The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 827: Dissatisfaction and Reinforcements

The two extremely thick pillars of elemental light were the vanguard horns for Thain and others to launch a breakout towards the main base of the fortress.

These two exaggerated elemental light beams with a diameter of a hundred meters were shot from the center of the space fortress.

Since most of the space fortress's hull was buried in the yellow sand, when the two main cannons were fired, a large area of ​​the surrounding gravel on the ground was vaporized.

The main gun of the space fortress is comparable to the full-strike level of a creature above level four.

These two rounds of space fortress main guns basically consumed all the energy crystals in the fortress that were difficult to be taken away.

But at the same time, he also helped Thane and others, annihilating most of the wild orangutan army surrounding them in one breath.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Wild Orangutan Legion directly opposite was blinded by two Space Fortress main cannons, and the Wild Orangutans from other directions had not yet come to support them, the millions of Wizard World Legions rumbled towards the main base of the Blue Origin Fortress. go ahead.

The expansion from tens of thousands to millions was naturally due to the addition of millions of Yajia slaves.

Although these Yajia slaves do not have high individual combat power, they are all hard-working and can be regarded as relatively high-quality mid- to low-grade slaves.

In addition to being inferior to the Minotaur slaves in the Centaur world in terms of size, their mental flexibility is much higher than those of the Minotaurs with a bull's head.

Among them, the elite Yajia slaves whose life level has reached level one or above also have the ability to fly and control the steel forks in their hands through the air.

The blood and skin of these slave creatures seem to contain a strange magnetic element.

If time wasn't too tight and the situation wasn't right, Thain would have liked to borrow a Yaga slave to study it.

The main gun beams of the two space fortresses successfully opened a hole in the wild orangutan army, which was a good start.

However, during the subsequent charge and breakout process, the shortcomings of the large number of Yajia slaves in terms of their lack of eliteness gradually became apparent.

A breakout of millions of legions and a breakout of 20,000 elite monsters are completely different things.

Just because Thain and others were able to successfully rush into the outskirts of the fallen space fortress before, it does not mean that they can safely return to the main base of the Blue Origin Holy Tower Fortress this time.

The wild orangutan legions gathered in this desert area are not blind, and naturally they are not willing to let these wizard world legions leave easily.

Fierce melee and fighting were once again staged in this desert.

The originally dry and scorching desert environment has become much humid and stuffy these days.

This is all caused by blood. "The wars I have waged in the undead world for decades are not as intense as the past few years since I came to the wild orangutan world." Bone Dragon Sanchez muttered.

This huge undead dragon now only maintains its body at about twenty meters in length.

Being too large can easily make you a target.

It's okay to show off outside in normal times. Now is a period of intense war, so it's better to keep a low profile.

At this time, on the back of Bone Dragon Sanchez, in addition to Lina, there were also Thane, Natalya, Lenna and others standing.

The collision and confrontation between the wizard world's breakout army and the wild orangutan army has already begun again, but the first ones to fight and fight with those wild orangutans are the large number of Yaga slaves.

A single Yajia slave is indeed no match for a strong and wild orangutan.

But what if two or three surround one?

In this breakout, Thain and others still have great confidence.

As long as there are no enemy level 4 or above gorilla gods to personally take action, and with the help of so many cannon fodder legions, hundreds of magicians and nearly a thousand Comoine serpent warlocks from the Holy Tower of Jade Origin will have no problem breaking out and returning.

It’s just those Yajia slaves who will suffer a lot of casualties.

They are all cannon fodder creatures for consumption anyway. Cold-blooded magicians such as Thain who have become accustomed to plane wars do not care too much about the life and death of these slave creatures.

Until Thane saw a huge hand burning with hot flames falling from the sky!

The target of this giant flaming hand is pointed at Thain and others in the yellow sand.

"Stronger than level 4!" Thain couldn't help but exclaimed.

Outside the sandy world.

The sixth-level powerful wild orangutan god looked dissatisfied at the low-level plane below.

The wild orangutan legions in several other plane battlefields all dealt a heavy blow to the wizarding world legion stationed in their own plane upon their appearance.

There is only the windy sand world in front of us. Until now, both armies have been fighting back and forth.

In the Wild Orangutan God's field of vision, he even saw a large number of wizard world legions rushing out and fighting fiercely with the Wild Orangutan Legion in the desert.

Of course, this result is also related to the large number of Wizard World legions stationed in the Wind Sand World and as many as seven Level 4 powerful wizards in the Wizard World. (Lu Lianman, Mo Yan, Milena, multi-legged giant squid, white-feathered pelican, two-headed giant wolf, centaur god.)

The other wizarding worlds are stationed in the plane, and having one or two level four strong men to guard them is enough. Moreover, other planes do not have such a large number of Warcraft legions, and there happen to be millions of slave creature cannon fodder.

In terms of attack difficulty, the windy sand world is definitely the biggest problem for the Wild Orangutan Legion.

Likewise, this is also the main target for Wild Orang God and others.

According to technological calculations from the Gallente Federation, the strategic significance of the Sand World far exceeds that of several other worlds that are being ravaged by the wild orangutan army.

"A level 6 expert from the wizarding world has discovered something strange here, and the other party is relatively close to here."

"I'm going to deal with the sixth-level powerful man in the wizarding world first. Before I come back, I hope to see that this low-level plane has been conquered and occupied by us!" The wild orangutan god said while looking at the capable men beside him.

This is a level 5 peak ape god, with strong thunder and lightning elements appearing on its body "crackingly".

Faced with the order of the wild orangutan god, the fifth-level peak orangutan god replied sternly: "I will definitely conquer this planet again, for the sake of the great wild orangutan family!"

"Yeah!" The nose snorted heavily, and the wild orangutan god immediately flew towards the other side of the starry sky, in the direction of Abito's world.

The fifth-level peak gorilla god has a record of killing the fourth-level powerhouses in the wizarding world. He will next be responsible for the war in the sand world, and the wild gorilla god also has a direction.

It's a pity that since the death of Bai Chi Ape God and the fall of the Wild Orangutan World, the Wild Ape God has fewer and fewer capable subordinates at hand.

Outside the world of Abito.

The sixth-level bloodline warlock who had just arrived here with support looked at the plane below with some curiosity and surprise.

The wild orangutan family can organize a huge counterattack, which is something that all the powerful people in the wizarding world did not expect.

In the eyes of this sixth-level bloodline warlock, there was even a hint of schadenfreude, because he did not have a very good relationship with the Comoine Serpent Warlock family below.

This sixth-level bloodline warlock comes from the Black Eel Viper Serpent Warlock family on the west coast of the wizarding world. He is the contemporary head of the Black Eel Viper Serpent Warlock family.

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They are both from the same family of giant snake warlocks. Perhaps because they are enemies in the same industry, the Black Eel Viper family and the Comoine family have always had a bad relationship.

However, the relationship was so bad that this sixth-level black eel viper giant snake warlock still planned to help the wizard world army below.

Private family grievances are not worth mentioning in the face of the interests of the entire civilization.

Almost all the top powerful people in the wizarding world have this realization.

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