The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 804 God’s Mother and Daughter

Thain and others do not yet know the final outcome of the war that took place in Wild Ape City.

However, in the battle that took place in the North Icefield, the curtain on the battlefield quickly fell.

More than 70% of the wild orangutan army remaining in this northern ice field are local creatures.

They love the cold and do not choose to retreat with other wild orangutan legions, but plan to defend their homeland.

In the field of high-level combat power, there are only three orangutan gods who provide assistance to these unrelenting wild orangutan legions.

Among them was an orangutan god who was an old acquaintance of the Jade Origin Holy Tower Legion. He was the guy who was chased so hard by four giant sea kings last time.

The other two orangutan gods, apart from one being a fourth-level orangutan god who originally spread his faith in this northern ice field, the other one was withdrawn from the war zone next door.

Thane's master, Penas, had fought against the ape god not long ago.

In fact, as the war continues today, in addition to the low-level wild orangutan regiments that are falling one after another like wheatgrass, the orangutan gods of level four and above are continuously turning around and replacing each other on various battlefields.

Frequent injuries to the ape gods, as well as the fall of their faith areas, make it rare for these ape gods to remain in a war zone without retreating.

The decisive battle in Wild Ape City should be the last attempt for a collision between these indigenous ape gods and the powerful ones in the wizarding world.

If Wild Orangutan City ends up falling, then it can basically declare the fall of the entire Wild Orangutan world.

In the battle that took place on the northern ice sheet, Thane only participated in the early and late stages of the war.

The cold permafrost is not suitable for a fire elementalist like Thain.

At the end of the war, the reason why Thain was on the battlefield was because Thain inherited the basic qualities of a magician and habitually collected some experimental materials that he was interested in in an unfamiliar area.

Just like the previous battle that took place in the city of Myssasi, after the wizarding world coalition led by the Holy Tower of Blue Origin eliminated the main force of the wild orangutan army on this ice sheet and frozen soil, the will of these indigenous creatures to resist suddenly suddenly Fall down.

Of the three level 4 or above ape gods who appeared on this bone-chilling battlefield, none of them was left behind.

Lu Lianman, Mo Yan and others have tried their best, but facing a group of strong men of the same level who have no intention of fighting, the opponents have the bonus of the rules of the mother plane.

Those orangutan gods are focused on running away, so it will be difficult for Lu Lianman and others to chase them.

Of course, this war was not without gains for Lu Lianman and others.

Among the three who resisted the ape gods, the "Ice Ape God" originally had the strongest resistance. His kingdom and temple were at the highest point of the ice sheet and frozen soil.

The so-called "Kingdom of Gods" is actually a subspace created in a special area by powerful people above level four with the power of their own laws and tyrannical energy.

Depending on the strength, the size of the subspace opened up is also different.

The demigod knights and magicians in the wizarding world also have the ability to open up subspace, but those with low strength can only open up a subspace of one or two hundred square meters, while those with high strength can open up a manor-sized area.

In his early years, Thain entered a subspace manor during his trials in the Knight Continent.

Only the best among the demigod-level experts have the ability to open up a subspace of that scale.

And the size of the subspace that a strong person above level four can open is far beyond that of ordinary demigods.

In the wizarding world, many powerful people above level 4 who cannot escape from the world like to place their magic towers or research bases directly in specially opened subspaces.

Including some holy tower owners, they will also move their holy towers into subspace.

However, few people do this, because the subspace is extremely private. After the Holy Tower is moved in, it is quite troublesome just to have access to the Holy Tower magicians and magic apprentices.

Thain, who already has a lot of reading and knowledge reserves, knows that in the astral civilization that has embarked on the belief system of becoming a god, creatures above level four in many planes will establish so-called "god kingdoms".

They will do their best to build their own Kingdom of God and introduce the best of their believers to live in the Kingdom of God.

This subspace found at the highest altitude of the northern ice sheet is where the ice gorilla god's kingdom is located.

Not only are there nearly 600,000 fanatical believers living there, but the property that the Ice Ape God has accumulated over tens of thousands of years has been looted by Lu Lianman and others.

Not only that, but Lu Lianman and others obviously didn't intend to let go of the escaped ice gorilla god either.

The two female orangutans look like humans, but have no excess hair, and their hair and eyebrows are silver-white. They are research specimens that Lu Lianman gave to Thain after Lu Lianman and others broke into the Kingdom of God.

The appearance of the wild orangutan family is very different from that of humans in the wizarding world.

But these two female orangutans without excess body hair look very similar to humans in the wizarding world.

The only difference is that they are very tall, one is 2.5 meters tall and the other is 2.3 meters tall.

These two ice orangutans, who look very similar in appearance and look very much like mother and daughter, are the envoys of the ice gorilla god.

The so-called "god envoy" is a fanatical believer in a creature of level four or above.

Their fanatical beliefs endow them with the special ability to communicate with great existences above level four.

With this communication ability, they can even use part of the power lent to them by creatures above level four.

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Because the last time he failed to study the divine fire of the fifth-level ape god, Thain has developed a strong interest in creatures above the fourth level in recent years.

Wherever you fall, you have to get up.

There must be a reason why creatures above level four are known as "gods".

What are the special features of individuals above level 4 compared to level 3 creatures? This is a relatively ambitious research direction for Thain for a long time to come.

The two female orangutans with a hint of "divine power" in front of them must be Thain's best research mice at present.

Even Lina, who has been studying occult science recently, after hearing that there were two divine orangutans here in Thain, she would come over from time to time and collect some of their blood samples.

The two female orangutans do have some kind of power factor in their bodies that Thain cannot yet detect.

He defined this special power as "divine power."

Also relying on these orangutan fanatic believers captured from the Kingdom of God, Lu Lianman and others are closely following the traces of the Ice Ape God and others.

It may be harder to tell for other ape gods, but for the ice ape god, judging from the meaning of Lu Lianman's recent words, there should be a great possibility of catching him.

Every alien war brings not only the accumulation of wealth and resources, but also the improvement of knowledge and insight.

Looking at the mother and daughter of the angels imprisoned in the metal cage, Thain did feel a certain sense of fulfillment.

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