Civilization War Legion represented by the fifth-level magician Gargaru.

Naturally, the sixth-level powerhouses from the Wizarding World also arrived. Trilis and three other level-6 powerhouses were among the legions led by Gargaru.

It's just that these six-level experts came alone and did not bring a combat legion with them.

Although the counterattack of the Wild Orangutan Legion led by the Wild Orangutan God is excellent, it does not require the arrival of all the armies of the wizard civilization.

The low-level legions led by Gargaru and the Sea Tribe are enough. Cuilis and others only need to contain and capture the wild orangutan god.

At the same time as Cuilisi and others, there was also the King of Level 6 Purple Diamond.

But none of these powerful wizards and civilizations came as quickly as another unexpected reinforcement.

Outside the world of Abito.

A series of bright meteors, wrapped in a heart-stopping steel fleet group, passed through the starry sky.

The development of a space fleet group with mature combat capabilities is not a patent of the Gallente Federation.

Whether it is the space fortress of the wizard civilization or the many technological civilizations in the star world, such powerful interstellar combat units can be displayed.

But today, the group of space fleets that appeared outside the world of Abito, and the terrifying existences that transformed into meteors, did not come from any mature plane civilization.

These tyrannical creatures that suddenly appeared on this starry sky battlefield actually came from a large interstellar organization in and around the Wizarding Civilization - the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce.

This is a large-scale chamber of commerce that is inextricably linked to wizard civilization. Several important wars and opportunities for rise in the history of wizard civilization are inextricably linked to this interstellar chamber of commerce.

Many world civilizations around the Wizarding Alliance and members of the Wizarding Alliance generally believe that the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce is actually Capecchi, the business alliance of the Wizarding World.

It was only because it was inconvenient for Capecchi to handle some private trade with special plane civilizations and interstellar organizations that he established such an "external incarnation".

It is worth mentioning that even the relationship between the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation has been so tense for nearly ten thousand years.

However, the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce can still appear in the territory of the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Alliance at the same time to conduct business and trade.

This interstellar chamber of commerce has always declared to the outside world that it is absolutely neutral and will not intervene in any war between planes and civilizations.

Of course, they will not admit that they are related to the wizarding civilization, and the wizarding world will not admit that the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce is promoted and developed by the business alliance Capecchi.

After all, the Wizarding Civilization still has a face to face. This interstellar chamber of commerce even dares to trade with the notorious Star Thieves organization, especially since there is an extremely rampant Kada Star Thieving Group surrounding the Wizarding Civilization, which has caused harm to many Wizards Alliance members. A heavy disaster.

In this case, how could the Wizarding Civilization recognize its relationship with the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce?

However, it must be admitted that in the large-scale trade with the Gallente Federation and wizard civilization, the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce is indeed more towards the wizard civilization, covertly or covertly.

According to the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce's own explanation, the wizard civilization is stronger and has a larger commercial and trade space. They are just pursuing profits, so they will naturally be more biased towards the wizard civilization.

As for, apart from this, whether the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce has other ongoing relationships with the wizarding civilization, only the undead know.

Today, the reinforcements of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce that appeared outside the windy sand world directly proved their close relationship with the wizard civilization.

If there was no real stakes, how could this group of profit-seeking businessmen come all the way to the Sand World to participate in a war that had nothing to do with them.

What is even more astonishing is that among the level 4 and above experts who transformed into meteors and appeared in the battle sequence of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, there were many strange creatures whose bodies were filled with purple, red or black negative energy factors.

The appearance of these creatures and the evil aura they possess all indicate that they are the notorious devils and devils in the star field near the wizard civilization.

The vast majority of devils and demons are key members of the Kada Star Thieves Group, the largest star thief organization near the wizarding civilization.

However, with the economy and foundation of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, it is reasonable to recruit a group of devils and devils as his thugs.

But today, the real person in charge of this group of unexpected reinforcements was not the notorious devils and demons, but another middle-aged man wearing purple clothes.

The aura of tyrannical power rippling inside and outside his body makes even the most unruly devils and demons above level four must bow their proud heads respectfully.

——The dominant existence!

"Haha, the little guy has been promoted to level four."

"The last time I saw her, she was still an egg. Although she left some gifts, as an uncle, I haven't personally given her anything."

"Compared to those little bastards in the Fairyland who don't let me worry, most of the little guys here in the Wizarding World are more well-behaved." The man in rich clothes sighed.

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